I don’t worry about it. Then again, when I trim fat off a brisket or any other cut, I try to leave as much meat as possible on the cut. But, shite happens and I end up with some meat on the fat. I still go full speed ahead, and haven’t had a problem with shelf stability or flavor by having some meat on the fat. Just have to make sure it all renders down enough to get rid of as much moisture as possible, and after filtering it, and putting into its final vessel, letting it cool completely before putting a lid on it and sticking it in a cool dark place until needed.Do you need to fully separate the fat from the meat? I've heard both ways. Been thinking of making my own some time.
Funny thing is, we have a meat market 5 minutes walk from the house. Downside is, the only non frozen meat they usually have is some steaks, ground beef, roasts, various chicken, and various pork. All the lamb, goat (yum!), beef ribs, cheeks,etc.., you know…ALL the good stuff, if all frozen.now its time to smoke some beef cheeks then finish them in that tallow
Do you roll it whole or chop it first?try smoking a whole cauliflower head. It will change your life.