seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

I am thoroughly impressed with the quality of bakers stuff, i got 10 pounds from him, and let me just tell you 99% of the pods are of STELLAR quality as seen below. I do recommend him if you can afford it, but you want to deal with him directly.
'tis a nice looking pepper berry.
As the days go by I'm more and more impressed with the plants from the seeds I got from Baker's.  Time will tell if they grow true, but I'm hopeful.
SavinaRed said:
Here is my mixed box with 27 peppers and they all look great !
here is a dumb question. what are these red peppers ?

I tried one tonight eating it whole and I never want to do it again. the good thing is I kept it down and didn't puke.That was over 1/2 hour ago and I can still feel its painful effects. I've never drooled, spit and had a runny nose so bad in my life. And the fire in the mouth is unbearable. 
SavinaRed said:
ok they pack the same heat as the choc's
My opinion is that they will be as hot or significantly hotter than the chocolate pods, but mileage may vary and it depends on how they were grown as well.
But moruga scorps are scary, one third of a dried pod punched my gut quite good.
Bhut_Trolokia said:
My opinion is that they will be as hot or significantly hotter than the chocolate pods, but mileage may vary and it depends on how they were grown as well.
But moruga scorps are scary, one third of a dried pod punched my gut quite good.
It felt like satan pissed in my mouth it was so hot and lasted along time. It was a horrible experience eating one of them. I kept it down and didn't puke lol. All I had was a cold Lagunitas IPA to help. 
SavinaRed said:
It felt like satan pissed in my mouth it was so hot and lasted along time. It was a horrible experience eating one of them. I kept it down and didn't puke lol. All I had was a cold Lagunitas IPA to help. 
hahahaha....that is a great image you paint... i have some moruga trinidad scorps growing now..had never eaten one...maybe they will be strictly used in my hot pepper bug spray.... :/
Idiot Piquant said:
My Baker's SFRB arrived today.  Fast shipping!  Nice box of pain.   
22 pods in the box, but many of the Choc Scorps are HUGE! 
Only one with a small worm hole.  I have not cut them open yet, but all appear to be fresh, firm, and good to go. 
Given the size of the pods, I won't quibble over the number of berries in the box. 
Is the printed notice included in the SFRB a new addition after the most recent criticisms? 
Has Dale turned over a new leaf?  His recent marketplace offerings and lack of DB shenanigans has me wondering what the Bozz said to him.   
Bozz made him an offer he couldn't refuse?  Luca Brasi pickin' the peppas? 
Good job, Baker's Peppers. 
:hot: :fire: :hot:
Idiot Piquant said:
Meh.  After washing them and combing thru them more closely, I am a bit less enthusiastic. 
At least I got my box of peppers in a timely fashion.  
Next time, i'll go for one of those SFRB with 60 pods in 'em.  (Note to self: PM Sicman.)   
Guarantee 25+ peppers, Send 22.  4 have issues. 
The printed notice was boiler plate disclaimers for fresh produce and superhot peppers. 
The box I received was actually acceptable, just a few peppers short and few peppers soured.   
However, in an effort to spot test their system, I contacted Dale with the details.  He quickly and graciously replied. 
He is sending me another SFRB of peppers for free!  (I did offer to pay shipping as that seemed more fair, but he was having none of it).   
My experience with Baker's Peppers was much less onerous than some here have had. 
I can only hope that Dale has, in fact, learned a few lessons and is mending his fences and ways. 
Keep up the good work, Baker's Peppers.  I wish you continued good luck and success. 
Due to recent events on this website I have been advised by legal council to address the following things here. This is so I have done my part in making sure the people out there get the real story! The TRUTH!
Roughly 28 months ago or so I was on this VERY website and feeling particularly down as all day I had been working out in the nursery trying to build this thing. Well I was feeling down because it was all about to end and I was about to be forced back to being the head chef of a restaurant again. My hard
work and $20k investment out of pocket was about to END. Bills were piling up, we were a new business struggling to even find our identity as a business, and I was forced into a situation. It was either end the dream of this business or go back to work as a head chef. Rent due in days and no food in the
house is what forced the issue! I decided I wasnt going to throw away my initial $20k investement and let the business die.....I had to find a loan!
