So, just an update on the last batch of beer with the hazelnut extract. It's not bad at all. I don't know if the flavoring just sat in the end of the beer that I tasted or what, but the hazelnut flavoring is not overpowering. I have had 3 22oz bottles and I am pretty happy with the outcome, though I think I would have liked it better without the hazelnut. But, I can now say I brew the beer I drink. At least for the next week. I am going to have to ramp up production to have that as a permanent claim, but as of today it is true.

Just wanted to thank you for all the help so far buddy. Happy brewing.
good man, glad you liked it

and yea, if the hazelnut isnt like THOROUGHLY mixed in, you might get a pocket of just full flavor stuff
Hey Wheebz, I'm getting a shipment of homegrown hops. Don't know what variety they are.
What would you do with a mystery hop? Like a general purpose brew.
if they are cone hops, take a picture of them and post em up, and I can most likely tell you what kind they are

if I cant, use em at flame out, or during your whirlpool phase, add some nice aroma and flavor to a pale ale or IPA

dont use em for bittering because you have no idea what the alpha acids are gonna be

and if they smell moldy or cardboardy, dont use em at all
Hey y'all, said hops are in my garden. I'll post up a pic in a while.
I'm wondering exactly when to pick them. I picked one the other day and it had little yellow pollen in it,
and they are very tender and fragile almost. And yet moist and plmp. (I know there is a sig line in there somewhere).
I'll post a pic, and maybe you can help me with that too.

Do you want some Wheebz? I got lots.
I will always take hops dude

best way to ship em, is pick them, vacuum seal em, and send em my way

I can do a fresh hop ale with them, need like 4-6 pounds if you have that many

which is a lot i know
Don't they need to be dried before vac-sealed? I don't have a 1/2 HP Gemme wrapper,
so mabey a Hefty bag and a Shop•Vac? Lol

3-4 lbs dried? Or fresh? Not sure I have that much, but we'll see.
I hope these are good and you and FD and Sum can use them.





You're stoked!?!?!? f**k you, IM STOKED!

Wheebz, I'm gonna brew up 6 gallons of hopped mead with those.
Clover honey, CJ and Scovie's hops, water and cote de blanc (or should I use cuvée?).

Hoping for something sweet and tangy.
Any advice would be appreciated!
I don't think I need a ton for that. I'll add it to the boil.
to be honest they look like hallertau or hersbrucker, long skinny cones

ill figure it out tomorrow when I get back to work
ill figure it out tomorrow when I get back to work


I've been watching these things close for the last couple days.
I think they're ready now.
I'm a little concerned about picking them now and lettingbthem sit over the long weekend.
So I am thinking the best thing to do is, pick them on Monday, and ship them Tuesday.
Unless someone has a better suggestion?

FD and Wheebz, PM me your address where I should mail them.
I know you're moving soon Wheebz, so let me know by Monday eve where you want them to go.
I've been doing research.
I think our timing for picking and shipping will be spot on...