My nagas finally are ripe. After the disappointing unripe naga experience I was hoping they would be hotter. Took a few to my buddies’ house and somehow roped them into eating one with me. I have done red savinas and my very hot mini gold habs. They are hot but I can eat a whole one and enjoy the ride. My friends like grocery store hot. LOL
I had to take the plunge first, then, not to be out done, they quickly and foolishly followed. It was an interesting build. From ok, this is pretty hot, to the panic chewing trying to get it small enough to swallow. Then, all hell broke loose in the kitchen. Neither of them even tried to swallow a part of the naga. A few chews and on the counter they went. They were reduced to a hacking drool spewing mess.
I quickly choked it down. After the panic set in, I realized they had no milk, no bread, NOTHING in the house. All I found was a diet coke to try to pull my soul back into my body. I literally think it ran away from me. My mouth died and went numb (for a few hours). My stomach was very unhappy. It felt like something was trying to scratch its way out. Then the happy, adrenalin/endorphin rush set in and I was all warm and fuzzy. The reason I like hot peppers.
Oh, and to those wondering what happens when non chili heads eat a Naga. Its about the funniest thing you will ever see. Although, one of my buddies was down for the count, he was literally rolling on the ground moaning. They both didnt even swallow any of it. To quote one of them "for a second I thought I was going to die, and I wanted to."
I knew these were hot, but had no idea they would try and steal my soul.
I had to take the plunge first, then, not to be out done, they quickly and foolishly followed. It was an interesting build. From ok, this is pretty hot, to the panic chewing trying to get it small enough to swallow. Then, all hell broke loose in the kitchen. Neither of them even tried to swallow a part of the naga. A few chews and on the counter they went. They were reduced to a hacking drool spewing mess.
I quickly choked it down. After the panic set in, I realized they had no milk, no bread, NOTHING in the house. All I found was a diet coke to try to pull my soul back into my body. I literally think it ran away from me. My mouth died and went numb (for a few hours). My stomach was very unhappy. It felt like something was trying to scratch its way out. Then the happy, adrenalin/endorphin rush set in and I was all warm and fuzzy. The reason I like hot peppers.
Oh, and to those wondering what happens when non chili heads eat a Naga. Its about the funniest thing you will ever see. Although, one of my buddies was down for the count, he was literally rolling on the ground moaning. They both didnt even swallow any of it. To quote one of them "for a second I thought I was going to die, and I wanted to."
I knew these were hot, but had no idea they would try and steal my soul.