contest Begin! Mexican TD

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Now the offical entry....

Here is Vultture’s first TD at the Hot Pepper
I give you…..
México estilo verde
A four course Mexican Meal

Course 1 Appetizer Chips and Salsa

Course 2 Soup ( Chile Verde con carne)

Course 3 Main Meal

Chile Rellenos con Quesa….(topped with salsa or mole your choice)

Fajita’s con Delmonico Steak with Poblano Mole sauce

Home made pinto refrito beens con Habenero

Course 4 Dessert

Mexican fried Ice Cream con Bhut Jolokia

PLEASE See all teasers for complete preparation photos

The mole sauce was made from scratch and took most of a day to make and is a closely guarded family secret…..however…

The salsa and the Chile Verde con carne and all other additives had as their base a homemade (fermenteted) chile mash that has been fermenting for the past six weeks..its ingredients are as follows…

This is roughly listed in largest to smallest by proportion.. However I have never been a measuring type of person.

All peppers are green unless noted otherwise..

Chile Mash..Fermented six weeks


Hot Jamaican Habanero




Bhut Jolokia


Fresh Cilantro




Salt (for fermentation purposes)

Course 1… Appetizer Chips and Salsa


Now the chips are store bought but they are premium brand and given the time involved for the rest of the meal I hope you let it pass. However they were placed in a 450 degree oven for 4 minutes to get them nice and hot and greasy…

Salsa (Requirement)

I cup Fermented Chile Mash (See Above) non processed straight out of the fermenter (see how chunky it looks).

This stuff has everything it needs to be a salsa on its own…but to add a little freshness and some chunkiness to it I will add the following

4 Cherry tomatoes finely chopped (From The Garden see pics in Teasers above)

½ clove garlic minced

½ half tomatillo finely chopped

1 green habanero finely chopped

Finely minced fresh cilantro to taste

Double the recipe if you need more..HaHa I triple it….

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix with a rubber spatula until the desired mix is to your liking.

Place in serving cups for each individual to use as needed with chips..added to Chilie Verde..spooned over chilie rellenos….or added to the fajitas.

Cores 2 Soup

( not really…. its Chile Verde con carne but will take the place of a soup course).

I made two half batches of this…one with beans (Canned Black beans) and one without beans. Both are served at the table depending on your choice you can have whichever you want…(HaHa that will either get me all votes or none….oh well you be the judge of the effort put in to please all…lol)

5 12 oz (Prime) Delmonico steaks (brought to room temp) marinated in red wine, garlic, onion sea salt, and ground pepper medley, (black, green, pink, white) for 45 minutes then turned and the same mixture placed on the flip side and marinated for the remaining 45 marinade time 90 minutes.

Drain..scrape off the chunks of onion and garlic….pat dry..let set for 30 minutes..then off to the BBq

Grill over a hardwood fire (I used cherry wood for this and the fajitas) at 500 degrees or better for 3 minutes a side.. We’re aiming for rare (red inside and nicely charred on the outside but not burnt).. Don’t worry you rareaphobics…this is an ingredient to the Chile Verde it will cook some more in the Chile….

When the steaks are done bring inside and let cool on a platter that will collect the juices for 15 min.. then slice thinly across the grain..then dice the slices as finely as you can….

Now to make the Chile…

I will only give the recipe here once..know that after the initial cook I will separate the batch in to two parts and add the beans to the second batch. Then both batches are put into separate crock pots and slow cooked for 2 hrs and allowed to rest in the fridge overnight.

Take 6 medium green tomatoes and 2 tomatillos quarter them and puree in a food processor

In a sauce pan add 3 cups chile mash (see above) Onion (I use Vidalia’s) and the diced steaks into a sauce pan..simmer on medium heat for 5 min while stirring, then add the green tomato puree and the juices collected from the steak slicing plate …simmer 2 hrs….Now spilt the batch in half put into two crock pots add beans to one of the crock pots…let cook on low heat for 2 hours…stir occasionally…..take out put into large bowls let cool for 2 hours and refrigerate overnight so flavors can meld.

