• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Beehunters Grow log - Now with Awkward video update.

Hey all. As you can see im new here and new to gardening in general. Ive been lurking around the site for a while now preparing for this grow. Ive got some African birds eye that just sprouted and soaking some other seeds now to go in the incubator tonight. Ill post pics of the sprouts later. Figured this is a good way to get to know people and great place to get advice.
Happy growing!

The Beehunter

I"m digging the size of the leaves your getting.

Mine are not quite that big I don't think. Do you do anything special to force them large? Could it be that cooler climates require larger leaves for the same amount of energy collection? Living in florida, mine are noticeably smaller, though not tiny. Perhaps the converse is true, perhaps living so close to the equator (more direct sun) the leaves are somewhat smaller because they are only growing to the size necessary... I'll have to think about, and google search this later :)
Yea i would think its because of the climate? The leaves are bigger on the plants that spend there days outside now rather than the ones under the lights. So is it heat or light? hard to say. maybe ill have to do some testing to find out! In fact even the leaves that were very wrinkled under the lights seemed to stretch out of there wrinkles now. Damn now you got me thinkin...

Jsschrrcks-Nail on the head- heat /direct sun smaller leaves.At least that is true of mine-the sunnier the location the smaller the leaves, and the higher their numbers...lots of resons why, and nature nails em all-ain't it cool.

Haha-Your culls huh?They look pretty happy man-I always say culls, but I can't ever kill'em....I just find a spot, and say sink or swim...natural selection time.The other plants look great-funny how they are so sun sensitve when they first go out, I found some old discarded window screen panels, and sandwiched them together and cover the plants for the first week out in the sun, so they don't get nailed so hard, cuz they do like sun when when they can take it exposure wise.Nice pic of the Mulato Isleno flower-gonna be watchin this one, as its totally new to me.
Have a good one-

Yea my "culls" are also a survival of the fittest add to that they have to compete with each other!! Ive actually been suprised how healthy they all seem to stay. The Mulato Isleno has been a cool plant so far. I had never heard of it actually. But it is one hardy sucker! It is outpacing everything else size wise. not just height but thickness of stem as well. I know its hard to tell in the pic but the flower is really beautiful as well! Thanks for stopping by.

Yes, nice flower pic, for sure! I'm sure your plants are all healthy and growin'!
Get up to the mountains this weekend? Have a good week, Britt!

Hey Paul thanks for checking in! Yea i did get into the mountain. Hard a nice day of rock climbing with a few buddies. I enjoyed the sun big time. and it seems my plants did too! I came home to some tired thursty pepper plants!
Ok wednesday update time. Not too much has changed this week. I have six plants now that are full time not under the lights. They spend there nights and morning inside till it is warm enough for them to go out onto the balcony. They get about 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. All afternoon light. Everything under else under the lights seems to grow about the same pace as it has been. The difference is 4 out of the 7 plants under the lights are flowering or have pods on them. No plants that are not under the lights have pods. Also the plants that are not under the lights are seem to be growing much taller and developing larger leaves. My guess is that is due to less hours of direct light? Ok on to the pics.

Here is a group shot of the Nonlight plants patiently waiting for head outside. I have no idea how to fix the white contrast of pics sorry.

I posted a pic of this Hot Wax pod 5 days ago. It grows so fast! Anyone know is these pods grow up like this the whole time? they seem like pretty lard pods for that.

Next are two shots of some of the hab pods. That plant is filling up! i probably shouldnt be letting it put on pods when its so small but i cant help it :)

Plants are looking really good. The pods that are forming are beyond the fork and with the habs you'll end up with endless amounts. Why pick them off, the plant looks like its flourishing. If it were a sweet bell pepper than I'd take all flowers off until the plants ready to produce the second round which is usually double.
Your plants on the floor appear very healthy. Your photo isn't contrasty, the leaves are shiney and the white "highlights" are appearing because they're at the right angle to the light source and is reflecting the light back to the camera. The only way to reduce the reflection is to diffuse the light source, move the subject matter futher away from the light ( that will give you a lower contrast ratio) or reflect light back into the shadow side of the subject( white foam core board or foil works )which is what I'd do and have done so for years doing "window lit photography"

Back to your plants, what kind of habs are they?

