I don't know the guy. I don't know his business. But I do have some sincere questions. Didnt bump this thread, but figured I would take advantage of it being bumped to ask the questions.
Have been following his facebook page for a bit. It seems like year in and year out he is hit with horrible weather, floods, hurricanes, and so on. Bad things do happen.
I spent two weeks in hospital. Didnt have time to close the online store or Ebay listings. Came home to hate mail and complaints at Ebay. Got my orders out with apology, explanation, and more extra than I usually send. Screwed some of those up cause in a race to get them out, I did them still stoned on pain medicine and O2.
For the most part, people retracted bad reviews at Ebay and sent me well wishes. I sent out orders even to folk who got Paypal involved and got refunds. Some of those folk not only sent the money back but a few sent extra. I still screwed my 100% rating at Ebay and I am sure some folk wouldn't believe me even with a photograph of my latest amputation site, but for the most part people have been very considerate, kind, and understanding.
One person even followed me to my personal Facebook page, found our go fund me thing, and donated a hundred bucks. The guy had just bought a $2.00 pack of seeds. I was frigging floored.
So here is my question. Is all this hate towards Mr. Baker from the loan that went bad? Was he just really mean and rude in the forums? I honestly do not get it cause after I screwed up, I got almost all the love in return, met nice folk, have a couple coming out to help me get the high tunnel ready today. Heck, I have a minister in Indians who said he is going to pray for my family.Â
I honestly dont get it.