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Average Time for Color Change

Hey all this is my first post on this forum although I have been monitoring it for some time.

I have 17 pepper plants growing in my back yard most are around 2-3 FT tall, many have peppers on them.

How long does it take for a pepper to go from green to red once it has reached its full size?

1.) My Carolina Cayenne has tons of peppers on it, the largest of which are around 3-4" in length, have been on the plants for almost 3 weeks
and are still green. Is this normal? If you can't tell by color when a pepper has ripened, is there a textural change?

2.) My bhuts have just started to produce peppers, a couple are around 1-2" now. Whats the general time frame for a bhut from when it first appears
until its ready for picking? Same thing with Habs and Scotch Bonnets?

I would post some pics but Im on business travel.

Thanks ahead of time for any responses.

Orlando, FL
:welcome: from Ontario.
As for the ripening. I think it depends on a bunch of factors. How much sun and temperature and the variety your growing. But on average i would say close to a month in my experience.
Welcome from Fern Park, right around the corner from ya.... I started mine late this year, sounds like ya got going at the right time...
I had green pods back in early March that didn't start changing color until last week. I'm thinking that temparature was the factor that kicked off the ripening process. At least in my case.
Welcome from Fern Park, right around the corner from ya.... I started mine late this year, sounds like ya got going at the right time...

Yup, started seedlings indoors around Christmas.

I had green pods back in early March that didn't start changing color until last week. I'm thinking that temparature was the factor that kicked off the ripening process. At least in my case.

Ahh, ok, I'm alsmot in the same boat, my carolina cayenne have been full grown for almost a month now but are still all green. Guess we will jsut wait and see.
Just a heads up, on the bhuts especially ..... even a month maybe premature. Can be up to two months. They can take a LONG time to ripen. Best advice there is .... go do something else and forget about them for awhile. One day you'll walk out there and see they are red as can be.

Otherwise.... its torture :P
OK, I understand the patience aspect, however yesterday I went out to my Carolina Cayenne which has had full grown peppers on it for about 5 weeks and barely touched one pepper and it fell off. All of the peppers appear extremely healthy but then again I don't know what I am doing. I will post a pic shortly.

Do ripened peppers have a textural differeence? Are they firmer? softer?

If you have a metric buttload of green Cayenne pods, try a bite of one of the larger ones. Many folks around here actually prefer them that way...
It seems like foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - and I keep checking 2-3 times a day in case I missed one - patience IS a virtue