Flan de Mango

I really didn't think this was going to turn out. I had some hiccups but I think it's worth entering. My problems were just from my inexperience in making a flan.
1cup sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 2 cups of puréed mango, 1 can of condensed milk, 2 tablespoons of corn starch, 1 tablespoon DonQ white rum, 1 cup of evaporated milk, 6 eggs beaten, pinch of salt. Cinnamon and Chipotle chile powder to garnish once plated.

Caramelize the sugar with the lemon juice, and pour into the bottom of the pan. Beat the eggs, and cut up the mangos and purée in the blender. Add the purée, eggs and other ingredients to the pan. Place the pan I used about 8x13 into another pan with water in it that won't come up over the pan when you set it in there.

Preheat the oven to 350F. Cook for 45mins-1hr until you can stick a fork into it and it comes out clean. Let it cool for about 10-15mins then flip it over onto a platter.

Slice it up and plate it, then sprinkle the chile powder and cinnamon on it.
Forgot the POL lol

I really love this! The cinanamon and chile powder cuts the sweetness down and blends great. I will definitely make this again. It should go a lot better next time with the experience I gained.

I really didn't think this was going to turn out. I had some hiccups but I think it's worth entering. My problems were just from my inexperience in making a flan.
1cup sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 2 cups of puréed mango, 1 can of condensed milk, 2 tablespoons of corn starch, 1 tablespoon DonQ white rum, 1 cup of evaporated milk, 6 eggs beaten, pinch of salt. Cinnamon and Chipotle chile powder to garnish once plated.

Caramelize the sugar with the lemon juice, and pour into the bottom of the pan. Beat the eggs, and cut up the mangos and purée in the blender. Add the purée, eggs and other ingredients to the pan. Place the pan I used about 8x13 into another pan with water in it that won't come up over the pan when you set it in there.

Preheat the oven to 350F. Cook for 45mins-1hr until you can stick a fork into it and it comes out clean. Let it cool for about 10-15mins then flip it over onto a platter.

Slice it up and plate it, then sprinkle the chile powder and cinnamon on it.
Forgot the POL lol

I really love this! The cinanamon and chile powder cuts the sweetness down and blends great. I will definitely make this again. It should go a lot better next time with the experience I gained.