seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

Gotrox said:
I have purchased from Baker's, and always satasfied.
But holy cow---I just won a simple contest and expected a few peppers and little goodies.
What can I say except "this is gonna hurt".
Dont forget my friend that you also have $25 to spend on our website too! So if u see something you like....well....just let me know! :D
Dale Jr
I recently won the slogan contest for Dale at Baker's Peppers.  That alone was awesome, but I had no idea what was on its way to my house.  Winner was to receive a "Baker's Burnin' Bundle"  which consists of 7 different types of seed.Not only did he send that, but he was kind of enough to include much much more!  What awaited me was a big box of goodies.  My mind was blown.  Take a look:


I only wish I knew which pods are which and what all was sent.  I plan to dehrydrate these to make powder and would like to keep it all separate.   Remember what all you sent Dale?
Look at the stinger on this bastard

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't half way through the jerky already.  It's pretty damn good and I love jerky.  My 2 year old son through a fit because he couldn't have any lol
So Dale, thank you very much sir.  I am both extremely greatful and happy as a kid in a candy store.  Hot candies that is lol

Jerky is gone lol
Well ,got my order of mixed pods. I figured its my first time ordering fresh pods so i ordered from bakers and another vendor that advertises on here. To see whos gonna be my vendor. But after opening my box of pods today,man was i impressed by bakers, nice fresh,crispy pods.a combination of browns and reds.not a 100% on the Brown types. The reds were reapers and brainstrain. Also got a couple freebie packs of seeds.which was cool,but the headliner was a thing of beauty,Brown beauty that is.not sure what it is exactly ,dont know how to get pictures on here.but its long ,lumpy, Brown, fat,and least three inches. If you see this post dale from bakers,id lije to know what is.looks like the bhutlah f.b.i. reviewed
Hey there..thanks for the kind words :)
Looks like a Douglah slipped in there :) They are grown right next to my Chocolate Scorpions, and they are such HUGE plants (8ft tall plus!) that sometimes they overhang into the scorpion section and my pickers accidently pick some while picking the Chocolate Scorpion section. We DO NOT sell Douglahs as of right now, they are being grown for a sauce contract. May make them available soon though, if theres extra :) Enjoy the Mix box my man!
In an ever changing world of "Pepper Vendors" im very pleased to hear that you chose US to make your first purchase from! Im also glad your box reached you in California, safely and that they were "nice fresh,crispy pods..." to quote your post. :) Thats a LONG  journey for the peppers to make across the country from Florida! Enjoy them and please let me know if i can help you with anything else! :)
ANOTHER satisfied customer....will the next one be you?? :D
Dale Jr
Quibbler said:
I won the October pepper-o-lantern contest and DAMN I was not expecting so many goodies :)

fun contest, awesome prize, quick delivery, I will definitely be ordering more from you soon :)
Glad to see it all made it to you in great time and condition! :D
Thanks for taking part in the contest, we hope EVERYONE who can get in on them does!! We do one EVERY month in the "Promotion" section here on!
Dale Jr
Quibbler said:
I won the October pepper-o-lantern contest and DAMN I was not expecting so many goodies :)

