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contest BEGIN! Cheesy Weekend II

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     A foretaste of the feast to come.

     Because the first crepe never turns out right until the pan "gets in the mood". 
     Crepes?! What the hell am I making?! :shocked:

Scoville DeVille said:
Masher and stettoman in this here shindig too?!?! :woohoo:
My entry was pretty obvious, but anyone says they doan' lahk the Velveeta is a liar. Whether it's actually cheese? Depends on emotional age.
I'm just getting off on the best recipe website on ANY internet, ANYWHERE. You effin' people have my fukkin' button!
I believe I'll more seriously jump in on a TD or two, once I get over the intrepidation of the competition here. I gots to cook some of this shit you guys make, though!
stettoman said:
My entry was pretty obvious, but anyone says they doan' lahk the Velveeta is a liar. Whether it's actually cheese? Depends on emotional age.
I'm just getting off on the best recipe website on ANY internet, ANYWHERE. You effin' people have my fukkin' button!
I believe I'll more seriously jump in on a TD or two, once I get over the intrepidation of the competition here. I gots to cook some of this shit you guys make, though!
Don't be scurrrd! It's all for fun and you'll surprise yourself with what your capable of.
After the spagetti-o cake, i find it fitting to enter a Cauliflower Pizza :cheers:
Cauliflower Pizza (no bread dough)
Grated Cauliflower
Parmasean Chz
Mozzarella Chz (for better melt, use REAL mozz for topping)
1 large egg
Pizza sauce
Bulk Italian sausage
sliced olives
Canned mushroom bits (drained and squeezed to remove liquid)
Green chilis
1 Fatalii cut into slivered rings
Grate cauliflower and measure out 2.25cups...gently heat on med to dry out cauliflower approx 10-12 mins
(do not cook it, or burn it...stir and toss often until dry and flaky)


Remove from heat to cool...once cooled, combine 1 egg, 1 cup grated parm, and the dried cauliflower to form a loose dough

Place cauliflower dough mixture onto parchment paper covered pizza pan and form 10" pizza crust with rim.
Bake 15-20 mins at 400* until golden brown..remove from oven and cool 10 minutes (remain on parchment and pizza pan)

Apply Sauce, mozz cheese, toppings and more mozz cheese.

Place into 400* preheated oven and bake 10-12 mins until melted and browned if desired

Remove from over, slice, serve....


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