seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

^ Handled much better. I think you made a strong case; again, I had the same sentiments when I went through my experience at the beginning of the year. If a vendor keeps having to "make things right", then something is wrong with their ability to conduct business. Glad pepperlover worked out for you.
FireBreath said:
You seem to be assuming that I have never had oral surgery. That would be incorrect. I have, and it was during a time when I was doing hard manual labor. I did not take any days off or have any trouble using my computer. With that said I do realize that different people have different pain tolerances, so I do apologize for making light of the matter. I am not really sure why you posted here since you aren't Dale Baker, though? Unless you're affiliated with him somehow then I don't really think your post was necessary. Regardless, I am sorry to hear about your patient. I am sure that is a very stressful job.
To the rest, my experience with Baker's Peppers came to a close on May 3 when I received my refund. I realize I may have come off a little strong with my previous posts, so I will just summarize the experience here. I ask only that the reader consider things from my perspective before coming to the conclusion that I am a bad person. I fully expected at least some backlash by calling him on the health issues. That's the thing about health issues; if the other person calls you on it, then they will end up looking like the bad guy whether it is true or not. I ask that you read the following and draw your own conclusions. If you still choose to believe that Dale had two lifetimes worth of dental work in a span of a couple months, then that is your right. Who am I to argue? It is every person's right to believe anything they wish. Heck, you can believe that man never landed on the moon, or that using a Shakeweight will turn you into a ripped bodybuilder after 3 weeks. Knock yourself out. Without further ado:
1. I ordered my seeds on 4/10.  Keep in mind, this is my first time getting into "superhot" peppers and my first ever order. I am very excited.
2. I check my mail every day with great anticipation, finding nothing for the next two weeks.
3. I email Dale on 4/25, he responds that he sent my seeds on 4/21 and apologizes that "USPS is taking forever".  He says he will send a free replacement the following Monday (4/28)
4. I check my mail the next few days with even greater anticipation. It has now been confirmed by the man himself that these seeds have been sent. Surely they will arrive soon. Nothing shows up.
5. I post here after not receiving any seeds or any replies to my emails. Dale says his wife has been in charge and that she's overwhelmed. He says she has been the one emailing me and must have been "confused". The emails in question are written with his exact writing style and signed Dale Jr
6. During this time I received no email or notice about his issues or possible delays. There was nothing posted on his website.
7. I ordered on 4/10 and the bundle cost $34.99. Sometime between 4/10 and my first post here on 4/30, the price was raised to $35.99 on his website. Somehow he or his wife had time to raise prices, but no time to answer emails or notify customers of possible delays.
8. Dale offers a refund and tells me to email him. I do, and he does not reply or refund me until a couple days later when I file a complaint with Paypal. At this point I immediately receive a full refund.
9. To date, I have received nothing in the mail from Baker's Peppers. This confirms that the seeds were never sent (original or replacement). This entire transaction essentially amounted to an interest-free, 1 month loan in the amount of $34.99 from me to Dale Baker. Note: I did find seeds in my mailbox today... but they were from They shipped the morning after my order, arrived in 3 business days, and came loaded with free seeds.
I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my previous posts, but that's not who I am. Those posts were a reflection of my state of mind at the time. I felt that I got lied to. In my lifetime I have found that liars do not deserve second chances, because they will just do it again. It's a character flaw. I may be sarcastic, or a "smartass", but one thing I am not and never will be is a liar. I hope that by posting my experience here it will help get Dale more focused on the service aspect of his business. I do not wish bad things for him at all and I consider this issue closed.
You forgot #10....
Your seeds from me are "out for delivery" today (edited due to misinformed by usps employee)...via USPS...they confirmed it for me! correction...your order will arrive FREE of charge due to my issues...tell the WHOLE story boss....... Not saying im right by ANY means here...just saying he needs to update and tell the END of the "story".....he's getting what he ordered for FREE!!
That is all, as you were or text me if you need anything! :)

I did indeed have EVERY bit of oral surgery i listed here! I dont really care if you "Believe" it or not!! Like i said, i have the PROOF i did....i wont post my health records online, i shouldnt have to!
BakersPeppers said:
You forgot #10....
Your seeds from me are "out for delivery" today (edited due to misinformed by usps employee)...via USPS...they confirmed it for me! correction...your order will arrive FREE of charge due to my issues...tell the WHOLE story boss....... Not saying im right by ANY means here...just saying he needs to update and tell the END of the "story".....he's getting what he ordered for FREE!!
That is all, as you were or text me if you need anything! :)

