Assaholic Birds!

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robbyjoe01 said:
Not trying to get off track from the derailment but why does my avatar have the 0 warning point under it. No one else does. I asked the administration but got no response. In fact I've only asked two questions to them the whole time I've been here and got no response to either. Just saying
Its only visible to you to inform you, you cant see other peoples warning points
Good now I feel like the dumb country bumpkin that I am we can go back to whatever we were arguing about. My honest opinion is why waste bullets and time trying to stop a stupid bird. I'm smart enough to know when I'm outnumbered and military savey to work with nature instead of against it. As far as stoping racism or cruelty to animals well ya just can't fix stupid
My apologies to everyone  but the two POS intolerant scumbags who shouldn't even be here or enjoying the peppers of other cultures if they can't except them. tolerating intolerance is unacceptable to me. Its like letting inbreeds make more inbreeds which only breeds ignorance. Its the last thing this site or this Country needs for that matter. 
D3monic said:
chickadees I don't mind some much, I get a lot of doves and assbirds. I mean grackles. I hate them jerks. I used to put up bird feeders but the grackles would just kick everything onto the ground and attack the other birds. Now I only put out thistle seed for golden finches. Though the seeds supposed to be inert my lawn begs to differ. 
I have had neighbors who were so bad that they drove the grackles away. The squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits were the first to leave. Then the sparrows and cardinals. Finally, even the grackles were scared off.
He doesnt know anything outside of the world he struggles to sanitize for his personal agenda and mental world peace.
He is a keyboard badass,which has been noted in chat many times.
There are several here that see him for what he is and what he continually push's for.
Its not his site,people are different and he needs to deal with his demons like a sober man
Always gassed up on hippy hay he is what he is.
Pay no mind to his juvenile name calling,he prolly still wets the bed too
Again,His mess to clean up . . . . . .

Myxlplyk said:
And you know this how?

TNKS said:
He doesnt know anything outside of the world he struggles to sanitize for his personal agenda and mental world peace.
He is a keyboard badass,which has been noted in chat many times.
There are several here that see him for what he is and what he continually push's for.
Its not his site,people are different and he needs to deal with his demons like a sober man
Always gassed up on hippy hay he is what he is.
Pay no mind to his juvenile name calling,he prolly still wets the bed too
Again,His mess to clean up . . . . . .

You come at me in PM, talk a bunch of crap and then put me on block. The definition of "chickenshit"
Tell sht for brains to check the time stamps
I responded via PM and "then" I dusted his pathetic ass off
Cowards are well known to lie
I served three tours for asshats like him to spew his opinions on social media
Those that gas up on hippy hay eventually sober up
Unless of coarse karma comes knocking and bets are checked
Never play 5 card with reality,you come home in a bag most often
Thanks ***** for the heads up,Im done with that zit,he's popped
TNKS said:
Tell sht for brains to check the time stamps
I responded via PM and "then" I dusted his pathetic ass off
Cowards are well known to lie
I served three tours for asshats like him to spew his opinions on social media
Those that gas up on hippy hay eventually sober up
Unless of coarse karma comes knocking and bets are checked
Never play 5 card with reality,you come home in a bag most often
Thanks ***** for the heads up,Im done with that zit,he's popped
Threatening me on the internet  :rofl: What a fucking genius
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