video BeagleStorm vs. The Chocolate 7 Pot Chile - A Video Review

Wow I was totally blown away by this chile. I am still speechless and feel very confused. The flavor of this Chocolate 7 Pot was by far… leaps and bounds ahead of any other chile I have tasted. I am still in disbelief and keeping myself from getting too excited because it really seems too good to be true. This diminutive little chile was maybe 1.25 inches long with medium brown wrinkled skin. When I opened the package from Jacob this pepper looked a little green still near the tip or maybe already turning bad as it was a little soft. It was hard to tell from the outside. It sat in the fridge for a week and not wanting them to go bad, I forced myself to try several of them tonight. It looked pretty much the same as when I got it. Still a little soft and the discoloration at the tip was unusual… but I have never seen a chocolate ripen so I can imagine that this coloration could be normal. I was still unsure when I sliced it open but once I saw the nice white looking seeds I knew the little guy was ok. No burst of aroma like from the 7SR but when I smelled it up close, it was sweet and very very fruity. Low seed count and lots of placenta on the walls of the chile and around the seed cluster. It looked just as scary as a typical 7 Pot, just smaller. I cut small ¼ piece of the chile and took a small taste. Instantly I tasted a strong (not subtle, not faint, really very strong) ripe banana flavor. I was still trying to figure out if it really could taste that good when the heat hit. Bam! Just like all the other 7 Pot’s straight to the back of the throat. This was extremely hot although the Yellow 7 Pot seemed a hair hotter (that pod was also 4 times bigger) but they were very close. So I ad to try another piece to make sure I was not imagining the banana flavor. Second piece was harder to taste as I was already numb but then it broke through for a few seconds yep delicious ripe bananaish flavor. Ok so has anyone else tried one of these? The last few people to review a Douglah have said the taste is not that great. Thanks to Judy I know the chocolate 7 is a different chile so has anybody else tried one of these and had a similar flavor experience? Jacob have you tried these? What did you think. The only other possibility I can think of is that the chile was basically overripe and a lot off the starches converted to sugars (does that actually happen? It is just a guess.) and presto an almost spoiled but incredibly tasty chile. I don’t think this is the case. The seeds were perfect only a few were dark and there was not even a hint of spoiled or bad flavor. It was pure amazing. Ok please let me know what you think and Jacob Great job once again. If the chiles I grow next year from this seed taste the same way this would be my absolute favorite chile so far. Although being so flavorful, it would not be good for everything. Sorry about the huge pics below, I resized them on photobucket but they are still showing up huge.


nice review michael. it seems like alot of people have tried douglah but few have tried chocolate 7pod. looks good. glad you found a pod with heat and flavour!
Glad you liked it. It is a great chile, but the mildest of the 7's I have tried so far(but not mild by any means). I don't have the best tastebuds, but I didn't pick up on the banana flavor. Maybe that is some of the green chile coming through. It was about 80-85% ripe when I picked it to send out to you. That is why the bottom tip is green as well as the insides have a bit of a green hue. Glad it fared better than some of the others I sent out to you. I do think I figured out what happened with the others though since I am not seeing it when I open them up here. Right after I picked them I washed the spider webs off (I have literally thousands of spiders in the garden keeping guard.) I patted them dry and let them sit overnight to finish drying before I packed them, but must have gotten some moisture inside the pods though the freshly cut stem. Add high heat from the trip and voila! Lesson learned.

This one is actually different from the brown 7 pot as well. I got this one from peppermania as part of the garden of fire pack she was selling around the first of the year. IIRC it originally came from madhatter.

Thanks for all the nice comments Ed, Wasatch and Pappy. Jacob, I’m glad you saw the post. I was really curious as to what they were and where they came from. Thanks for the explanation. How was the yield on these Chocolates? Seen a few post indicating they are much lower than say the Douglah. Glad to hear they are the mildest of the 7's. Should be perfect to make some hot salsa or Sweet Thai Coconut curry. Thanks again for that great box of chiles you sent. (Twice)
I'm new to the chile growing and forum, so not that familar with the different chiles and I was wondering if the chocolate habanero is the same chile as the one your eating
I'm new to the chile growing and forum, so not that familar with the different chiles and I was wondering if the chocolate habanero is the same chile as the one your eating

Hi Paul,

Welcome to THP. The 7 pod or pot is a different chile pepper. This one is much hotter than a Chocolate Habanero. (Although the Chocolate Hab is no slouch, they have a great burn) Check out the following link to find out more information about this chile. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want, someone will always chime in with an answer for ya.

Douglah vs. 7 Pod Brown

Actually, it isn't the same as the peppers listed in that thread, but a different one altogether. It is smaller than the 7pod brown with a similar coloring and not as pimply as the douglah. Haven't tried the 7pod brown yet, but it is not as hot as the douglah. There are a ton of different 7pod variations out there. I will be growing this one again for sure.

Great review Beaglestorm. Its a nice one. This one was a cross between a Jamaican hot chocolate x 7 pot i send to Beth at Peppermania 3 years ago. I'll be growing it next year for sure too. Nice Jacob!
Wow Madhatter... No wonder it tasted so good. The JHC was #1 on my list of "Top 10 Best Tasting Peppers" that I found on another forum. I had been hoping to try all ten on the list this year but have only been able to try 2 of them so far, and none of the top 5. Fortunately however, thanks to everybody’s kindness here on THP, I have been able to try a bunch of other amazing peppers and have started making my own “Top 10 List” I guess I will just have to grow two top ten lists next year. Hahaha

Jacob thanks for pointing out that that this pepper was different. I hate spreading bad information. I was reading Judy’s post and she listed the Douglah and then the 7 Pod Brown or Chocolate. So I just assumed this was one of those. Now I am looking forward to trying the 7 Pod Brown that you and she are talking about. Thanks,

Oh and one last thing, I posted a question a few weeks ago about Peppermania’s new 7 Pod Special but it never got answered:

7 Pod Special

7 Pod Special Photo

Does anybody know anything about it? It looks really neat. The one on the right looks almost like a 7 Pod - Hinkelhatz cross. Wonder what the special story is behind it.
Wow Madhatter... No wonder it tasted so good. The JHC was #1 on my list of "Top 10 Best Tasting Peppers" that I found on another forum. I had been hoping to try all ten on the list this year but have only been able to try 2 of them so far, and none of the top 5. Fortunately however, thanks to everybody’s kindness here on THP, I have been able to try a bunch of other amazing peppers and have started making my own “Top 10 List” I guess I will just have to grow two top ten lists next year. Hahaha

Jacob thanks for pointing out that that this pepper was different. I hate spreading bad information. I was reading Judy’s post and she listed the Douglah and then the 7 Pod Brown or Chocolate. So I just assumed this was one of those. Now I am looking forward to trying the 7 Pod Brown that you and she are talking about. Thanks,

Oh and one last thing, I posted a question a few weeks ago about Peppermania’s new 7 Pod Special but it never got answered:

7 Pod Special

7 Pod Special Photo

Does anybody know anything about it? It looks really neat. The one on the right looks almost like a 7 Pod - Hinkelhatz cross. Wonder what the special story is behind it.

7 pot Special? I sent Beth my strain of 7 pot i got directly from a friend in Trinidad also 3 years ago. Looks very similar to mine. I should email her and ask her if its the same one.
Hey beaglestorm spoke to Beth at peppermania regarding the 7 pod special. She fould the pod dropped in a field and decided to call it the 7 pot special. Not mine. After a second look mine arent as bumpy as her's.