I did indeed have EVERY bit of oral surgery i listed here! I dont really care if you "Believe" it or not!! Like i said, i have the PROOF i did....i wont post my health records online, i shouldnt have to!
Dale, I had no idea you were still sending me the seeds or I absolutely would have waited to post my final update. I was completely surprised to find them in my mail today since you never let me know they were on the way! According to the tracking you sent them out on 5/1 (not 4/21 or 4/28). I was basing my previous post on the originally claimed shipping dates. I concluded that no seeds were sent due to the time that had elapsed. You never told me otherwise, right? Your email to me on 5/3 was just two words: "refund done"... why not just say "by the way, sent you the seeds anyway on 5/1, here's the tracking number"? I would have never described the experience as an "interest-free 1 month loan" if you had simply let me know. I am not dishonest. I would have waited it out before posting. I hereby retract that portion of my previous post!
Honest, timely, and informative communication can really go a long way in keeping your customers happy. Your very first response to me when I sent the email after waiting two weeks should have simply said "Oh man... somehow I totally forgot to send your order! I'll send it out tomorrow!" I would have been annoyed, but I would have accepted that as an honest mistake. Blaming the USPS and everything else is the only reason I even bothered to post here about this whole thing. 
You could have actually earned yourself a glowing review and my repeat business if you had not only admitted you forgot or overlooked my order, but also offered some free pods or a couple free seedlings for my trouble.  A small token from you, but it would have meant a lot to me. There would have been no refunds, no bad review, no arguments. Things could have been totally different man! Something to think about in the future I suppose. Thank you for sending the seeds and good luck to you.
ya.. thats how he is from what ive seen in the past.. he will say how he sent you FREE seeds.. etc..

and you're 1 month loan was nothing.. to my latest info he got a $5000 interest free loan of which he only paid a portion just recently .had the person not gone public on the forums who knows what wouldve happened.. i dont care if i get banned on this forum... this guy doesnt deserve to be a vendor here.. he is a repeat offender and he will continue to treat people as he has previously..

in the words of a douche .. DONE... no seriously.. DONE
Lakers24 said:
ya.. thats how he is from what ive seen in the past.. he will say how he sent you FREE seeds.. etc..

and you're 1 month loan was nothing.. to my latest info he got a $5000 interest free loan of which he only paid a portion just recently .had the person not gone public on the forums who knows what wouldve happened.. i dont care if i get banned on this forum... this guy doesnt deserve to be a vendor here.. he is a repeat offender and he will continue to treat people as he has previously..