I went to banks and other places looking for a loan...a few thousand was all I should need. I figured how hard could that be right? Well as a struggling New business I was denied several I came into the chat room here in and was chatting with a few members..namely 3/5king....I was talking
with him about my situation and he pointed me in the direction of a guy whom ive never spoken a word to. This guys name is Dave "RHODY" Williams......we exchanged email contact info and began talking about the loan via email, NOT in the public room as ITS NO ONE ELSE'S BUSINESS!!!! We exchanged
many emails back and forth at which time I made it VERY clear I was in fact a struggling business, and I could NOT commit to ANY form of "repayment schedule" I made it VERY clear I was unsure if he would EVER see a dime in return. I WENT AS FAR TO TELL HIM TO NOT SEND ME A PENNY
MUCH LESS $5k IF HE NEEDED IT BACK AT ANY POINT IN THE FUTURE! I just couldn't commit to something like that with a guy WHOM I'VE NEVER EVEN MET!! He replied that money was no object, he recently had a death in the family and came into a large sum of money and he was GLAD TO
HELP OUT A GUY WHO WAS WORKING SO HARD TO GET SOMEWHERE AND THAT IT REMINDED HIM OF HIM! He admired my work ethic and that people in America just dont work hard and devote time and effort like I was at the time. Apparently he had been following me for a while updates of my hard work online clued him in on all that. Just to say again...I MADE IT VERY CLEAR HE MAY NEVER SEE A DIME IN RETURN FROM ME.....AND HE SENT THE CHECK ANYWAY!! He then further told me in a phone conversation that if all he ever got from me in return was knowledge of growing peppers and a little advice on it along the way, plus some peppers for his business venture, that he'd be good with that. "Dont sweat the $5k Dale...use it and grow your business" he said!!! There were NO TERMS FOR REPAYMENT DISCUSSED AT THIS POINT IN TIME.....
So I did!
Over the next year or so I continued to be in phone contact with "Dave"....He told me of a business venture he was going into with a friend in the spicy honey business. He was going to need peppers shipped as we discussed...and have them "deducted" from what I owed him. I said ABSOLUTELY that would be no problem! Funny thing is I never really heard much from Dave after that... A few months went by and I finally got a email from Dave asking me if I could start repayment of the loan as he said my business was doing well (guessing HIS didn't) and it was time I start to pay him back. I agreed no problem!! It was a few months before Christmas and I told him I would be able to send him a payment around Dec 15th. At that point my business would be out of "the red" and back to turning a good profit, so I could afford to start paying him back. The only thing we had never discussed was REPAYMENT terms! We came to an AGREED $1,000 payment roughly every 6 months or so (twice a year). So...Dec 15th rolled around and I was a few days late getting the check in the mail as I was
waiting for funds to clear into this account (I dont just keep thousands laying around to send took a few days to clear!) Well, here I am thinking everything is ok with Dave and I, we have a deal in place, the check is on it's way out in a few days.....then BOOM! The famous "Better business practices"
thread by none other than DAVE himself was posted here on this website! In the ORIGINAL post in that thread Dave posts what he says are 100% "original" verbatim emails exchanged between us in regardsto the loan. What he DID NOT mention was that he LEFT OUT ALL the critical parts that outline MY SIDE of things!!!! He posted chopped, copied and pasted, bits n pieces of our emails in order to MAKE HIM OUT TO BE THE ONE BEING SCREWED HERE! Also, in his most recent posts in that thread he did the SAME EXACT THING! I posted the ENTIRE emails VERBATIM in reply and PROVE he
left out ALL THE VERY IMPORTANT INFO and somehow IM STILL THE LYING BAD GUY?? I now ask the question to you folks here....what would have happened if I WAS THE ONE WHO POSTED pieced together emails with whole sentences deleted, things switched around, whole emails left out, and ALL that sort of thing about Dave?? Only to have Dave come behind me and PROVE I did it just like I did proving he lied.....You people here would have RIPPED me a NEW ONE!! But when he does it JUST TO MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE HE'S ON THE SHIT END OF THE STICK, I then PROVE he lied, and IM STILL THE BAD GUY??? You folks MUST not be able to READ!!