fun contest, awesome prize, quick delivery, I will definitely be ordering more from you soon :)
What are the 7 Pot Merlot...a color variation or a new strain?
I have a mixed review here, but over all I will recommend Bakers Peppers... Read on.
I placed an order and unfortunately the post office lost tracking, eventually the package came back to Bakers.
I wasn't the happiest to be told at FIRST - that 'our site policy states that once it leaves - it's not our problem, it's 'ur' problem with the post office.
I wasn't happy with the shortcuts on spelling, for ? Are there OTHER shortcuts being taken ? I need things to be spelled out properly when doing business.
Either way - Dale said he would send out a free box, but I still felt that I had spent $65 and well ? I was hoping that if I spend $65 ? Regardless of whether it's the post office's fault or not ? 
I'd think any seller would say "Hey - I ALWAYS want you to feel comfortable knowing that if you spend $65 with me ? you WILL get your order"
I eventually called Paypal and Paypal let me know that I would have been covered by Paypal buyer protection policy, Dale knows very well that he did not let me know I would have been covered.
Bottom line was - I was left to believe that I just spent $65 and well ? Post office didn't know what happened.  My post office said it was insured to $50 but only the sender could collect, Dale did tell me both consumer OR sender can collect.
I'll believe my post office first.
In the end ? I DID get my second package- the product ? was perfect, except ? I had purchased buy 3 SFRB'd get 3 SFRB's for free ? You can visit and see a snapshot of Bakerspeppers website for October 15th range ? and you will see it says buy 3 SFRB's get 3 SFRB's.
I got 3 SFRB's - you know ? in boxes ? and then the other 3 SFRB quantity  ? all 3 were just piled into one pile in a ball of newspaper.
I don't like eating food out of newspaper. 
HOWEVER - technically ? the dried peppers I got from Dale in small font says "Not labeled for human consumption"
So ? Maybe I'm not supposed to eat any of them.
I bought them for seed.
Unfortunately ? 1/2 of my order ? was just thrown into a ball of newspaper ? and I can't tell primos from butch-t's that well - they can be close.
So ? I really lost out on 50% of my order's value to me, plus I opted not to self dry the ones in newspaper, I understand it's soy based ink these days ? 
But I once got some peppers from Ebay in newspaper that made me ill, I thought, no clue what caused it ? Not taking the chance.
So,  in the end ?  Dale has REAL nice product.
Poor packaging and novice support.
I do give Dale lots of room here in the future.  I think Bakerspeppers can succeed ? 
But they have to kick up the service a notch.
Take PepperJoe - who I read here visited Dales facility and was quite impressed.
PepperJoe ? I had a problem with the seeds ? he resent-   I had yet another problem ? he resent AND demanded he refund me  !  Now - THAT is a stand up man.
PepperJoe has terrific service, I see PepperJoe invited Dale to go fishing next time he's down there, I only ask Dale take up some advice from PepperJoe -
who without question - I have no fear in ordering from - I will ALWAYS order from PepperJoe - why ? Because I KNOW he will ALWAYS take care of me - and simply not get petty 
and say "our site policy says it's not our problem once it leaves into the post" - not about that Dale
It's about - customer MUST be taken care of,  before your profits.  
I ran into "I'm not in the business of giving my product away from free"  "you are lucky you're getting a second box"
We can start posting everything we wrote here Dale ? NOT recommended ? 
or ? You can say- hey - I DO need to improve, and I REALLY want to earn the trust and respect of the customers I gain here.
To that ? so LONG as you are TRYING ? at LEAST TRYING ? 
I truly wish BakersPeppers the best.
They have HIGH quality product, so they have the hard parts taken care of.  I read they have great plants - and I expect their seeds are top quality as well.
Just make sure you ask the free ones to be separated, or ask if you can pay to have them separated, that is, if like me ? you were ordering for seed.
Something tells me BakersPeppers will be a success in the long term,  I'm giving Dale lots of room here, I think he's got the pepper growing part down, and he might just be new to the business side.
So ? My final consensus ? 
I do recommend BakersPeppers, you ARE covered by Paypal if anything post wise should ever happen, and really ? had it not been for the post office problem that started us on the wrong foot ? and the  3 free boxes (unboxed) just bundled ? When I would not have ordered if I knew they were mixed, but they didn't say they would be mixed   ? but had it not been for that ? Again - a simple learning experience Bakers side and my side ? 
I'd say I'd be 100% satisfied.
I too make mistakes, and grow from them.  And I am first in line to say "I screwed up" when I do, if I don't ? I can't move on or grow.  
So - there you have my experience.
Give BakersPeppers a try - I bet my experience with them improved the packing techniques, if not ? you know to just make sure you ask that all free SFRB's will indeed be separated.
I've grown from the mishap I had, I hope Dale has.  I hope we move on to better days and better ways (boy that sounds corny- but it does rhyme !)
It's me Dale - Kendra Synthia.
I know you said you didn't want my business any more - but I'd like to be able to order from you, after all, you do have very nice product.  
I had remove my email because I got so frustrated with everything  - sorry you can't write back, you did say you weren't going to though, so reply here maybe.
Just let me know if I can order from you again.   Few people have pods all winter, you're the only one I know that does that has real good pods/plants.
Dale, the above review was a troll review by Tim Miltz of Indiana, PA. Not sure if you shipped anything there but that's who was pretending to be Kendra.

Also trolled here. It appears he was let out of his psychiatric hospital a little too early, unless they have internet.
Yes, that is the appropriate emoticon. You guys are only privy to the public posts but that emoticon is dead on.
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