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preservation Balsamic Vinegar in Sauces?

I'm into sweet/hot sauces and wonder how Balsamic Vinegar would work? It's sweet and fairly mild, has a higher acidity level (6%), and there is even a white variety so it shouldn't change the appearance much. Anyone tried it for sauces yet?
It is a great additive to sauces....and I must agree with THP's post. ....make sure its the real stuff or don't waste your money as mess up a good batch of sauce. There are some cheap imitations on the market.... real stuff is not cheap, but a little goes a long way.
one word for ya  "fabulous!!"
i make a sauce with Balsamic vinigar and have a friend who loves it
take the folowing
amounts will depend on personal preferance of taste,texture,heat level Etc
take balsamic vinegar,red pepper flake,fresh onion and garlicas well as sea salt add everything into the blender and zap it for a about 1 minite
let set unrefrigerated for around 2 days before using, shake freaquently if its thin
hope this helps and im sure you will love it!
it is good with sandwiches, pasta and pizza
thanks your friend Joe