Baconnaise- Man's greatest achivement

JayT said:
TB c'mon. I'm not an amateur. I was thinking as a topping after it comes out. Especially for the puff pastry variety.

No! It can work have enough other wham whams and zuzu's in there and something else to act as a binder like breadcrumbs but then you lose the effect of the baconaise have a shitload of bacon in the "aise".

You amatuer? Never! You're already a Popper Overlord!

Cheers, TB.
BTW..tasted my version after it'd sat collecting and refining it's hab heat and bacon-ness overnight..and HOLY CRAP THAT'S GOOD!! keeps getting hotter and baconey-er as it sits....eating a smoked deli turkey and cheese sammich on wheat w/ it now, and z0mG!!

Must. Make. More.


  • Fatali and/or Chipotle would rule in this.

  • Need to use a lighter oil like canola and use MOAR bacon.

  • Bacon Oil would also rule totally.

  • Curry Baconnaise?
  • Chipotle-Morich-Baconnaise FTW!!!
Quad, that is something else you made. Looks good. Can you make other bacon things. I was looking for bacon anti-perspirant & deodorant stick. How about bacon flavored swedish fish? :)
QuadShotz said:
BTW, Just imagine making potato/macaroni salad w/ THAT...

Dude your making me hungry! That sounds like a killer idea.