Now you notice I didn’t add a lot to this that is because the fermented Chile mash has all the flavor in it and I don’t want to overdo it… this stuff has lots of heat..when I make it for my work’s Xmas party I call it

Marsh’s Rootin Tootin Chile

When ready to serve you can either reheat on high in the Crockpot.

Course 3 Main Meal…

Mole Sauce is used here so I will give it first….

6 Ancho peppers made myself from poblanos

4 chipoltie peppers made myself

6 pasilla peppers…. store bought Didn’t have enough Poblanos leftover from the garden after picking for the rellanos

2 cups chicken stock

3 green habeneros for some added heat

1 Tablespoon of reserved pepper seeds from the poblanos used in the rellenos

6 whole cloves

1/2 teaspoon black peppercorn

1/4 teaspoon coriander seeds

1/4 teaspoon anis seeds

3/4 cup sesame seeds

3/4 inch of cinnamons stick

3 small roasted tomatoes romas from the garden

3 garlic gloves roasted

1 large ripe dark-skinned plantain, peeled, thickly sliced…. store bought

100% cocoa chocolate bar , butter, sugar (to make the chocolate sauce)

1/2 cup of lard to fry the ingredients

Salt to taste

That’s the ingredients….The procedure… well let’s just say 4 hours of putting it all together…this post is already too long. But basically Prepare the peppers, Toast the spices then grind to powder, fry ingredients separately, puree ingredients separately, cook all, food process all, then simmer for a long time….

I’m hanging my hat on the chile verde, rellenos , fajitas and dessert if the mole sauce procedure is a deciding factor then I will post the procedure…but be warned its 3 long pages…

Main Meal.

Chile Rellenos con Quesa….(topped with salsa or mole your choice)

4 hand sized poblanos from the garden .

4 egg separated

2 green habeneros finely diced

1 brick or pepper jack cheese cut into 4 cubes… ½ inch square and long enough to fill the pepper

½ teaspoon of vanilla extract..(home made..yes I make my own vanilla extract see pics in teasers

2 table spoons of corona beer..(no more or the batter will fall)

1 pint container of lard …for cooking in

This is fresh lard not the lard the mole was cooked in… the mole process is separate to itself and would contaminate the rellenos…however I do use the lard from the rellenos for the dessert as explained below

Add egg whites vanilla and beer to mixing bowl

Whip ingredients with a whisk or mixer till not quite firm…(definitely not till stiff..just a little fluffy)

The last step is crucial to getting the batter just right

Fold in the yolks.

When I was making the steak for the fajitas I flash grilled the problanos over a hard wood fire for about 30 sec’s and then took them off and removed the skin.

Make a ½ inch slit in the Poblanos just under the shoulder of the pepper…remove the seed pod (I add this to the mole sauce… pureed of course)

Cut a right sized length of the cubed cheese (see above) and gently insert it into the pepper, making sure you don’t widen the previously made slit.

Chose a right sized semi deep frying vessel… the idea here is the rellenos will only be half submerged in the hot lard and will be turned.. so a vessel that will fit your rellenos and have a ½ to ¾ inches of hot lard in the vessel.

Get the lard hot as your stove goes…don’t be afraid..its hot enough if you sprinkle some water in it and it spits violently..if it doesn’t do that get it hotter…

Now take the stuffed chilies and submerge them in the bowl of egg white mixture…turn them and cover them..

Lift one out…sprinkle one side with diced habenero pieces and place habenero sprinkled side down in the hot lard..sprinkle the now up facing side with more diced habenero pieces…repeat with the rest of the chilies…

Depending on your stove and vessel and depth of liquid lard you will leave them in there for 1 to 3 min..

