The latest Photos of my thriving superchiles are here:
My garden is small, only around 30 feet x 6 feet. One of the superchile's in not too far away from where the bahamian goat is, with the same sun exposure. The weather in my zone has been fine. We had a recent heat wave which didn't appear to have harmed the peppers, but the goat's bad progress was noticed long before then. My garden gets enough sunlight to produce vegetables, but the exposure is non standard. The surrounding tree canopy prevents all day sun. I haven't mapped out the exact sun exposure, but basically, the peppers get a few hours of direct sun, then some time period of blocked sun, then some more direct sun, and so on. It is now my suspicion that Chinense varieties need more hours of uninterrupted direct sunlight, in order to grow well and produce fruits.
The only 2 peppers that have thrived and produced a lot of pods in my environment are superchiles and lemon drops. I've produced a few pods of other peppers, but only annuums.