contest August Throwdown

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Which [background=transparent]in[/background] [background=transparent]itself[/background] is quite strange, the idea that one could have an [background=transparent]identical[/background] experience, down to the last detail, [background=transparent]down[/background] to [background=transparent]the[/background] internal qualia, the exact interior frame of [background=transparent]mind,[/background] [background=transparent]emotions,[/background] a frame of consciousness duplicated [background=transparent]with[/background] [background=transparent]startling[/background] exactitude, that would be unsettling [background=transparent]enough.[/background]
-- [background=transparent]Charles[/background] Yu, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional [background=transparent]Universe[/background]

For you, RM.....
But JT - you're a Superhero! Can't you just stop time for TB, so he can kick our arses in a Cheese TD, and not lose a single day of his healthyness???? ;)
I would CJ, but this new and strange TB, I don't even know who he is anymore... I mean, he even said he was swearing off tortillas! ANYTHING with that kind of power over him I DO NOT want to mess with.
Oh, the Real TB's still in there somewhere!

He's just in temporary repentance for his culinary sins.

If he abstains for too long, Tejas'll kick 'im out.......and that just ain't gonna happen!!!!! ;)
Rest assured y'all the diet thingy is only temporary.

I lost 5 pounds this week.

Yes I'm dieting.

I make exceptions for queso and AJ's poppers.
dont worry t.b. im getting back to my fighting weight also. been working out everyday and eating better. heck,im only drinking about a gallon a week instead of 2! :rofl:
I'm gonna start a brand new thread for y'all.

"Sober Dieters"

You can discuss your new, ever-changing waistlines, how much you're NOT drinking,
and share tips on how to continue your success...
Treadmill, or Sidewalk.
Pilates or Yoga.
Geen Tea or Smoothie.

Either way, I'll see you in Hell !!!!!!!!!!!
Mention was made earlier of queso for a throwdown.

Kidding aside, I don't think thats a great idea so much.

I like some variety.

I went to a tex-mex joint in Austin today, Trudy's, and tried their queso with chips.

The chips were hot, fresh, and fried perfectly.

The queso was the same, and I mean exactly the same queso I've had at the last several tex-mex joints I've been to.

They all did the velveeta, milk, rotel tomato 'thang.

Then again, queso is like sex.

When its good its great.

When its bad...

Its still pretty good.
Which [background=transparent]in[/background] [background=transparent]itself[/background] is quite strange, the idea that one could have an [background=transparent]identical[/background] experience, down to the last detail, [background=transparent]down[/background] to [background=transparent]the[/background] internal qualia, the exact interior frame of [background=transparent]mind,[/background] [background=transparent]emotions,[/background] a frame of consciousness duplicated [background=transparent]with[/background] [background=transparent]startling[/background] exactitude, that would be unsettling [background=transparent]enough.[/background]
-- [background=transparent]Charles[/background] Yu, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional [background=transparent]Universe[/background]

For you, RM.....

Y'all been watchin WAY too much Doctor Who lately, and that's all I have to say on that subject.
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