Plants are looking really good. The pods that are forming are beyond the fork and with the habs you'll end up with endless amounts. Why pick them off, the plant looks like its flourishing. If it were a sweet bell pepper than I'd take all flowers off until the plants ready to produce the second round which is usually double.
Your plants on the floor appear very healthy. Your photo isn't contrasty, the leaves are shiney and the white "highlights" are appearing because they're at the right angle to the light source and is reflecting the light back to the camera. The only way to reduce the reflection is to diffuse the light source, move the subject matter futher away from the light ( that will give you a lower contrast ratio) or reflect light back into the shadow side of the subject( white foam core board or foil works )which is what I'd do and have done so for years doing "window lit photography"

Back to your plants, what kind of habs are they?


Man thanks for the photo tip! Next week i will give the foil a try and see if they come out better. And that hab is just a standard orange hab plant. Being the first grow i needed some "gemme" varieties. Or that was the thought at first. Now im thinking they can all be a pain! or can go perfectly smooth. Fingers crossed!
Outstanding, Britt, those 'waiting for the balcony'
plants look like they don't mind it at all.
And pods!
Update wednesday day! yaaaay. Ok this week has been a pretty good week for my plants! We had a full week of sunny warm weather! So The plants that i have been harding off had a great week. They still spent there nights and morning inside by the window but there afternoons and evening were spent bathing in that big grow lamp in the sky! Harding is going well everyday the sun seemed to wilt them less and less. Stems are getting thicker and strong as well. They do seem to be working a little harder to gather light since they are only getting about 6 hours a day of direct sun. Some lean towards the window in the morning and a few seem to be stretching there leaves a bit bigger. I dont think its a problem though. The plants under lights are doing great. My hab plant stepped up to what will probably be its final home. Its a bit smaller than recommended but thats the breaks... My Mulato plant lost its flowers which isnt too much a suprise but it just keeps putting on new ones anyway. Oh two of my trini plants (on scorp on 7pot) are both growing huge umbrella like leaves at the top i guess because they have grown back closer to the lights again? not sure. Ok on to the pics!

Here is a group shot of the balcony plants waiting for it to warm up so they can step outside!

One of the balcony bhuts activing like its wants to flower.

My balcony yellow 7 pot is having some strange new growth. Any ideas for cause?

Hab with its pods. i think there is nine pods total and more flowers still blooming. it seems to be making pods with maybe half the flowers. which is fine so early i guess.

Top view of underlights 7pot

Side few of the sunbrella leaves

Hot wax plant is much different than i thought it would be. it is braching really low and just being short a sturdy.

Birdseye is just being the machine it is. covered in pods and just bushy as hell.
Nice update. Those birdseyes are cool plants. I have been seeing lots of those in glogs. The upright pods on the wax peppers sometimes happen with the first couple pods. Especially the first one in the "fork". They tend to be dwarfed also.I pick my annuum buds early on. Now with these supers I was not so sure about picking but I am leaning towards not doing it from the info I have been getting.
Yea i thought the upright pods were weird. It seems like none of the new flowers are taking so after these pods come off hopefully it will hit a little grow spurt. Yea and i have really enjoyed my birdseye. That plant just seems to be a little tank. always putting out new growth and leaves and flowers and pods. just a work horse. ive enjoyed it forsure.
Thanks for a good look at your cool plants, Britt!
I have a Hot Wax going, too, just starting to flower,
but I imagine the buds will drop off with the cool
nights in the greenhouse. I'll just be satisfied
looking at yours for now ;)
Hey Paul thanks for stoppin by! Your Hot Wax might suprise you. Mine has dropped probably 10 flowers and only takin the two pods.
My balcony yellow 7 pot is having some strange new growth. Any ideas for cause?

Hi Beehunter,

Last season I had the same issue, and even worse, the leaves became yellow and it was barely growing bigger.
Then I ended up with a medium sized plant which was giving me like 10 Habs instead of the hundreds, what all of the others produced.
I beleive it is some deficiency, and I was reading it can be a symptom of Calcium deficiency.

Hopefully yours will recover, as she does not look so bad. I would say, give her a good watering once its soil dries out, then try to fix the nutritient issue with repotting it or with giving her some fertilizer.

Anyways, don't give up! :fireball:

Distorted leafe of my poor Hab in 2011
Hey HH thanks for stopping by! I was also wondering if it was a defiency of some sort. Could be cal i guess. I do give them a diluted cal treatment every week when i give them there fert but maybe i need to be giving them more? or this plant in particular? could be since it is one of my largest plants. Your 2011 hab also looks very wet. could also have been overwatered? Anyhow. Hey hows the weather in Hungary? must be starting to get nice over there!
I do give them a diluted cal treatment every week when i give them there fert but maybe i need to be giving them more? or this plant in particular? could be since it is one of my largest plants.