in the words of a douche .. DONE... no seriously.. DONE
Do you have a problem with an order from me you wanted to say something about? This is a vendor vault for REVIEWS from paid customers on their experiences, NOT comments from people who just wanna bash someone!! Move on man.......! If you have an order # or something i can help you with id be glad to, if not please keep the bashing of me to yourself!! Id love to get on here and call YOU ALL kinds of horrible names, but that gets me nowhere (it makes me feel WAY better) but gets me nowhere!!
Typical "Team Judy" haters!! RULES! Judy Hamdan is AWESOME! Yada yada yada.........! We get it already......but somehow i STILL move peppers like CRAZY......i wonder why that is??????????????????????? I rest my case! 
For every one "bad experience" out there that people have with me, theres hundreds of HAPPY customers! We challenge you to decide for yourself! Its hard for a business owner like myself to stay in business if all i do is rip people off, sell them poor quality product, or just take their money and run......I have learned that u will NEVER satisfy can only try to do your best, and if they still arent happy they can just move on and buy products elsewhere........thats life and thats just being in business in America today!
Mods please limit pointless bashing in my thread here, especially from people who are just here to talk shit for no reason! Please remove such posts....
Our last few months have been CRAZY around here at best, and we are pleased to say we are back to normal! Surgeries and such are now all in the past and we can focus on getting this FLORIDA HEAT to all our customers out there!
As you were folks......
Dale Jr
Dale, do you at least give out some general information to the public on your website that explain that you experience personal difficulties if you do experience them and that some shipments might go wrong, etc?
Something like:
"Due to personal misfortune some more shipments might go awry. Our well meant excuses for that. Please contact us a.s.a.p., so we can fix things from our side."
In my opinion that is a short, clear and professional way of letting your customers know you have personal problems without going into details and giving them the room, time and opportunity to contact you if things go haywire.
Lakers24 said:
ya.. thats how he is from what ive seen in the past..
Dale, the mods will watch, but you conduct business publicly on THIS forum. Your business is here for everyone to see, including replies to customers, and making things right, etc. SO you have to accept when people post about your business conduct, and your correspondence. Because it is seen here. It may not be a review from a customer, but it is an account of what they have witnessed as far as your conduct. We won't allow the piling on, but there is nothing wrong with someone posting what they witnessed. If you saw someone in line at McDonald's being treated badly, and you walked out... you weren't a customer, but you would have every right to write a review.
Lakers24 said:
in the words of a douche .. DONE... no seriously.. DONE
However the attacks will not be tolerated.
I stand by my post earlier in this thread and will do business with you once that's all been resolved.  As a fellow business owner, I will offer these bits of unsolicited and completely free advice:
1. Talk less on the forum; specifically in defensive responses to what you feel are attacks.  Don't explain everything that's going on in your life for all to see, rather contact the user in person via email or private message or phone and let them know what's up - before there is going to be an issue with their order.  More communication - likely from a source other than you but one that is tech savvy - would absolutely free you to concentrate on what you're best at.  
2. The common complaint is lack of information and timely delivery.  An upgrade on your e-commerce and/or shipping gateway could really help with that, certainly it would help enough to justify the additional monthly cost.  USPS will literally *give* you the equipment if you schedule multi-day per week pickup (or at least did for my friend who ships packing tape and postage meter parts and accessories).  You just type in the address and it prints the label for you with postage included and then it scans/tracks/emails automatically.
Seems to me that you're likely too busy for your own good (which I know all about) and could use some help with certain aspects of the business.  Perhaps you could hire an all around admin/book keeper/shipping manager Dale, and get back to growing kickass peppers for fun and profit.  That's my advice.
thats the problem with business... "i made 1 million happy... screw the 2 or 3 unhappy...they dont matter".. IMHO.. those are the ones you work harder to please... and it doesnt help when you cuss them out...
how did this become about team judy.... just shows who you are worriesd about.
and when did the right to speak become wrong... do those who mock and criticize  OBAMA get hung ??  so many politicians out there cuss him out......
last post... dont know why you always try to reason your tardiness with your personal others have mentioned here.. you should know where you are having issues... fix it...
done with the forum... 
JayT said:
Don't worry yourself with Team Judy.  The process is simple.  Get order, ship order.  Then pay Rhody.
Right! Dave and myself have an arrangement. He's being paid back a "BUSINESS" loan. Im doing what I agreed to do with Dave "Rhody", nothing more to say about it really! I mean JayT, you better get up, go to work, make your rent payment, car payment, electric payment, pharmacy payment (lord knows that bill MUST be pricey each month!)  :crazy: I mean do YOU need someone to remind you to do that every day of YOUR life?? Didnt think so...... Seriously much are we going to beat that to death?? EVERYONE has a loan that they are in the processs of paying back in one way shape or form...MOVE ON MAN!!
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
Comment for THIS guy in that thread he linked.....
PrimeTime said:
Im still waiting on a two year old PM question i sent on ebay....
Well not really waiting... I got the stuff from Judy.
Really??? First of all, that account we previously sold with on Ebay has long been closed, so theres no way to respond now. Thats a LONG time to wait and not just email me or call me.....sounds weird to me...just sayin! You shoulda called me or something...emailed...texted...SOMETHING.....Im terribly sorry about that! But to be honest it just sounds like a LONG time to wait and NEVER say something in another form of communication.............................thats kinda ON YOU at that point boss..... isnt it?!? Emails and PM's on various other websites get lost in the shuffle.........after a little bit i think i personally would try some OTHER form of contact.............not trying to tell you how to act, just sayin :)
My own 2 cents...
 I for some reason just cant seem to satisfy ANYONE on THIS PARTICULAR website, yet product/peppers just seems to GO GO GO right on out the door........its VERY puzzling to say the least! I mean its almost like people on here buy from me and are too affraid of public scrutiny to leave positive feedback publicly. Its VERY hard to understand as I move/sell peppers by the thousands of pounds every year! And thats JUST via our website small box sales ALONE! So i KNOW for a FACT its MANY of the people here buying my products and most of you are REPEAT buyers! Yet we NEVER get a positive review on here and its NOTHING but a HUGE spotlight on the negative few occurances! So every now and then a mistake is made and BOOM my whole business is on BLAST!!! I mean, I only advertise here and a few other tell me where this ISNT puzzling......NO ONE LIKES ME, NO ONE THINKS IM A GOOD PERSON, NO ONE LIKES MY PRODUCTS, ALL I DO IS ROB & CHEAT & STEAL FROM MY CUSTOMERS..........Yet somehow things are BOOMING down here at Baker's Peppers LLC, and sales are at an ALL TIME HIGH! I just shipped over 2,500 PRE ORDER plants last week, I have the first 1500 lbs worth of Reapers PRE SOLD waiting to ripen up, another 2,000 lbs of Morugas and other types PRE SOLD waiting to ripen up.....the list goes ON & ON & ON!! But MAN i tell ya.......dont buy a THING from this guy Dale! Hes just a HUGE problem and shady business person! If you believe THAT then i just cant help you any further and PLEASE visit for immediate "special" assistance!!
Four short years ago I had a TOTAL of ZERO haters hating on me. I worked for someone else, making THEM filthy RICH! I had no real future other than running a kitchen in someone elses restaurant making an OK living.......
Today, I have more HATERS than I can shake a stick at!!! I also now own my own business, work 8 days a week, 25 hours a day, working towards MYSELF and my family being able to live comfortably and have OUR OWN future!........ I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! If the only bull shit I have to deal with is the HATERS along the way, thats a trade im MORE than willing to make!! I mean, it is THEM who have fueled the fire driving me to where im at today! So for that I say THANKS HATERS!! #TeamJudyRules!
This is in NO way directed at customers who have had a negative experience with us. We are working towards a more solid shipping/ordering/customer service system and like ANY small business who's growing quickly, we are subject to "growing pains" as well! We fix the problems and move forward!