When the edges are a golden brown gently turn them to the other side…when the under side is golden brown remove and drain on paper towel…

Fajita’s con Delmonico Steak with Poblano Mole sauce

Now these are not meant to be eaten by hand but to be made on your plate..Folded..Covered in mole sauce and then eaten with a knife and fork…If you chose to eat by hand then the mole stains are on you…

3 12 oz (Prime) Delmonico steaks… (when I grilled the steaks these 3 were left on the grill for few extra min.) prepared as above only this time we are going for medium…nice and pink with just a little juice….sliced the same in long thin strips but not diced..

4 Vidalia onions but only the outer 6 rings..Sliced length wise very thinly we’re going for 4 to 6 in long thin slices

1to 2 poblano sliced the same as the onion

5 green and 5 red LSR peppers (they are a thin cayenne type pepper ..out of the garden see pics of my LaRistas

2 green habeneros sliced into rings

2 tablespoons of pepper mash

Shredded pepper jack cheese

Chopped fresh cilantro to be added as wished when making the fajita on your plate.

Prepare the steaks as noted above for the Chile Verde on the hard wood flaming grill.

In a sauce pan with 2 tablespoons of heated virgin olive oil (roll the pan to cover it with the hot oil) place the pepper mash, sliced onions, peppers, and steak strips and flash fry for 2 min on high heat but don’t let them brown…remove from heat..The idea here is to get everything sizzling just before placing on the tortilla at the table.

Steam several small flour tortillas (yes I know store bought again)

Place steak, peppers and onions directly from skillet on tortilla, sprinkle on shredded pepper jack cheese while still hot, add cilantro to your pleasure, fold and cover with mole sauce or salsa or both..Whatever floats your boat mate.

Home made pinto refrito beens con Habenero

1 Large jar of cooked pinto beans..see pics in teasers

3 green habeneros diced

1 Vidalia onion (leftover from the fajitas the part we didn’t fry) diced

½ lb shredded Mexican cheese

2 oz Tequila

You really have to see the pics to know this…the beans are fully cooked in the jar..I put them in a bowl and use a mixer to puree them..after pureeing them I add the diced onion and put them in a large frying pan and ..well I fry them….

Scoop them on the plate…. sprinkle with a good amount of cheese….. and sprinkle the diced habenero on top of that.

I like to add the salsa on top from above but that’s up to you…

The presentation pic will speak for itself…

Course 4 Dessert Mexican fried Ice Cream con Bhut Jolokia

Now a lot of you probable wont like this but believe me it gives the dessert a very unique flavor.

I’m using the lard that I fried the chile rellenos in because the batter had my homemade vanilla extract and the corona beer in it…plus its fresh and still hot with little bits of egg white crispies in it.

Vanilla Ice cream (I used Hagen Das)

… I would like to say it was home mad but my ice cream maker burned out its motor a year ago and I haven’t got around to replacing it yet… but it would’ve been made with my vanilla extract if I could of..

Corn flake crumbs

1 green bhut Jolokia pepper diced.

Layout corn flake crumbs on wax paper sprinkle with diced bhut pepper (to your liking but remember this is ice cream and will cool the heat considerable)

Take a hard frozen scoop of ice cream and roll it in the mixture until covered completely..

Make sure the lard is as hot as possible and there is enough to cover more than half of the ball….gently place the ice cream ball into the lard…use pepper gloves to avoid splatters…. Wait 10 to 15 sec’s and roll to other side….wait 10 to 15 sec’s and remove to serving dish/bowl…eat immediately….




Well there you have it..Vullture’s first TD
In 1913, senorita Maria Luz Corral of San Andres never thought she would be the catalyst of the culinary world's change.

Indeed she was, with her eyes of majestic blue and locks of shiny flowing brown hair. She had a magnetism all her own... the way her eyes widened in response to some particularly entertaining statement... the way she tried to mask an escaping giggle. She was adorable, and when Jose Doroteo Arango Arambula of San Juan del Rio stumbled upon her in Chihuahua, Mexico, he had to have her.

And so he did when he told her his nickname... Pancho Villa, and made her his wife.

