contest Begin! Mexican TD

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500 H.P. MOLE'!


I think I'm in love. Is it illegal to marry food?


Nice plating! You're on a roll this weekend.

LunchBox's F.U.-HEATAHZ!


1.5 pounds of pork loin chops; cubed
.5 pound bacon end pieces, pan fried with coarse ground black pepper
2 yellow corn tortillas
random amount of corn meal
1 large roma tomato
1 pound fresh roasted New Mexico Hatch green chiles
2 cups water, 4 cups chicken stock
3 cans of hominy; you can get this free from the food bank...they have hundreds of donated cans
2 jalapenos
2 orange habaneros
2 limes
1 medium yellow onion
fresh garlic (3/4 shitload)
3 Dos Equis (Amber) beer(s)
salt, pepper, Mexican oregano, sage, lemon zest, Hungarian paprika, chili powder, coriander seed, cumin; both ground and seed

Drink beer 1 of 3 during prep. Cut the veggies, and dump everything (but the hominy, and one of the beers) in a 5qt pot. Heat to boil, then reduce heat, cover, stir, drink, stir...blah blah blah for the next 4 hours, until the tomato and onion disappear into the soup base. 2nd beer is for stirring...not into the pot, but to drink while stirring. Add the hominy around hour 3 of 4, and stir in a bit of corn meal after removing from heat. Somewhere in the middle of that process, cut the tortillas into strips, and fry in a mix of butter and oil until golden. Save the oil/butter for the veggies later. Sprinkle a little paprika and salt on fried tortilla strips, and try not to eat every damn one of them before dinner.

Garnish with fresh cilantro, lime, and what's left of the tortilla strips.

Borracho Beans:

1 pound of dry pinto beans
3 Dos Equis (Amber) beers's
1 pound of fresh roasted New Mexico Hatch green chiles
1 big ass can of crushed tomatoes
more fresh garlic
3 jalapenos
1 orange habanero
2 limes, and the juice therein
cilantro...and at this point, it became obvious that I needed to chope the entire bunch, and set it in a bowl
1 medium yellow onion
salt, coarse ground black pepper, Mexican oregano, sage, Hungarian paprika, chili powder, ground cumin, chile de arbol that I dried and flaked, and a large dried numex hot hatch chile

drop the beans in, a bunch of of the beers, and all the other stuff. Save the cilantro for the end.


2 cups long grain rice
1 roma tomato
Another beer for me
half an onion
half a bell pepper
chicken stock and water...2 cups of each
another lime
salt, pepper, Mexican oregano, sage, lemon zest, Hungarian paprika, chili powder, coriander seed, cumin
6-7 baby carrots
1 large dried numex hot hatch chile
1/2 pound of fresh roasted New Mexico Hatch green chiles

Boil the dried numex, and the carrots for 10 minutes, then add the roma for another 3 or 4 minutes. Toss them in a blender with the stock, water, a handfull of cilantro, garlic and dry spices, and puree. Cook the rice in that instead of water. Add the onion and bell pepper after removing from heat...stir it in,and cover.


3 large skirt steaks
Marinade - cider vinegar, lemon juice, soy sauce, black pepper, salt, cumin, chili powder, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, brown sugar, and 2 for meat, and one for me.
Rub - after the marinade - my own dry blend of chili powder, Hungarian paprika, Mexican oregano, pinch of sea salt, 5-peppercorn grind, garlic powder, onion powder, annato, sugar, red hatch powder and peppers I dried and flaked myself; chile de arbol, bhut jolokia, trinidad scorpion, and red savina.

Cooked over hickory charcoal until it just starts to blacken on both sides...only flip it a couple of times. When done, bring it in, slice it up, and enjoy. I ate so much of it off the cutting board, I couldn't finish the entire plate I made for myself.

Veggies - 1/2 pound of fresh roasted New Mexico Hatch green chiles, 4 medium portobellas, half an onion, a few jalapenos, a little salt and pepper, and flash fry them in the left over butter/oil from earlier.