A few days AFTER his original post he got the check in his mailbox, cashed it and got his first $1,000 payment! A few days later I spoke with him ON THE PHONE and asked he stop the public display....he said he would so long as i CONTINUED to pay... if I missed the next payment within a reasonable window of the 6 month mark, that thread comes back and here we go again....I agreed that was fair....HE NEVER had it removed!! I was blown away at this guy...from "don't worry you dont ever have to pay me back" to "pay me now while I ruin your reputation through the process!" Mind you all the while HE'S BEING PAID by me! So 5 months pass and I get an email from Dave, asking about the next payment. I say to myself "this guy is trying to ruin me PUBLICLY, WHILE I'M PAYING THE DEBT TO HIM..." he said he would end the nightmare 5 months ago and it still exists, how much of a hurry am in to pay this guy???? But I responded "contact me around July 1st and I will make the next payment as we agreed (I was still holding my end after he clearly had no intentions of holding his!). So 2 weeks ago I emailed him EARLY of our scheduled date to inform him the payment was coming PLUS $500 in interest I was adding out of the KINDNESS OF MY HEART as he really did help me originally with the loan, and I couldn't in good mind not pay him interest after all he did to help me (which btw, that "interest" is
LONG GONE BUDDY AFTER U STILL KEPT THIS UP!) All I asked in return was he FINALLY kept his word and stopped dragging me thru the mud....I'm paying on a loan he told me not to worry about originally and he is still allowed to make my life hell in the process OF REPAYMENT??? Think again man! WHAT YOU GUYS ARE DOING HERE IS HIGHLY ILLEGAL!! He replied to me that he wasn't responsible for people and their talks of me....(did you forget YOU started this whole public thing Dave????) Our private business was put out there and made PUBLIC BY YOU! You started it.....that makes YOU responsible!! YOU broke our private deal and went public Dave....for what?? To get talked about? To be in the spotlight??To be this "poor guy" who's being screwed by a big business?? What's the REAL reason here dave?? It obviously ISNT the $$$$$$$! I've made EVERY EFFORT to repay you...I have sent $1,000 already, IT NOT LIKE I'M EVERYWHERE ONLINE TRYING TO DENY THAT I OWE YOU & IT'S NOT LIKE I'VE NEVER PAID YOU A DIME IN RETURN! So tell me Dave....WHY????? Tell the
people WHY! Its time YOU be honest here.....................

The below outlined "Repayment Schedule" is what my attorney told me a Judge would likely order me
to pay under "normal" circumstances. Thats what I'm going to do!
It has been 28 months since the original loan from Dave to me Dale. I have already paid $1,000 of the loan back. On a $5,000 loan the payment would have been roughly $75/month until the debt was paid off. So lets do some quick math...... That means in order to bring the loan current and UP TO DATE I am required to have already paid $2,100 back to Dave. Well since I have only paid back $1,000, that means i owe him $1,100 to bring it UP TO DATE! So....that's what I'm going to do DAVE! I'm sending you a check for $1,100 next week and then EVERY month after that you will get another check/payment towards the loan balance of $75! PERIOD! More than fair, my attorney told me as such!
To Dave "Rhody" Williams:
If for some reason the above outlined "repayment schedule" is NOT to your satisfaction, maybe you should be mad at YOURSELF for not outlining the terms in the ORIGINAL LOAN TALKS!!!!!!!! If you don't like it, SEE YOU IN COURT!! Im done with YOUR DRAMA show!!
To THP bossman "Pookie" Dan (or whatever your name is):
Where do I EVEN BEGIN with you?? I mean WOW!!! Let's start with YOUR customer service shall we?? All I ever hear is how mine BLOWS and EVERYONE is WAY better at it than me....Well, I will share this with the whole site to let THEM be the judge on it (since they love to do so DAILY). I have been trying to get in contact with THP "Dan Pookie" for OVER A YEAR! Through PMs, email, PUBLIC posts, Status updates...YOU NAME IT! Come to find out HE HAS BLOCKED ME FROM CONTACTING HIM IN ANY WAY! Did I mention that I'm a PAYING CUSTOMER OF HIS?? Refuse to talk to me, refuse to call me, refuse to respond in ANY PRIVATE fashion.......he will only talk down to me PUBLICLY in a thread on his website for ALL TO SEE! Yes, that's right a PAYING BUSINESS that advertises on HIS website, and HE REFUSES TO TALK TO ME PRIVATELY???? WOW! And I SUCK at customer service??????? What a friggin JOKE!!! Been going on for A YEAR guys....THIS is your ADMIN/MOD!! Dan "Pookie" why dont you tell them the last "private conversation" we had a year ago and why I believe you BLOCKED me?? Go ahead, or I WILL! Something along the lines of "Dear THP, I'm in the hospital with my wife having our second baby, I'm in the hospital room holding my daughter in my arms. I'm trying to find a way to continue to build my business as a new child means more $$ required and I have some questions about what it would take to get "Fresh Peppers" being considered for THP Awards as it may grow awareness of the product...." Ever since that back and forth conversation he has BLOCKED me from ANY private talks............WHY??? Let's move on to the next thing while you all think about it.....
Another thing...
I'm guessing that the member in question named Dave "Rhody" Williams contacted you in regards to this PRIVATE thing between him and myself. YOU chose to get in the middle of things Dan Pookie! YOU MADE IT YOUR BUSINESS WHEN IT WASN'T YOURS AT ALL!! Which that part I dont really have a problem with, our friends ask us all the time to get in the middle of things with their disputes don't they? Happens every day around the world. What I DO have a problem with is this: why dont you ACTUALLY get in "THE MIDDLE" of the situation and mediate?? If you want to be in the middle of it then for F SAKE BE IN THE MIDDLE OF IT! Not on one side or the other! You have not ONCE reached out to me privately and ased if there was ANY merit to what Dave is saying and posting. You haven't asked me ONCE my side of things on all the recent issues. You in the beginning of all this (around the original post date of Dave's thread) asked me 2 things. One, "do i owe this man this $5k?" I ansered yes....You asked me "if I planned on paying him back"... I said yes. That's IT FOLKS! No further talks. you may have asked me another minor question or 2 at that time, but honestly I dont remember that far back. JUST JUMP ON DAVE'S SIDE and trust EVERYTHING he's putting out there for YOU to read. Don't you think it's YOUR job to MEDIATE if your going to jump into the middle of OUR PRIVATE situation??? Im getting REAL tired of telling you how to do YOUR job!! DO WORK!!