I have nothing more, as you were folks.....
Dale Jr
Although I had a negative experience recently with Baker, I will say that the Fatalii seeds I'm using from his strain that I ordered last year are MONSTERS.  One thing I have noticed about blooming companies is that the bigger they get the more issues they have with shipping and orderfilling.  I'm not one to just jump off a cliff and believe every word someone says to me but I really think there may be some holes in your delivery system, Dale.  I kind of equate it to eating at a favorite restaurant, you might go once a week for a few months and have great service and food and one Saturday night you go in and they're short staffed and you have to wait forever for an overcooked steak with a waitress that you haven't seen in 10 minutes.  This is life and not everything runs perfectly.  A good business owner tries to make it perfect for the customer though ;).  I've also ordered seeds from Judy, that's not really the issue here for me.  I think the biggest thing was no contact when my order never shipped...which you made right by sending what turned out to be 8 plants free of charge.  ***if Dale was having such a major penetrating issue with loopholes in his shipping on a regular basis he couldn't do this for every time he messed up...he wouldn't have any plants left.
Fatalii seed from Baker's
At the time i wasn't a member here and i did send you several PMs on ebay. I had no other contact for your company. I could have looked into it sure but after a few weeks with no answer i shifted my business elsewhere.
I simply posted that here/ now as that is my experience with bakers.
And regarding your above response to my post.... of course its my fault. Why wouldn't it be?
I wish you and your customers the best, I'm pretty over it just posting my attempt at dealing with your company. Hope all goes well with your expansion.
After 4 unreturned email inquiries across 5 months I gave up
Ended up in the loop de loop with Ed at Puckerbutt,he too has everything/one attacking him.
What is it with pepper vendors?
I think the biggest issue here is that Dale sometimes has huge problems properly communicating with people when things go awry.
Proper communication and trying to settle and straighten out things, even if it isn't one's fault personally (like with mail delivery failing), is paramount for any professional business.
I would hardly call Dale's responses here professional.
I would call them really detrimental to his business.
Dale, I have no beef with you, so I will flat out tell you that blaming your customers for not doing enough to contact you is indicative that you are difficult to reach for some customers and do not do enough as a professional vendor of chili peppers to ensure you are easily and quickly reachable via the contact methods you yourself provide and that you do not respond quickly either.
See this as condensed and hopefully as neutral as possible feedback, so you can have better relations with future customers that will experience experience significant delay of delivery or fail of delivery of purchased products. (Something that every vendor of any product will experience. Such is the problem with mailing actual stuff.)
And in that sense making your company the professional company you want it to be.
You have good opportunities to learn from your mistakes here and shape up, please don't pass them up.
Its just odd that no other vendors here seem to have half the problems doing the following:
Take order
Prepare order
Ship and charge
I dont understand why people keep trying to help anybody execute these tasks with advice or try to help somebody here with the core basis of any retail or wholesale vending which consists those steps.
There are many professionals out there that are known as consultants that are paid good money. In a situation like this give me a dollar. I can prepare a nice document that states the importance of doing the following:
take order
prepare order
ship order and collect payment
The work I've seen done in the area of logistics in my life many times has impressed me greatly with trailer or pallet movements, LTLs, drop shipments, ect. Its an art as many things are.
Listen, i didn't have any money tied up in you as i wasn't going to order without an answer from your company therefore i didn't try other ways to find you, not my problem. I simply found another vendor that responded to me. I was trying to buy 10 seed packs from bakers that would have been paid up front I asked a few times via PM on an open/current listing if one variety could be swapped with another, i never get any reply and I'm told its my fault...
People reading this here stuff might not order from you sir. just saying, hope i didn't take any sales away from you. If so you can call those my fault as well..
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