JayT said:
Don't worry yourself with Team Judy. The process is simple. Get order, ship order. Then pay Rhody.
Right! Dave and myself have an arrangement. He's being paid back a "BUSINESS" loan. Im doing what I agreed to do with Dave "Rhody", nothing more to say about it really! I mean JayT, you better get up, go to work, make your rent payment, car payment, electric payment, pharmacy payment (lord knows that bill MUST be pricey each month!)

I mean do YOU need someone to remind you to do that every day of YOUR life?? Didnt think so...... Seriously here...how much are we going to beat that to death?? EVERYONE has a loan that they are in the processs of paying back in one way shape or form...MOVE ON MAN!!
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
Comment for THIS guy in that thread he linked.....
PrimeTime said:
Im still waiting on a two year old PM question i sent on ebay....
Well not really waiting... I got the stuff from Judy.
Really??? First of all, that account we previously sold with on Ebay has long been closed, so theres no way to respond now. Thats a LONG time to wait and not just email me or call me.....sounds weird to me...just sayin! You shoulda called me or something...emailed...texted...SOMETHING.....Im terribly sorry about that! But to be honest it just sounds like a LONG time to wait and NEVER say something in another form of communication.............................thats kinda ON YOU at that point boss..... isnt it?!? Emails and PM's on various other websites get lost in the shuffle.........after a little bit i think i personally would try some OTHER form of contact.............not trying to tell you how to act, just sayin
My own 2 cents...
I for some reason just cant seem to satisfy ANYONE on THIS PARTICULAR website, yet product/peppers just seems to GO GO GO right on out the door........its VERY puzzling to say the least! I mean its almost like people on here buy from me and are too affraid of public scrutiny to leave positive feedback publicly. Its VERY hard to understand as I move/sell peppers by the thousands of pounds every year! And thats JUST via our website small box sales ALONE! So i KNOW for a FACT its MANY of the people here buying my products and most of you are REPEAT buyers! Yet we NEVER get a positive review on here and its NOTHING but a HUGE spotlight on the negative few occurances! So every now and then a mistake is made and BOOM my whole business is on BLAST!!! I mean, I only advertise here and a few other places......you tell me where this ISNT puzzling......NO ONE LIKES ME, NO ONE THINKS IM A GOOD PERSON, NO ONE LIKES MY PRODUCTS, ALL I DO IS ROB & CHEAT & STEAL FROM MY CUSTOMERS..........Yet somehow things are BOOMING down here at Baker's Peppers LLC, and sales are at an ALL TIME HIGH! I just shipped over 2,500 PRE ORDER plants last week, I have the first 1500 lbs worth of Reapers PRE SOLD waiting to ripen up, another 2,000 lbs of Morugas and other types PRE SOLD waiting to ripen up.....the list goes ON & ON & ON!! But MAN i tell ya.......dont buy a THING from this guy Dale! Hes just a HUGE problem and shady business person! If you believe THAT then i just cant help you any further and
PLEASE visit
ww.PepperLover.com for immediate "special" assistance!!
Four short years ago I had a TOTAL of ZERO haters hating on me. I worked for someone else, making THEM filthy RICH! I had no real future other than running a kitchen in someone elses restaurant making an OK living.......
Today, I have more HATERS than I can shake a stick at!!! I also now own my own business, work 8 days a week, 25 hours a day, working towards MYSELF and my family being able to live comfortably and have OUR OWN future!........ I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! If the only bull shit I have to deal with is the HATERS along the way, thats a trade im MORE than willing to make!! I mean, it is THEM who have fueled the fire driving me to where im at today! So for that I say THANKS HATERS!! #TeamJudyRules!
This is in NO way directed at customers who have had a negative experience with us. We are working towards a more solid shipping/ordering/customer service system and like ANY small business who's growing quickly, we are subject to "growing pains" as well! We fix the problems and move forward!
I have nothing more, as you were folks.....
Dale Jr