video BeagleStorm and Friends vs. The Yellow 7 Pot - A Video Review

Ok so this was probably the hottest chile I have had so far. Maybe I let my guard down because I heard this was the mildest of the 7’s or because I was with my friends…. Either way, it was very hot. I ate a full half of that 7 Pot SR and it was not as hot as almost a half of this yellow. I had chile rellenos for dinner so that was not the best buffer for this chile. My stomach really hurt for 5 or 6 minutes. Had my stomach not been so uncomfortable I would have enjoyed this much much more. Oh and Sorry for mispronouncing your screen name Ed... I was not thinking perfectly clear. So… on to the review. The chile looks awesome, bumpy deep yellow pod with a nice shape and point on the end. Cutting it open did not yield a strong odor like the 7SR. Smelling it reminded me of a fatali or the Harold St. Barts. Fruity and a hint of citrus. This pod had lots of seeds, but still a medium amount overall. Not a lot of placenta but very oily inside. It did not look nearly as hot on the inside as the 7SR. Taste was a nice subtle fruity flavor I think I like the Fatali a little bit better. The heat hit really fast almost as fast as that Fatali I ate yesterday. Maybe 10 seconds, but I could tell it was going to be hot the second it touched my tongue. Inhaling was difficult with out coughing due to the capsicum vapors. I think this was the first one to actually give me an endorphin rush afterward. Texture was nice and juicy with a medium thick skin. It is a pretty substantial amount of flesh to chew up. Heat was typical 7 Pot… Blowtorch (maybe 2) to the throat and a great overall mouth burn. I think this had more mouth burn than any of the other 7 pots I have had. Ed is going to send me one of these when his are ripe. I had planned to eat the whole pod to thank him for his kindness and kind of a when in Rome thing since he always eats the whole pod. Now more than ever I had the greatest respect for him and Ryan and Neil. I am really going to have to prepare mentally if I am going to attempt it. Ok so there you have it. Whole pod or not I definitely want to try this one again by myself with out distractions. This will be a must grow for next year. Thanks again Sean, you grew a hell of a chile.
great video michael! thanks for the kind words! don't worry about mispronouncing the screen name. no big deal! i'm not sure who told you that yellow 7 was the mildest of the 7s but as you know now they were wrong. this is the one i'm most looking forward to and also the most scared of! the plants are now over 5 feet tall and flowering like crazy. i'll also be sending the regular red 7pod. as far as the regular red goes , i have never had a plant with this many flowers and peppers on it! it's one seems to be growing the regular red 7 anymore so i'm glad to grow it. it won't be long now. hopefully i'll be able to throw a trinidad scorpion in there and maybe choclate bhut as well. i didn't know you tried the brain strain! lucky you! i'm finding that pod or the seeds the hardest one to come by but i'll keep trying till i get it. i must eat a brain strain!! take care!
Awesome job man! Im impressed, again. Its a DAMN good chilli, huh? I got the hiccups almost immediately. lolIts a really good pepper with a nice, sweet taste. One of the better ones to eat straight.
I too ... ate the Yellow 7 that Sean (Hot Pooper) sent me ... last evening :mouthonfire:

I ate half that rascal first ... and then spent the next 2 hours eating the other half :rofl:

I really enjoyed it ...

Think I'll try Sean's "Oreo" tonight ... a Chocolate and a White Habanero ... but I gotta get more beer first :beer:

Thanks again for all the nice peppers !!!
Yea that's definitely why I plan on growing them next season. They're quite tasty. I'm gonna have to try another one here soon. Wanna see if it's different.

Feel bad for your female friend there. She looks like it was a bit rough for her haha
Thanks everybody, so many nice comments. These reviews sure are great fun to do. Each one is as much fun now as opening a birthday gift when you were a little kid. I am so glad you all enjoy them and find them useful. My friends were really pumped after the review and want to do another. I am glad I gave them a small piece and did not scare them away. Still trying to figure out what chile would be a nice fit for their next review. They want a bigger piece for the next one. Hehehehe Fortunately this one gave me no stomach problems the next day so now I like it even more.