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Beehunters Grow log - Now with Awkward video update.

Hey all. As you can see im new here and new to gardening in general. Ive been lurking around the site for a while now preparing for this grow. Ive got some African birds eye that just sprouted and soaking some other seeds now to go in the incubator tonight. Ill post pics of the sprouts later. Figured this is a good way to get to know people and great place to get advice.
Happy growing!

The Beehunter

Beehunter your plants look awesome suck about the stall out, but they will burst once they get that good sun again. The flower and hab shot looks great what type of habs are those.
Beehunter your plants look awesome suck about the stall out, but they will burst once they get that good sun again. The flower and hab shot looks great what type of habs are those.
Yo Thanks SoCal. Today we are having our first full sun truly warm day in quite some time. and my plants are paying the price!! I didnt open the greentent till just now and those plants are looking rough! but i guess they will get used to it.


The plants that are not in the hothouse look much better.
Well we have had a few hot and sunny days in a row and it has been Awesome for my plants!! Now we are back to a bit more normal weather of overcast and possibly a bit of rain for the next week. But hoping for some sun breaks too... Thinking of doing a video update for my next update since everyone is together on the balcony now. Well everyone Expend the two late starts(Sri lanken Bhut from Bootseib, Carbon x yellow7 from SpiceGeist). Anyone. I have 15 plants on the balcony. 7 in the hothouse and 8 outside of it. And the Balcony is full! and a few still need to step up a shoe size! Oh well i will set it worked out. Ok on to the pics.

The Full sun has started the Habs ripening but seems to only been the smallest one. i guess the larger ones will take a bit longer.

The sun has also cause my Jal to throw on a bunch of pods.

The Mulato is getting tall and getting ready to flower again. Maybe this time it will pod up. We will see.

Over the top shot of plants in the hothouse. A Trinidad Scorpion Cardi, Yellow 7 pot, and a Butcht

Another Yellow 7 and and Bhut

Group shot of the plants not in the hothouse.

till next time
Beehunter out
Those plants are liking that balconey lighting!


Hey Greg thanks for stopping in. Yea seems to be nothing like the right amount of sunlight to jump start some growth!

Man nothing like a fast rebound. Your plants do love you :party:

Yea man its crazy! I beat the crap out of them doing all kinds of things wrong and have crap weather on top of it all and it only takes two or three days of good weather and a bit of water for them to come back and push even further along! One of these days im gonna catch up with you warm weather guys living in the south lands!
That is great work - and yeah, it is hard to believe it's your first season. Well done! Also, nice work with your limited space. Last year once the first of my habs started turning it seemed like they started to come real fast and before I knew it i had more than I knew what to do with. Waiting for that first one though is tough.
Hey BH, those plants are looking great - Youve done a great job , hard to believe its your first season. Nice one !!
That is great work - and yeah, it is hard to believe it's your first season. Well done! Also, nice work with your limited space. Last year once the first of my habs started turning it seemed like they started to come real fast and before I knew it i had more than I knew what to do with. Waiting for that first one though is tough.

Hey thanks Guys! It is my first year but luckily i have this website or id be screwed! And it doesnt hurt that my wife is an ecologist who did her Phd around Aphids and there Parasitiods. so she has grown a few plants in her day. Anyhow thanks for checking in and keep posting so i can keep learning!
I can't wait for pods. My plants are at a boring stage right now. Good to see your weather is changing. Our weather is starting to get nice and finally getting some much needed rain. Enjoy your habs.
They sure look tasty, I couldn't wait to try one :D

Great glog, keep up the good work :)

Hey thanks for stopping by. its been pretty damn fun work!

I can't wait for pods. My plants are at a boring stage right now. Good to see your weather is changing. Our weather is starting to get nice and finally getting some much needed rain. Enjoy your habs.

Ah screw the boring stage!! I am glad i only took the advice of pinching on some of my plants cause now ill have a few stunted varieties but at least they already have pods to watch and tend too.
I just picked my first chinense pod the other day!


cant wait till i can start picking super hots!

20 more to put in the ground tomorrow, and about 100 more started (can anyone say glutton for punishment?).

your plants are looking great though, and they really are digging that sun... watch them throw pods like crazy now.