Maybe your plant(s) are old enough to get a bit more at feeding time?
Hey HH thanks for stopping by! I was also wondering if it was a defiency of some sort. Could be cal i guess. I do give them a diluted cal treatment every week when i give them there fert but maybe i need to be giving them more? or this plant in particular? could be since it is one of my largest plants. Your 2011 hab also looks very wet. could also have been overwatered? Anyhow. Hey hows the weather in Hungary? must be starting to get nice over there!

Hi Beehunter,

Agree with PaulG, you may need start to increase the fert dose.
It can be some nutritient lockout, so maybe it is wiser to repot it to new soil. My pepper looks wet, because the picture was made after I sprayed them. Anyways, last year I could not fix mine, and did not get a full sized plant, but luckily I managed to prepare a little bonchi to my girlfriend.
I had to involve her in my chili-madness, so now she can see the good side of it, too :dance:
April is a tricky thing in Hungary. You can get 23 Celsius in daytime, and less than 10 during night. Today is easter, and we had minus 2 in the morning... :tear: Until May no plantout can begin, all I can do is to put the babies into an unheated polytunnel, so they can survive this cold weather.
How is the weather in Sweeden? You must have a very short growing season. Your plants look happy, you must have a good harvest! :hot:
Did any of the Bhut Jolokia 'Carbon' x Yellow 7 Pot germinate for you?

Hey Spicegeist! Yea i hadone pop! I have been meaning to add them to the log and will try and get pics up tomorrow. thanks again for the seeds! The shipping was hard on most of them so my hopes were not high but im glad i got atleast one out it.

Hi Beehunter,

Agree with PaulG, you may need start to increase the fert dose.
It can be some nutritient lockout, so maybe it is wiser to repot it to new soil. My pepper looks wet, because the picture was made after I sprayed them. Anyways, last year I could not fix mine, and did not get a full sized plant, but luckily I managed to prepare a little bonchi to my girlfriend.
I had to involve her in my chili-madness, so now she can see the good side of it, too :dance:
April is a tricky thing in Hungary. You can get 23 Celsius in daytime, and less than 10 during night. Today is easter, and we had minus 2 in the morning... :tear: Until May no plantout can begin, all I can do is to put the babies into an unheated polytunnel, so they can survive this cold weather.
How is the weather in Sweeden? You must have a very short growing season. Your plants look happy, you must have a good harvest! :hot:

Thanks for the info. Ill be potting up those plants in the next few days so if its Nut lock out hopefully that takes care of it. Also i might pick a few plants and up there dose of feeding to see how they react before introducing it too all the plants.

Here in Switzerland ;) Its also pretty funny weather this time of year. I had a good two weeks where half my plants spent there afternoons outside harding off. But for the past 5 days they have been stuck inside due to cold and cloud cover. Whats more is it looks like this weather pattern will stick around for another 7 or 8 days atleast.... So my plants are stuck inside and not really adding much growth for now. Heck it snowed here on easter for about 5 hours.... Hopefully spring returns soon!!
Thanks for the info. Ill be potting up those plants in the next few days so if its Nut lock out hopefully that takes care of it. Also i might pick a few plants and up there dose of feeding to see how they react before introducing it too all the plants.

Here in Switzerland ;) Its also pretty funny weather this time of year. I had a good two weeks where half my plants spent there afternoons outside harding off. But for the past 5 days they have been stuck inside due to cold and cloud cover. Whats more is it looks like this weather pattern will stick around for another 7 or 8 days atleast.... So my plants are stuck inside and not really adding much growth for now. Heck it snowed here on easter for about 5 hours.... Hopefully spring returns soon!!

Oh, shame on me! Sorry, mate, excuse me, my mistake. I know how annoying it can be, since the people from the west usually confuse Budapest (Hungary) with Bucharest (Romania). :confused: But snow on Easter sucks. We also had minus 2 in the morning, and it climbed up only until 13... :tear:
Hey Spicegeist! Yea i hadone pop! I have been meaning to add them to the log and will try and get pics up tomorrow. thanks again for the seeds! The shipping was hard on most of them so my hopes were not high but im glad i got atleast one out it.

That's great to hear! They're F1, so one is all you need. I'll be curious to see how it does.
Hey, Britt - good luck getting those pot ups done; hopefully end of problems!
Lots of snow in the mountains?