3 avacados
more damn cilantro
half a roma tomato
about a table spoon of chopped onion
jalapeno scraps
juice from half a lime
salt, pepper, pinch of paprika

Moosh up the avacado, and stir in the other's pretty simple.


half a dozen jalapenos, 8 serranos, 1 dried numex hatch, 1 orange hab, 1 red hab, 1 t-scorp
1 large roma, and a handfull of fresh roasted New Mexico Hatch green chiles
sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.

Boil the dried hatch for about 10 minutes (with the ones before), then add the tomato, jalapenos, and serranos. Dice the habi's, and scorp, and marinade in juice from half a lime, and salt for 30 minutes or more. When the japs and serranos start changing color, take them, and the numex out...rinse with cold water, and toss in a blender. blend them up until coarse, then add the habi's and scorp with the lime juice. Puree until slightly chunky. Toss the roma and green chiles on the cutting board, and dice the hell out of them, to make your own Rotel. Add a little salt, and chop some more. Toss in the blender, add the salt, pepper, garlic and onion powders, and mix well. Mixture should still be warm, so put it in the fridge uncovered for a few hours to allow it to steam off the slight bitterness of the serranos. Garnish with cilantro, but don't leave it in the salsa that you put back in the fridge. Make sure you have plenty of toilet paper for tomorrow, install a seat belt on your toilet, and make sure you have some ice cream. It doesn't matter what flavor, because it's not for eating, and won't be anywhere near your mouth.

To eat this mess...take some shredded jack cheese, cilantro (the rest of it), diced green onions, and black olives, and shotgun it all over the plate...hard to f**k it up that way. Cut up a couple more limes, and squirt it all over the damn place. Sit back, relax, and be glad you picked up a 5th of rum, since the 12 pack of Dos Equis Amber is now missing. Not sure where it went...and not accusing anyone, but I think I see the paw prints of a large furry animal in the back yard...maybe a sasquatch, or dare I say...a bear?



Hummmm..lets see......43 years of cooking fot the family....Ya....I'll post something...
I'm just seeing when you all are not on so I can post the teasers and final with no interuptions....
whats the char limit per post..I may have to break mine up into several..depending on that....
till later today amigas y amigos
never said that...I'm cooking right now...on step 4 of 7 for the mole sauce...should be done by daybreak... I'm just seeing all of your 'passout' times...HeHeHe..
V Still here...

Where's your.80?

LB... What-Up?

Let me break this down for ya:

Started cooking at 1pm. Ate at 7:30pm.

Started drinking at 1pm. What time is it?

I'm going to bed. I have to attend a ritualistic human ceremony before lunch tomorrow, where my youngest son will be dedicated to the magical space appease the belief system embraced by my beautiful wife.

well LB....I don't know if posting 80 cents in a teaser qualifies for an official entry....
lets ask SL....

the fish tacos looked awfully good ....but ....
well we'll see..

(love the smack talk)

btw on step 5 of 7 for the mole sauce...still on schedule for daybreak....

My 80 cents... well I don't believe I've posted a teaser nor an offical entry yet........

... is that a real mexican dish...I mean is that mexican mexican dish or is that a sears mexican foolin....
no teaser for me. I don't have enough counterspace. Besides I already said I was making mole anyway.
my bad I read it that it had to be in both......... after re reading it sober I see the "or"
kk its all good...just more smack talk..
I thought that's what this was about..... damn I hope I don't actually have to cook something
Oh btw Mole is done....... finish time is 6:13 am..... its in the fridge resting like me..... now for the marathon
damn I guess I did actually cook something.....

1. You must create a Mexican dish (this includes regional takes on Mexican cuisine such as Tex-Mex etc. but not fusion--keep it Mexican).

Damn I read this one wrong too.... I could of swore it said 'meal' not 'dish'
oh well too late now... on with the show...
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