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bacterial spot

I have some bacterial spot on some of my leaves on one of my plant. Could i use hydrogen peroxide for that or should i wait until i get cupro 5000 (copper) and Mancozeb, but that could take a week until i get. Is copper for preventive use so i could start with hydrogen peroxide and use copper on rest of my plants when i get it and when i get Mancozeb then switch to use that on the infected plant? If i can use hydrogen peroxide then i could use the table two (for sick plants) on this site? http://www.using-hydrogen-peroxide.com/gardening-with-hydrogen-peroxide.html
Could i also use hydrogen peroxide as preventive if i use it like table one on that site?
how many plants have BS and how many plants total do you have...it is very contagious...if it were me, I would trash the plant and sanitize my whole grow area(s)
The problem is that its my Bhut Jolokia Chocolate and its producing a lot of pods, so i cant trash it. But i'm not sure that it is bacterial spot, this was one of the plant i used pine sol on to remove some bugs and its only the old leaves that has this spots and after i used the pine sol the sun shows up. But it dont looks like sunburn, or? I will try everything to keep this plant.
then it will be fine...bacterial spot is not a common problem among hobby growers if the keep their grow areas clean and void of all dead/dying vegetative matter..it mostly effects large commercial growers that get infected seed...
bugs?....what kind...aphids, mites, beetles?
aphids (black, not much, i did finde maybe 5 total on my 30 plants), but i have used some other stuff to remove them since i got some info that its not good to use pine sol. But is it bacterial spots?

And this is on one of my biggest plants and it dont have any leaves at the bottom so the air circulation is very good on this plant and there hasnt been any dead leaves there for more than maybe 1 day.
from what you have said, I would say no to BS, and it was the bugs that were causing your issue...
do you have a jewelers loop?....makes ID'ing nasties that get on your plants very easy...I have a 10X x 20X but I am buying one of these right now...it is 60X with a light....for 5 bucks...man that's cheap...wonder how the workmanship is on it...
could be, but those spots look like bug bites from the underside of the leaf to me...
its hard to see the spots from the underside, but if i look againts the light from underside all spots looks bigger than on the frontside. If it helps, this plant did have heavy edema? (to much water when young). But again, all the spots did came if i remember correct after i used the pine sol and all the new leaves looks healty. This spots have been there for 2 weeks and there have been other plants touching this plant and they dont have any spots.
ok...here is the issue...you don't know what it is...you mentioned Bacterial Spot to begin with, then you said you had bugs, now you say you had edema...and unless you are sure what it is, treating it with a "shotgun" effect just isn't smart...
I will quit giving advice until you positively identify the issue...
by the way...you can't see spider mites with the naked eye...take a piece of white paper...the whiter the better...then hold it under the leaf and brush your hand on the leaf towards the paper...if there are any little dots moving around, they you probably a mite problem... most common where I am is red spider mites and they are a bitch to get rid of...
AlabamaJack said:
ok...here is the issue...you don't know what it is...you mentioned Bacterial Spot to begin with, then you said you had bugs, now you say you had edema...and unless you are sure what it is, treating it with a "shotgun" effect just isn't smart...
I will quit giving advice until you positively identify the issue...
by the way...you can't see spider mites with the naked eye...take a piece of white paper...the whiter the better...then hold it under the leaf and brush your hand on the leaf towards the paper...if there are any little dots moving around, they you probably a mite problem... most common where I am is red spider mites and they are a bitch to get rid of...
No, i dont know what it is, thats why i'm asking. I did a search on spots and did see that it maybe could be bacterial spots. I have had sunburn but this dint looks the same so thats why i started to look what it could be. I didnt think it could be bugs since i didnt know that bug bite could make this kind of spots, i'm totaly new to growing. If it was bugs and that problem is solved, how could i be sure that it isnt bacterial spots? If i dont get any more spots there isnt bacterial?
I only mentioned edema to help find out what this could be, i dont know if edema could make this kind of spots? but edema isnt bugs? and i did solve the edema problem by watering less and all new leaves the last 2 months are fine. 
After i did finde the aphids and info that i shouldnt use pine sol i have sprayed them with phyretrin/oil mixed with water 3 times on 9 days (advice from the shop). I did order neem oil on ebay and have that for later use.
Looking at the picture on my laptop i can see it much more clearly, i'm still going to stick with potassium deficiency. I would like a better look of the leaf next to it, do you have one? And also can you upload more pictures of the leafs on the effected plant, especially any leafs that are distorted in colour.. even if its only very slight.
Norway - sunburn  :lol:
your best method for treating most insects that "breathe" through their exoskeleton is a few drops of dish detergent in a liter of water...then spray the heck out of the plants...that suffocates them..
by the way, I have never heard of using pine sol on plants before...must be something new...
as a new grower, tendencies are to assume the worse...but if you don't know how to properly identify problems, you need to do a lot of reading...and I am not trying to be an asshole about it either...
there are several good "keys" to insect/disease/health problems...NMSU CPI has a good starting place and I would not be surprised if some of the scholarly institutions in your fair country have some too..
here is a link to the NMSU CPI website that has "troubleshooting" information..there are over 40 different diseases/types of disease and pest listed and addressed here
scotchnaga85 said:
Looking at the picture on my laptop i can see it much more clearly, i'm still going to stick with potassium deficiency. I would like a better look of the leaf next to it, do you have one? And also can you upload more pictures of the leafs on the effected plant, especially any leafs that are distorted in colour.. even if its only very slight.
Norway - sunburn  :lol:
:-) i did get sunburn when i moved my plants out from basement to the sun to harden them. This summer in Norway has been the hottest summer ever :-)
Potassium is the K in NPK? Since i have moved them from smaller pots to bigger pots 3-4 times and then used new soil (from the shop, not my own since i dont make any compost yet) that did have NPK in it i havent used much nutrient, the one i have used most of the time is some liquid stuff with only NP (it has a lot of humus so thats why i have used it), i have used nutrient for tomato plants with NPK, but not much, and epsom salt and some calcium nitrate (curled leaves). I dont remember, but it could be that the new leaves that dont have any spot grow out after i moved from 3gal to the final 5gal pot, so maybe it had used all the K in the old soil? Could i add only potassium (is it possible to get only that?).
AlabamaJack said:
here is a link to the NMSU CPI website that has "troubleshooting" information..there are over 40 different diseases/types of disease and pest listed and addressed here
Thanx :-)
Potassium is the K, some plants use more of then others, especially those loaded with pods in pots to small for the plant. I've a number of plants this year suffering from K deficiencies - I've had a lot of leaf drop from it.
AlabamaJack said:
from what you have said, I would say no to BS, and it was the bugs that were causing your issue...
do you have a jewelers loop?....makes ID'ing nasties that get on your plants very easy...I have a 10X x 20X but I am buying one of these right now...it is 60X with a light....for 5 bucks...man that's cheap...wonder how the workmanship is on it...
As long as it works its a bargain .. might have to get one of those myself ...
scotchnaga85 said:
Potassium is the K, some plants use more of then others, especially those loaded with pods in pots to small for the plant. I've a number of plants this year suffering from K deficiencies - I've had a lot of leaf drop from it.
ok, this is my biggest plant and its lots of pods on it. I can get this today http://www.kali-gmbh.com/uken/fertiliser/products/mop_granulate.html
When you gave them Potassium di you spray or watering and how much?, one teaspoon in 1/2 gal water and watering?
Until you show us more leafs and prefrably a few close up shots of the plant in question, a proper diagnosis can't be made. So hold off the treatment for a moment... :-)