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Bah Humbug!

Its getting to be that time of year. When all the folk whom are happy and cheery decorate their homes with those oh so colorful and bright Christmas lights.

Well, I'm the one guy in the neighborhood who's house can be seen from outer space. This year I hope to top 50,000 lights. The problem I am having, which I am soliciting YOUR help, is that I do NOT have a Santa Clause.

What I am looking for is a lit wire frame Santa Clause. I have scoured the Internet for the last THREE YEARS searching for such a being and have yet to find one. If anyone poses such a creature and would like to sell it please let me know.

And NO, I do NOT want an airblown ANYTHING! :shame:
A lit wire one? Hmmmm......i may have seen one of those around here before. There's a couple of REALLY large Christmas only type stores around here that have tons of crap in them. I'll check them out for you when i can. And i agree with you. I think all that inflatable shit sucks.
oh great he thinks is friggin Clark Grizwald!!!!! 50,000 LIGHTS???? That ought stimulate the economy in your neck of the woods.....for the electric company at least....Hell they'll be able to afford larger bonuses this year cuz of you!!! You'll be one of the few on their Christmas list!!!!! LMAO!!!!!

be sure to post pics!!!! There is a neighborhood around here where all the people on the street compete with each other....I'll have to take some pics this year!!!

As for the lit wire frame Santa Clause if you can't find one make one out of El Wire!! That would look cool!!!!!!
not reall too sure what ya mean by lit wire frame??

is this what you are talking about??:

I found that one here: http://www.christmasdepot.com/search.php?utm_term=santa+claus&seatch_btn.x=42&seatch_btn.y=9
I was going to say something along the lines of "i don't want to hear any bitching about your electric bills being so damn high or being broke all year" Scott but then i saw the joking part.
Years ago, there was this guy out in the boonies, and I mean way far out in the boonies that decorated his entire FARM with lights and ornaments. Well over 100,000 lights and they were not the little ones either. It was quite the display!

Looking forward to seeing the photos of your place once it's set up cajunheat!!!

Just down the road from me is the Hunter Valley Gardens which host the largest christmas light display in Australia (their claim) with over half a million lights.


I went there last year on christmas eve and it's pretty cool!!!!
Sickmont has it right. A 3D wire frame with lights. Its amazing that NO ONE has such a thing. I have 3D toy soldiers, snow man & woman, reindeer, a frickin ferris wheel, merry go round, and see saw, but no damn santa clause.

I would also like a nativity scene made of the same material, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
I can understand doing lights, and some do it very well, but there are some that just clutter their yard for the sake of having the most lights. I remember as a kid when we went to see family in Little Rock, Ark at Christmas, I always looked forward to seeing one house in particular. Here is a link to the story behind the lights and everything the guy has had to go through, including being sued and dealing with the Arkansas Supreme Court, to continue putting up his lights.

Well...another year without Santa Clause! My counting must have been way off last year, because I'm just now knocking at 20,000 lights. I'll post a pic as soon as it's complete.

Wow that's nuts! I don't see houses done like that around here!

Don't know what everyone else is doing but around here but im - No lights - No tree - No gifts!

Bah Humbug! :rolleyes:

As im on a rant why do we have christmas lights on in november! This member wants more attention paid to halloween and less to christmas! :violin:
rds040800 said:
I can understand doing lights, and some do it very well, but there are some that just clutter their yard for the sake of having the most lights. I remember as a kid when we went to see family in Little Rock, Ark at Christmas, I always looked forward to seeing one house in particular. Here is a link to the story behind the lights and everything the guy has had to go through, including being sued and dealing with the Arkansas Supreme Court, to continue putting up his lights.


yeah I saw the Osborne display a few times - he bought the houses on either side of him even so he could expand his set-up

He had to have the electric company come in so he could have enough juice to run all the lights

He sent most of his display a few years ago to be set up at Disney World I think

I like these set-ups - they don't have a million lights but they set it by computer and sycronise the music through a local radio station so people are listening through their car radio as they watch - a number of different people all over do this now I think


Not as many lights as I was hoping, just under 20,000, but I'm already working on next years additions that should put me close to 30,000 lights!!!