One lonely night in the cantina of a town so small it had no name, Pancho Villa found himself staring into his glass of Mezcal. His men were raiding and plundering... all in the name of revolution, but Senor Villa was not in the mood for celebration. It turned out that this village had no women. What a shame. Turning his head in disgust, his eyes fell upon a bottle of cobalt blue and stuck. Motionless... frozen. He waxed nostalgic for his wife... those majestic blue eyes.

Then he remembered she was a connoisseur of cheese, so he ordered an enchilada... just cheese.



And like that, the cheese enchilada was born.

The town is now called Ojos Azules.
Everything looks great guy's and gal' I posted in the sep suggestion thread..there's a new sheriff (chef) in town...and I told you to bring it and man did you all bring it...
good luck to everyone....

Now this is my first so I need someone to explain how the voting goes....who's allowed, whos not.... vote for know the rules... haven't done it before...

Thx for the info and this has been a lot of fun.....
Pancho Villa's Cheese Enchilada y mas

Enchilada sauce:
1/4 c veg oil
1/8 c pork broth
2 tbs flour
1/4 c chili powder
1 (14oz) can tomato sauce
1 1/2c water
1/2 ts cumin
1/2 ts garlic powder
1/2 ts onion powder
1/2 ts habanero powder
salt to taste

Saffron rice with scotch bonnet & red pepper

Pinto beans with 1/8 c pork broth smashed and fried

2 serrano sliced and diced
1 plum tomato diced
sweet onion diced
2 garlic cloves sliced and diced
olive oil
lime juice

Flour tortilla
colby jack cheese

Cook enchiladas @350 for 10 minutes. Then broil for two. Plate enchiladas with refried beans and saffron rice. Top with salsa and serve with a refreshing Chelada...that's how Senor Villa likes it.



Ojos Azules, I salud you.
Sum busted out the Chelada...Busch light with Clamato and some hot goodness!!!

JT where you at?

Have we had any Aussie-Mex posted yet?

I just ate 2 pingas I had leftover from last night! Delish!
Haha, holy moly Vulture. That is a serious first throwdown entry. I was cracking up with the proof of life in every shot, especially the one with you drinking out of the Patron bottle.
Haha, holy moly Vulture. That is a serious first throwdown entry. I was cracking up with the proof of life in every shot, especially the one with you drinking out of the Patron bottle.

Thx Greg..
It took the whole bottle and a case of the Corona to get through this...
Sipping on the last glass of Patron as I type...awaiting the comments...
Don't know how many people are going to get the Gilligan's Island thing...I mean it is from the 60's....but it pretty much summed up the families weekend
I just realized that I made refrence to my LaRista in a teaser and never posted a pic of here it is...

Along with a pic of the 'Mighty cooking wench'.....

I guess it's decided - this TD is about QUANTITY.
I would not say that, there is some serious grubbage here, people will be voting for creativity/deliciousness here I'm sure, and there is some awesome stuff, whether it's one thing on the plate, or three. Great TD.
Just about 3 hours left. What else is out there??

Not too much banter.

Some great early entries, a symphony of stuff from 80-cent, some genius from SoFlo...

But where are the other big guns???

Hurry up guys!!!
Speaking of Pancho Villa, between him and the Federales fighting during the Revolution, my wife’s Great Grandparents and Grandmother had to leave Mexico.
Her great grandfather and family tried to stay neutral in the fighting as there was both right and wrongs being done by both sides. However, the Federales said you are either with us or against us… and if you were against them they would more than likely kill you and your family.
They had a large ranch close to Nueva Rosita which they had to abandon, leaving almost everything behind and headed to Piedras Negras, across from Eagle Pass, TX.
Her grandmother (who was 19 at the time) met her grandfather there, and the rest is history.
80-cent threw out the gauntlet. Him and ScoD are taking names... no holding back.

Where are the rest of the entries? JT, Wheebz? Microwave something, dammit!