And another thing THP...
In some of your recent posts in threads on here, you have stated that I, Dale Baker, brought you and this situation to the people of this site. I placed the burden of my loan on the people here so you say. THAT IS A HUGE LIE AND YOU KNOW IT!! Who started ALL this?? Who brought the drama show to DAVE "RHODY" WILLIAMS!! And YOU as the owner of the place ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN! Not only did you allow it, YOU JUMPED IN and helped, harass, bully, & threaten me. Not only did you do that, but you allowed EVERYONE of the world to chime in and harass, bully, and threaten me! The threads have been saved, filed, and given to my attorney. You have been warned! I suggest you get ahold of YOUR site and not let the trolls and little clones BLOW up your head too much! YOUR NOT ABOVE THE LAW!!!

And another THP....
I guess I REALLY have to explain it to you SIMPLE minded folks who can't see this. I recently posted an advertisement in the marketplace here on THP where I devoted 100% of ALL sales towards paying Dave his $$. All you people here (THP included) took that as me trying to push MY debt onto you guys....ARE YOU FRIGGIN SERIOUS???? I will explain how you SIMPLE minded folks that chimed in on this are ALL HORRIBLY WRONG HERE!! You see, I have owed Dave this $$ for a while now, made a $1,000 payment already. Where did that $$ to make my first payment come from??? PEPPER SALES! From ads here, google, facebook, EVERYWHERE. You see, the people here have ALREADY BEEN HELPING PAY BACK DAVE!!!!! Every time a box of peppers is bought, it's made me allow a small part to go towards paying Dave. So if the members/visitors are ALREADY paying it back with a small portion of their purchases, WHY IS IT WRONG TO SAY 100% OF THEIR PURCHASE, INSTEAD OF A SMALL PART, WILL GO TO DAVE?? A truly original way I thought to get him PAID FASTER! People wanna see him paid, I offer to donate ALL my sales to him, and I'm threatend to be BANNED???? Im told via a public thread that I'm mocking the entire site and its members. Im also told by you in another public thread that I've now made it YOUR business THP "Pookie" by offering such a SALE to the people here. I'm affraid YOU made it your business when you agreed to HELP Dave start and DO ALL OF THIS!! For what?? How much did he offer you to help "Recover" this debt????? Or should I say, how much did he offer you to help RUIN my reputation??????????????? That seems more likely a scenario now with all your recent RANTS harassing me, threatening me, and BULLYING me...trying to get me to pay this loan in full OR ELSE your gonna BAN ME?!?! LMAO!!!!! Who the BLEEP do you think YOU ARE?? I dont see "Judge" in front of your name.....Judge Pookie! LMAO!! You are in NO POSITION TO TELL ME HOW, WHEN, OR WHERE TO PAY MY DEBTS. Especially ones that ARE NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!! In fact its NONE of ANYONE'S business but ME & DAVE!!!
You say you will BAN me if I don't comply with YOUR terms of mine and Dave's you even SEE how stupid that makes YOU look/sound?? It's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!! NONE OF ANYONE'S BUSINESS! You say you know how much $$ I make and how I can pay it off all at once. Well unfortunately you don't know JACK SH*T about me or my finances and THAT AS WELL IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!! My final thoughts for you THP Dan Pookie are this......Go ahead and BAN me and then YOU can explain to Dave, in your many private conversations(or public as I REALLY don't care anymore), why he's going to HAVE to take me to court to EVER see a dime from me!! I'm paying the man......LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE!!!!!! Control the other so called "Vendors" from hating on me and my success! I have WORKED myself to death to get where I'm at today......while everyone has just sat here and "TALKED" about it!!! When you speak here Dan, people listen.....why they listen to you is beyond me, but they do none the less....I suggest you conduct yourself accordingly!!!
Heres a few links to help you out. Forwarded from my attorney!
Here are the links you requested Mr Baker. Please let me know if you need anything else on this matter.

Ontario also has laws against it, but I wasn't able to find credible info online.
Thats it folks....THE WHOLE TRUTH! Lets see where this gets me!
Dale Jr
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