seed-plant-vendors Baker Peppers did me wrong!! Should have listened to THP and went with JUDY!!

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So my wife ordered peppers on December 5th for my birthday and a company Hotluck. Peppers should have shipped according to Dales website Monday the 9th so days later and 2 follow up emails, 1 phone message and no contact from Dale at ALL. No answering email and no phone just plain bad customer service period!!  So I check his website today as this was not up yesterday and low and behold:
[SIZE=large]*********Attention!!! There was no shipping done on 12/9/13...we were out of town last minute....all orders will ship Mon Dec 16th********Check out our "Holiday SALES" section to see whats HOT for this years gift ideas!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=large]These peppers were supposed to be for a hotluck Christmas lunch at work for the 17th. There are 16 of us pepper heads here who will never and I mean never buy anything from BakersPeppers.  Just so you know this isn't made up here is the proof!! Of course he got the money..... now I am stuck with powder or frozen .....and if Dale needs anymore people who think he sucks as a business man. He just added 16 to the list!! He just totally screwed up my Company Christmas lunch paid on December 5th and maybe fresh peppers by Christmas??? Next time I am ordering from Pepper Lover or Sicman [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Original Transaction[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Date[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Type[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Status[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Details[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Amount[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Dec 5, 2013[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Purchase From Baker's Peppers LLC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Completed[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]-$19.99 USD [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10pt]Related Transaction[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Date[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Type[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Status[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Details[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Amount[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Dec 5, 2013[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Add Funds from a Bank Account[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] CompletedYour transfer from your bank account to your PayPal account is complete.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Your transfer from your bank account to your PayPal account is complete.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt] Details[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]$19.99 USD [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Business Name:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Baker's Peppers LLC (The recipient of this payment is Verified[/SIZE])
[SIZE=9pt]Mixed Sampler Fresh Peppers - 1 SFRB
[SIZE=9pt]$19.99 USD[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]$19.99 USD[/SIZE]​
This thread is too much, I can bet he knows and he just won't say anything because it's too much for him. Stay low key and wait to strike back.

I just can't believe there's businessmen like that won't even bother to apologize.

I was gona order from him because he has bubblegum 7's. Not anymore and I have friends here that order sometimes from vendors I told them to stay away from Bakers. I have people visit me to look at my plants and I tell them to don't buy from pepperjoe and I give them some seed.

Well let me start by saying this. Sorry to Brain Strain Pepper Head. Sorry you didnt get the peppers you ordered. I refunded your $$ no problem and if you still need them you can purchase them via our website.
How do i even begin to comment on what hapened? I will just tell the story and leave it at that...PERIOD! No comments, no he said she said...just facts and im moving forward...
I had plans 6 months ago to go out of town this month. When i originally made the plans i had intended to be in town to do my usual shipping day on Monday the 9th. Last minute plan changes left me to have one of my best workers oversee the shipping day on the 9th, as i left town to Joes in SC the Friday morning before. Well, my guy i left to do it never showed up to do the shipping as he had a family emergency. The next day i was made aware that shipping was not done that day and ASAP i posted on our websites homepage as well as facebook that shipping didnt happen, and that it would happen the following Monday on the 16th of Dec. I also further stated on Facebook that if ANYONE needed a refund for my businesses mistake of not shipping the 9th to please email me and i would GLADLY refund any customer for my mistake. It took a couple days to get these notices up online as Joes cabin i was staying at had ZERO internet or cell reception (Its in the MOUNTAINS folks....!)
Long story short i had some "Technical difficulties" with shipping on Dec 9th, i offered full refunds to ANY customer who was effected by MY MISTAKE and i hope to move forward as a business from this. None of my problems i listed above are the customers responsibility. I OWN EVERY SINGLE ONE! :) Sometimes you think you have ALL your bases covered, but in the end "BLEEP" happens sometimes, and your out of state not even aware of a problem. I just got online today for the first time in over a week and read ALL this drama and it really is something that could have been avoided if i had better planning before i left out of town on business. My customers know they can depend on me to ship the products they order, and once in a great while things happen and no business owner is perfect. I deeply apologize to anyone who may have been effected by this, and in the future we will do our best to make sure this doesnt happen again...
Again, if there is ANY other customers out there that need a refund due to this shipping day mistake PLEASE email me ( and i will send you a FULL refund! We are terribly sorry for the mistake!
Sizzling Salutations!,
Dale Baker Jr, CEO
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers on Twitter
You know, I was questioning whether or not to use your store based on your attitude from some of that other drama in the past, but your post just gave me a lot of respect for you. I think the average person would have handled this terribly, but your post was very well done. Things do happen, especially for small businesses.
So if that is true, the person who told you the other no-showed couldn't do the shipping the next day? Okay so they had to wait a week...  but you posted a note on your website and didn't contact any customers. They were expected to check your site. You still haven't contacted any, according to this customer, and a customer that just posted elsewhere. So you rely on a public post on this forum a week later for all to see (some may, some may not) as your customer service and apology? I hope you can do better business in the future, I don't care for the way you've handled this and the members deserve much better! All these issues do is create forum drama, and it hurts your name. Maybe you can make good on some of those orders.
Baker, I'm baffled that you didn't contact your customers via email. You can't expect them all to be on FB, like your FB, or notice the FB message. That and not apologizing is your only mistake. Even if it's not your fault, it's good business etiquette to apologize for delays.
BakersPeppers said:
Again, if there is ANY other customers out there that need a refund due to this shipping day mistake PLEASE email me ( and i will send you a FULL refund! We are terribly sorry for the mistake!
This isn't the best place to get in touch with your customers. You should contact them individually via email.
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