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Been a while. Kind of desperate.

Between the hospital stays and all that near death stuff, I havent been around.  I am still unable to walk more than a few feet.  Did not plant out this season.  Closed the online store.  Bank sold our farm and we are about to be homeless.  Haters will hate, but I gotta admit we are screwed and ask for help.  We want to rebuild, but that is going to take some coin we do not have.

Step 1 - We are now squatting in our former home, fighting eviction.  The sheriff could evict us at any point.  Hoping to use our go fund me account to buy a small trailer.  The good folk at our local renaissance festival may be letting our family of four live there for a year or so.
Step 2 - Buy land in Colorado.  My wife and her wife ( long story / non sexual ) have their hearts set on Colorado.  I dont care where we restart, I just need to grow again.  Theory is, if we live at the Renaissance festival for a year, I can start forging again as I can, sell my hand made knives and save money for land.  We are accepting general donations for that purpose at Paypal.com.  My knives are well made, attractive, and reasonably priced.  In fact, they typically sell as fast as I produce them.  So I think I can pull this off if I have a year to do it.

Step 3 - Rebuild the Peppers by Mail farm with our new extended family.  The foreclosure court stuff took place during this year's Kentucky Renaissance Festival. Talking with friends, we realized many of us are sick of the way things work.  We started talking of a better way to live.  Several friends have joined us in our desire for a new beginning.  Several friends want to move to Colorado with us, rebuild the Peppers by Mail farm as a cooperative.  So it is entirely possible PBM will be back bigger and better than ever.

Embarrassed and Ashamed - I am embarrassed and ashamed to ask for help.  If you are Catholic you will understand that waking up in a hospital bed with a priest next to your bed will change some thinking.  I just couldn't grow this season.  I was so horrifically ill.  Even today there is a hose coming out of what remains of my right foot.  It goes to a vacuum to suck the yuck out of the amputation site.  I tried to walk on it, but just crumbled.  No way I could have planted this year & the bank just doesn't care.

Social Equity - Hoping I have built enough social equity here that Hot Pepper will leave this post up.  I have given away more seeds to new members than I can remember.  When Chris was having trouble with cancer and medical bills, I donated what I could.  When there was an auction for Old Smokey, I donated a hand forged pattern welded Damascus knife, when another member was down on his luck I sent one of those large flat rate boxes of food.

Please - We are a family of four asking for help to move into a small camper trailer before winter gets here.  Social security has accepted that I am disabled.  That helps, but until I can get off this couch and function without the pain medication my wife can't work because she has to take care of me and the kids.  Unless you have been there, you have no idea what it is like to have your wife and kids take away your pee bottle.
How to Help

https://ajdrew.com - Keep up with our flight and participle in our efforts to find a better way to live.  Some real hippie stuff here.  Also, will be getting knives and other art / craft creations in the online store soon.

http://peppersbymail.com - Follow the links on the site to donate.  Keep up with the plans to rebirth the farm in Colorado.

Go Fund Me - This is the account to help us move into a camper trailer.  Home health care and the surgeon is dead set against it.  The infectious disease specialist says absolutely not.  But it is better than living under a bridge. 

General Donations - General donations via Paypal.
Even if you can not donate - Just knowing you care will help.  If you want to share ideas or just give me well wishes, please visit https://ajdrew.com, join, and participate.  Feeling all alone in this sucks.
Seriously folk, we are so screwed without you help.

i recently donated a small amount to 96Strat who was facing medical bills with no insurance. i hear your plight and know it can happen to anyone who is not wealthy. i have my own health issues and know i could be in the same situation at any time. i am still working but i know things could change very quickly. i believe in Karma and hope that good deeds will come back when needed. let me know where a small donation would help the most, gofundme or paypal and i will send what i can. god bless you and the family. 
I would grow something other than peppers if you move to Colorado. That would be your best bet in my opinion. I really hope things take a turn for the better, quit trying to walk on that foot and let it heal brother!
Sent a little to paypal, will try to send some more soon.  I hope things can come together for a coop farm.  Many hands make light work. 
AJDrew has been a contributing member here for a while, stand up guy with a funny pet.  :lol: 
Please help out if you can~
Thank you all.

On growing pot in Colorado, we make plenty growing peppers.  Its like they say, if you do what you love it isnt work.  Pot is OK but it is not my love.  Peppers, thats my love.  The there is the whole $10,000.00 commercial permits of growing cannabis.

On making knives - There is an online store, when I can get some done they will be in it.  Right now trying to find a camper trailer and a place to put it.  This between home care visits and the doctor appointments I can keep.

Thing that really bugs me at this point is the after effects of all the surgeries.  I keep trying to figure out solutions, but everything is so fuzzy between my ears.  Its great for making things, seems almost like meditating when it is bad.  But for anything else it is like I am Rain Man.  Had a very bad day in hospital and the case manager wanted to put me in a nursing home against my will.  I tried to explain that would leave my wife and kids homeless but she didnt seem to care.  I am getting the feeling family is not all that important to folk anymore.

My advice: Do not get sick.  Do not get hurt.
AJ Drew said:
Thank you all.

On growing pot in Colorado, we make plenty growing peppers.  Its like they say, if you do what you love it isnt work.  Pot is OK but it is not my love.  Peppers, thats my love.  The there is the whole $10,000.00 commercial permits of growing cannabis.

On making knives - There is an online store, when I can get some done they will be in it.  Right now trying to find a camper trailer and a place to put it.  This between home care visits and the doctor appointments I can keep.

Thing that really bugs me at this point is the after effects of all the surgeries.  I keep trying to figure out solutions, but everything is so fuzzy between my ears.  Its great for making things, seems almost like meditating when it is bad.  But for anything else it is like I am Rain Man.  Had a very bad day in hospital and the case manager wanted to put me in a nursing home against my will.  I tried to explain that would leave my wife and kids homeless but she didnt seem to care.  I am getting the feeling family is not all that important to folk anymore.

My advice: Do not get sick.  Do not get hurt.
Hello, I personally can not afford much but if you will allow me to I would love to post your story to as many websites as I possibly could to try and get word out about your situation.