TB, a shot of "takillya" will fix you up... clean out your system.
Speaking of Pancho Villa, between him and the Federales fighting during the Revolution, my wife’s Great Grandparents and Grandmother had to leave Mexico.
Her great grandfather and family tried to stay neutral in the fighting as there was both right and wrongs being done by both sides. However, the Federales said you are either with us or against us… and if you were against them they would more than likely kill you and your family.
They had a large ranch close to Nueva Rosita which they had to abandon, leaving almost everything behind and headed to Piedras Negras, across from Eagle Pass, TX.
Her grandmother (who was 19 at the time) met her grandfather there, and the rest is history.

...and for that reason, everyone should vote for Sum.

...or me.
Don't know how many people are going to get the Gilligan's Island thing...I mean it is from the 60's....but it pretty much summed up the families weekend

Hey! I remember Gilligans Island! You've been very entertaining all day and I have thoroughly enjoyed it! Great to get to know you!

Great job on the food. You seem to know your way around the Mexican kitchen! I'm new here and just learning how to post. Hope to do a TD soon!
"...Coming Soon to a Theater Near You!..." :dance:

“Well Spunky, I guess there’s only one thing you can do when it comes right down to it
…when the yard don’t need a mowing… cuz there ain’t nothin’ growin'..."

NOPALES CACEROLA (cactus casserole) :dance:
Hatch (roasted)
Bacon grease
Gebharts Chili Powder (spiked with chili pequin powder)
Black pepper
Nopales (cactus)
Queso Fresco (freshly made cheese)
Masa harina

Pre-heat oven to 350°F, and lightly grease a baking dish with bacon fat.

In a skillet, coat with bacon grease, and roast tomatoes, onion, and peppers until slightly charred. Pour into blender and add garlic, chili powder, salt, and black pepper.
Blend till smooth. Set aside to cool.

In baking dish, combine nopales, corn, julienne carrots. In a bowl, pour tomato mixture, queso fresco, eggs, masa harina, and cilantro. Mix together and pour over veggies in baking dish, stirring to combine. Toss in oven. Once on table, top with more cilantro and cheese.


NOTE: If you want/need to know how to process raw prickly pear cactus paddles, send me a PM and I’ll tell you how… I just didn’t want to get caught in the middle of doing them with the electricity in the neighborhood acting wacky, so took the easy way out and bought a couple of jars of already processed cacti.

NOPALES Y PAN DE MAIZ (cactus cornbread)
Bacon grease
Cream style corn
“Mexican Blend” cheese
Cornbread mix
Nopales (cactus)

Grease a pan with the bacon fat, and put in a pre-heated oven (425°F) for about 5 minutes. Remove and set aside.
Mix all other ingredients together in a bowl, and pour into heated pan.
Toss into the oven for about 25 minutes.
When done, lightly brush top of cornbread with butter and cover pan lightly with damp towel (but not touching cornbread).


Sour cream
Lime juice

Clean husks off tomatillos, rinse, place in boiling water. When they begin turning an olive color, remove from water, remove stem and quarter.
Add tomatillos to blender with other ingredients and run until smooth.
Additional salt, avocado and/or sour cream to taste.
Put in fridge and chill overnight.


CARNE GUISADA (beef with gravy, beef stew kinda)
Beef chuck roast (roughly cubed)
Bacon grease
Hatch (roasted)
“Lost Texan Salsa No.5 - Mongo Habanero” (home version of one of my commercial salsas)
Gebharts Chili Powder (spiked with chili pequin powder)
Comino (cumin)
Mexican oregano
Garlic powder
Sea salt
Black pepper
Masa harina

Cut roast into chunks, place in big Zip-Loc bag with the chili powder, comino, oregano, garlic powder, salt, paprika, black pepper, onion, and hatch peppers. Seal and let marinate overnight.
Lightly brown in bacon greased skillet, and add salsa, more onion, cilantro, and serranos.
Pour into “Crock Pot”, add about ½ cup of water, and slow cook overnight.
In the morning put some of the liquid in a cup of water, add masa, flour and whisk smooth. Stir into CP and uncover to thicken gravy.

Carne Guisada taco with rice, beans and avocado…


But wait! There's more!
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