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Attention Pepper Reviewers!

I did my first review after buying some of Neil's sauces, and seeing as he is the true founder of the youtube 'chilli test' I thought it appropriate to do a review video of his sauces, as he (until last week with Skobiyan) will not test his own. After doing the naga sav and skobiyan, Neil then sent me his Yellow 7 as he wanted a review done for it and it just kind of started from there.

Then my plants started producing so I thought I may as well start doing some pods too.
I do it for lots of reasons, it's good fun (beleive it or not!), you get to meet a whole lot of likeminded people (I now meet up with Leo from homegrownukchili), the endorphin rush is amazing with the superhots, and I just like to see how well I can handle the heat. Also it's fun when a new variety or product pops up to try and be the first to review it......

In terms of eating a whole pepper / big spoon of sauce I do it because that's just the benchmark set by Neil :)

Some may find it crazy :crazy: but most people find it very entertaining and also informative, which is the main thing I want to acheive with my vids :dance:
Its not real pain just percieved pain, and once the endophins kick in then its pure pleasure. I don't see the point of growing peppers unless you're going to eat them and know their flavor and heat level, although eating a whole super-hot pod is not at all neccessary. Everybody has a different tolerance
Excellent post Patrick. I have wondered the same thing for a while. Neil's videos were the first I saw. I was in total awe of what he did and wanted to jump right into that world. I have always been a chileaddict, but the superhots were a whole new ballgame. All these videos are so entertaining to so many of us. Sure these guys and gals want to taste test these new dangerous chiles, but I think they like to entertain too.;) The macho and daring part of me makes me want to make some videos, but I just can't seem to do it. I now eat some of these superhots daily, but I'm too embarrassed to show the world all the sweating, jumping around, and facial contortions that come with it. I'm going to go eat a Caribbean Red Habanero right now (privately) and try not to make a spectacle of myself.
Can`t speak as vidoe reviewer... but I do just because.

While prepping fresh pods for seeds and to store they keep calling me to try just a little bit :hell:

Most times it all good... only the choc bhut and douglah really got me :lol:

CA, I am with you on the new ballgame. I was known as someone who would eat hot all the time. Heard of bhuts ect...
but since coming to THP the experience of consumption has changed my whole outlook on what is :mouthonfire: and what is just hot :rofl:
CA, I am with you on the new ballgame. I was known as someone who would eat hot all the time. Heard of bhuts ect...
but since coming to THP the experience of consumption has changed my whole outlook on what is :mouthonfire: and what is just hot :rofl:

The macho and daring part of me makes me want to make some videos, but I just can't seem to do it. I now eat some of these superhots daily, but I'm too embarrassed to show the world all the sweating, jumping around, and facial contortions that come with it. I'm going to go eat a Caribbean Red Habanero right now (privately) and try not to make a spectacle of myself.
Life is too short not to have a sense of humor about yourself!
Thanks everyone! Great answers from all of you.

I've never eaten an entire pod at once although I have done half of one. Nowadays I just take a small slice from top to bottom and go with that. I get all the flavor and heat but it doesn't last that long and there's no suffering at the other end. If I ever pulled out the video recorder I know I would end up talking myself into doing the whole damn thing so it's staying in the closet--for now anyway.

I really enjoy watching all of you too. The apprehension, nervousness and downright fear some of you display and still go through with it is amazing and says a lot about your character. A big thanks to all of you.
I dont do this often and have never done a superhot on video (just a couple times at work amongst friends) but its more about the awesome intense and wonderful flavour right at the begining, then the challenge of enduring it and then later getting that crazy mellow feeling that just makes the day... oh and lastly the awesome taste from some of the peppers that just stays with you long after the burn is gone.
good question. i started doing it out of respect for neil because after lots of years in the pepper game i got bored and didn't realize there were people out there that were really into this. after a half assed 2005 through 2007 where i put barely any effort into it and the people and the resturaunts in my area got bored with my chocolate and gold bullet habs i lost interest. then bhut jolokia came to the forefront and all of a sudden these countries that wanted to keep there peppers to themselves started puting them out there to compete with the bhut. look what that has brought us! all these great new strains and neil put a lot of those out there for people to see in the form of video. i didn't think i could do it like he does but i was damn sure gonna give it a shot. that's led up to this year and it just escaladed from there. i think i'm on vid 14 or 15 thanks to the generocity of a lot of cool people on this website. i guess i'll keep doing it till my colon no longer exists! great topic patrick!!
and yes i do love it that people watch the vids and i do love the comments. i'd be lying if i said i didn't. we all end up being known for something whether we like it or not. and i'm just fine being associated with this. it's something positive. theres certain resturaunts down here where i walk in and they know about the pepper thing and the tests. it becomes an ice breaker for me because i'm usually a very quiet private person. if i can be known for something that doesn't attract the attention of police , it's all good in the hood. as far as macho goes i don't consider that a factor for me. bullies need to be macho i really don't feel the need to do so.
I like seeing the different reviews. My one complaint is that most reviewers gloss over or fail to mention how the pepper actually tastes. They go right to the heat and describe the heat and where it is and how it hits. I really want to know how you think it tastes, not just the heat.
I like seeing the different reviews. My one complaint is that most reviewers gloss over or fail to mention how the pepper actually tastes. They go right to the heat and describe the heat and where it is and how it hits. I really want to know how you think it tastes, not just the heat.

That is the tough part. Usually only get 15 seconds to taste it before the heat gets yah.
I like seeing the different reviews. My one complaint is that most reviewers gloss over or fail to mention how the pepper actually tastes. They go right to the heat and describe the heat and where it is and how it hits. I really want to know how you think it tastes, not just the heat.
Good point. I will try and remember this for my future vids, however once the heat kicks in everything becomes a bit hectic and the taste goes out of the window LOL. Will make more of an effort to describe the taste throughout, not just the initial taste before the heat builds.
I tried to do 1 review...but unfortunately my camera sucks bad...

Why though? Well, when I did it, I was just bored. I like eating peppers raw anyway. always have. so why not try and review the pods for someone who could use the info.

basically boredom for me. That and I just like pods.

speaking of. Patrick if you Pm. me your Addy i got something for you. :hell:
good point about the flavour. i'm trying to get better about that. sometimes the burn is intense and i usually have to do a little write up after the video because lets face it the review isn't over when the video is!like with the scorpions , for the first 8 or 9 minutes the capsicum flavour is to strong to get an accurate flavour profile but by 12 to 15 minutes it mellows and you get a real nice almost sweet pepper flavour. it's just getting to the 15 minute mark without having to change your pants!
Very sad to say I've not have the pleaser of testing many. As I grow up have very few to try and most were not to my liking. Had games with friend who can eat more Jalapenos. Was fun for me. But after trying Orange Habaneros I like getting them and go after them. Now I have to try MORE, after all if one pepper can change my thinking so much COULD THERE BE BETTER ONES,,, LOL.... :pray:

Still waiting to find out. But I thank all who teach there are some great ones out there. And I too eat hole peppers, to see what I like and don't. Soon I hope my Habs fruit for the next tests,,,
I've tried a few super-hot pods now out of curiosity. While I find the flavors of them enjoyable I can still find that same taste after dehydrating/grinding them into manageable servings that wont provide subsequent stomach cramps vice eating an entire pod.

Would I ever make a video? If I had a working cam, probably, but would I post it? I doubt it would be all that entertaining or educational as it would primarily be wiping my nose and sniffling.