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Basic Devils Jelly

I'd like to share my newly invented recipe for devils jelly. I even bought a rod blender just for this! I was pretty impressed with the outcome because this was my first try with hot sauces. Actually this is just a basic sauce that everyone can modify the way they prefer.

3 golf ball sized habaneros
2 sweet peppers
~10 mini tomatoes
3 tbl spoons of vinegar
2 tea spoons of salt

This gives about 4 dl of ready jelly. I did only this much because i dont know how long it will stay fresh in a fridge. And i wasnt sure about the result =)

I blended habs, peppers and tomatoes in deep bowl with rod blender. Then added the vinegar and spices. I used chipotle powder, fresh basil and oregano. Then added 2 dl of water and simmered slowly about an hour in a frying pan. I wanted it to be very thick so i simmered it so long time that most of the water was evaporated. I've heard that someone uses real jelly sugar with this but i think it could become too sweet. Tomatoes and sweet peppers gives a good amount of sweetness and freshness.

The taste is sweetish and very fresh because of the fresh ingedients! I took the sauce to work and let my colleagues to taste it and everyone really seemed to like it. Next im going to add some vinegar and other peppers for more heat. This is a very good substitute for ketchup!
Here's the pic i promised. There's not much left because it's so damn good... Little more heat next time! There you can seen how thick the stuff is. Consistency is like ketchup except theres some tomato seeds and spices.

Here is another pic. My first contact with Bih Jolokia powder! It wasn't a very pleasant meeting... I started the drooling immediately after tasting it.