seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

i purchased 4 moruga plants and they were trindad scrorpion. baby them 6 mos to find out they were trinidad scorpion thanks dale piss off

I'm terribly sorry about your plants....I sold about 1,000 of them as seedlings back in the spring and this is the second case where I have been told they didn't grow true...I did ship both Trinidad Scorpions and Trinidad Scorpion Moruga....I'm terribly sorry they possibly got switched by accident...I'm sending you a PM to see if there's anything I can do to make it up to you....sorry about the mix up...Message coming now...

Dale Jr
Personally I am not involved, and neither are you. Maybe we should leave it that way.

Unless you are just trying to escalate the situation.

Perhaps, if only to make it go away as quickly as possible ...

I don't feel like unsubscribing from the thread, since Baker's is relatively local ... nor do I feel like listening to her whine w/o so much as a picture or anything substantial to support her claim.

As they say, pics or it didn't happen ...

Feel free to encourage or discourage her as you see fit, I'm just voicing my opinion.

I have been in contact with hotpeppergirl....I have explained to.her that I shipped over 1,000 seedlings last spring...they were Trinidad Scorpion & Trinidad Scorpion Moruga...I told her that it had to be my mistake and sent her 4 of the regular scorpion plants instead of the was an honest mistake...I have had MANY customers email me and say they love the Morugas and they all grew true...i didn't intentionally send her the wrong plants nor did I sell her scorpion plants hat i tried to sell her as was just a mistake on my part....plain an simple....I have offered her store credit, which she refused....I have again asked her what can I do to make it right....and personally I don't blame her for being upset, as I too have been through the same situation myself a few years back when I was just growing these for fun, I bought several plants from a local guy and grew them for half a year only to find when the pods set NONE were true to type!! So I can relate to her frustration of caring for these plants all season and they didn't produce true pods for her.........this is why I immediately offered store credit for her time lost....and I have also asked what else can I do....I'm trying to do all I can to make It right for her.....but she is RIGHTFULLY upset and I deeply apologize for the mix up on my end.........

Dale Jr
Dale, even if you made a mistake here, I feel like the outcome is a plus. You've tried to right the situation immediately, no questions asked. This is a new light on how you handle business now and I am impressed. You've tried to make it right, the burden is off your shoulders. Good business is not getting it right 100% of the time but how you handle it when you don't.

I feel for you HPGA but Dale is doing his best to make it right. In the light of you being a business woman, it seems only fitting that you have some empathy for making mistakes in the business world...and if nothing else, realizing even in business we are all human and to be human is to error.
Nice response Dale.

Grant and Armac, if you aren't talking about Bakers get out. No petty fighting needs to go on in here nor does anyone need to stand up for anyyone else. This is a vendor review thread not a pissing contest. Peppergirl has beef with Dale and only Dale.
Personally I am not involved, and neither are you. Maybe we should leave it that way.

Unless you are just trying to escalate the situation.
thank you.

Nice response Dale.

Grant and Armac, if you aren't talking about Bakers get out. No petty fighting needs to go on in here nor does anyone need to stand up for anyyone else. This is a vendor review thread not a pissing contest. Peppergirl has beef with Dale and only Dale.
thank you.

Dale, even if you made a mistake here, I feel like the outcome is a plus. You've tried to right the situation immediately, no questions asked. This is a new light on how you handle business now and I am impressed. You've tried to make it right, the burden is off your shoulders. Good business is not getting it right 100% of the time but how you handle it when you don't.

I feel for you HPGA but Dale is doing his best to make it right. In the light of you being a business woman, it seems only fitting that you have some empathy for making mistakes in the business world...and if nothing else, realizing even in business we are all human and to be human is to error.
Nice response Dale.

Grant and Armac, if you aren't talking about Bakers get out. No petty fighting needs to go on in here nor does anyone need to stand up for anyyone else. This is a vendor review thread not a pissing contest. Peppergirl has beef with Dale and only Dale.

I don't feel like Armac and I are fighting, but ... I'll watch you try to get a hold of the thread instead ...

I didn't have a problem w/ the initial post ... I took exception to the follow-up post in the public thread ... which suggested that her time should be compensated for w/o suggesting what the value of that is ... which is just wasting mine, yours, and everyone else's ...

And frankly, if I'm being honest, I was hoping to see how one differentiates the plants in question ... that's the honest truth. I'll refer to AJ's suggestion that the "branding" of TS's is somewhat of a joke ...
Perhaps, if only to make it go away as quickly as possible ...

I don't feel like unsubscribing from the thread, since Baker's is relatively local ... nor do I feel like listening to her whine w/o so much as a picture or anything substantial to support her claim.

As they say, pics or it didn't happen ...

Feel free to encourage or discourage her as you see fit, I'm just voicing my opinion.
i have pic of the plants but i do not need to post them for you unless you work for dale you need to shut up and stay out of it thank you

dale tell your buds to shut up and we can end this. thanks
Grant, like I said, you have ZERO need to still be here. If you took offense to a post not in this thread then why bring it here? There is no need for that except you want to get Peppergirl all riled up. That is considered trolling and like THP has said there is zero tolerance. Friendly warning...
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