Have you had much feedback from the soft opening?

Another question. With Octoberfest approaching I'm thinking about tackling a Dunkel. I really liked Warsteiners Dunkel and would like to make something similar to that. I liked the maltiness and caramel flavor from it.

I've read different recipes and it seems that it's mostly a 50/45/5 Wheat/Munich or Pils/and some caramel? What yeast would you recommend to get close to Warsteiner?

funny you should say that
that is one of my top 5 favorite beers of all time
been trying to perfect a clone of that to much dismay, although I only tried twice

what I have gathered is basically pilsner, with like 2% biscuit and 2% to 3% chocolate
anything that will make it super dry will work, like the WLP830
Awesome thanks.

So did you get any feedback from customers? I would assume good being you cleared your kegs.

Oh what mash temp you think? 148-150 to keep it fermentable?

What about lagering? Follow yeast recommendations?
Okay. I'll go.

Starting to think of future batches. Specifically, an oatmeal cookie beer. Leaning towards a porter as opposed to a stout.

I'm planning to toast the flaked oats. Then add a raisin purée (maybe use Goldschalger), cinnamon and a little vanilla to the secondary. Also thinking about adding lactose to make it "cookies and milk".

Grains: 2row, caramel, chocolate, a little black pattent or debittered. Would biscuit be good to add to get some breadyness?

What's your opinion?
#winning at commercial stout this Summer - got a half dozen ea of mz, kbs, founders imp, ccb caffe americano, ten fidy, and puppy breath porter, and a couple each of rogue dbl choc, black ops, mbcp, and nikolai vorlauf ...

but, the mz release is typically my end of commercial hunting, and Fall's for brewing my own ...

plan to be up and running on new system by the time the groundwater cools off a bit more ...

i'm enjoying the turbid mashed saison i made with a half dozen saison yeasts, though ...


it's four gal and like 90% pils, 10% torrefied, w/ an oz of hbc438, and a little orange zest ... dry hopped with an oz wakatu ...




i dumped the tripel ... but reordered the yeast to rebrew it with a correct starter to kick off brewing on the new rig ...

Ozzy2001 said:
Okay. I'll go.

Starting to think of future batches. Specifically, an oatmeal cookie beer. Leaning towards a porter as opposed to a stout.

I'm planning to toast the flaked oats. Then add a raisin purée (maybe use Goldschalger), cinnamon and a little vanilla to the secondary. Also thinking about adding lactose to make it "cookies and milk".

Grains: 2row, caramel, chocolate, a little black pattent or debittered. Would biscuit be good to add to get some breadyness?

What's your opinion?
2 row, C60, chocolate, debittered black, oats and aromatic instead of biscuit
raisins or molasses, blackstrap works the best
sounds tasty
For this Dunkel lagering:
When the fermentation slows down I'm going to do a D rest free rising to 65F. After that, I've read conflicting info.

I plan to rack it over to a secondary then begin the lagering. I've read that some people don't rack it over. What is the proper technique? I figure rack it to avoid any yeast flavor and keep it clean.