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Bannana Pepper

I know its not a HOT Pepper but still a pepper

only been a few weeks but for some reason my anaheim chili behind it which you can't see from this angle is growing much much slower for some reason maybe they grow slower than bannana peppers. any help would help:shocked:
alittle hung over from last night winning in some texas hold-em
First pepper I ever ate was a banana--loved it! I've got several growing now but just two different varieties.

Slice 'em in half, a little milk bath, into the seasoned flour then onto a hot buttered griddle. Flip 'em once serve 'em up. Oh my, crispety crunchety heaven!
I love banana peppers...I have three different varieties and a total of 9 plants...
You fix them any way special AJ? I like them pickled too. I may have to try that this year if I get enough. Coooooooooool.
patrick said:
First pepper I ever ate was a banana--loved it! I've got several growing now but just two different varieties.

Slice 'em in half, a little milk bath, into the seasoned flour then onto a hot buttered griddle. Flip 'em once serve 'em up. Oh my, crispety crunchety heaven!

gonna definetly give this a try....but i'ma do it with a hungarian HW...........i suppose itz gonna be similar....
That's a real strange question for me Mr UnNatural--I didn't know they turned red! Ha! They've never lasted that long. Guess I'll have to let some go.
same here Un...I pick and eat them before they turn...

here is a pic of a few I picked yesterday evening....

patrick said:
That's a real strange question for me Mr UnNatural--I didn't know they turned red! Ha! They've never lasted that long. Guess I'll have to let some go.

AlabamaJack said:
same here Un...I pick and eat them before they turn...

here is a pic of a few I picked yesterday evening....


Hmm... Looks like most of mine are ready to eat! Awesome! I had 2 that were almost completely red, very sweet. The others have hints of red through out.
just dumped em

i just knocked my bannana pepper on the ground all over the place then basically transplanted it back into tthe same pot it survived fine. I am going to be moving most of my plant indoors as soon as i can afford to get the set up and my womans approval (most improtant to getting your indoor setup) i think. new pics in two days
Wildfire Chilli Australia said:
Check out my weird Bannana Chilli - It is a Yellow Hot Wax. Does have a bit of heat to it.
This one is a bit deformed, sorta looks like it wanted to grow 2?

If it is a Hungarian Hot Wax, it is not the same as a banana pepper, per se. I love HHW - my fav hot pepper, though it is not very hot.

Irony..I just bought a "Sweet Banana Pepper" plant today for $3 at Wal-Mart. Along with a smaller O-Hab plant for $1 and other stuff.... :)



Big one is the Banana Pepper. It's actually growing out the bottom of the peat pot and will need pottin up SOON. Yes, I check for pests b4 bringing home...learned that the hard way.

Some of the plants said sweet banana, some said hot banana...but they looked about the same. Is that just labeling or different varients? I got teh sweet one cus I have enough hot chiles as is. ;)

Shopping WIN:

alaska fish fert - 6.52
cutting stuff - 4.00
4oz Superthrive - 7.72 (Dammm..I paid $14 last year for 1 friggin' ounce at local nursery store!)
The only real difference between Hungarian wax and banana peppers is usually the heat so the hot bananas are likely the same or very close