tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

Smes good without fish. You can always take your fish and mix it in with your water and apply that way.

Me personally my tea wont foam when i add fish in it
Got this protein foam a few hours in using 3/4 cane sugar and no molasses


Very nice article and a useful thread -

I've only read the first three pages, and wonder if I will later find out how long it will keep... I have just finished making an eight-week batch and have 13l (3.5gal) available, and my seedlings have only just started hooking!

8 week batch? the AACT take 36 hours and is best used right away but can last 2-3 days MAX, after that it goes bad. so not sure what you were making but does not sound like an AACT
Heard its not recommended to brew with bone meal as it doesn't break down. But like others have said. Adding it after the brew and mixing it will suffice.
At Wally world they have a bag of mushroom compost for $3.38

Doubled my foam in a couple f hours
8 week batch? the AACT take 36 hours and is best used right away but can last 2-3 days MAX, after that it goes bad. so not sure what you were making but does not sound like an AACT

It's not even good for 24 hours. Bacteria die without aeration and become anaerobic within a few hours. Not good.
Also, all additives (kelp meal, alfalfa meal, etc) should be added after brewing not during.
I wasn't very clear -

I'd already made my batch weeks ago when I came upon this thread, so many of the ingredients are different, though the concept is the same. My main ingredient was comfry leaf, so I might just toss this batch onto the compost heaps as a macrobiotic generator and start anew with yours.

Always good to learn...
Been reading this thread and decided to brew me up some aact.

Started with a big tub of mayonaise.

Made a bubbler with some drip hose and by drilling tons of holes with my tiniest drill bit. I never liked the idea of washers because I keep thinking of dirty oily residue on the metal etc. so I found something heavy that was made to get wet to weigh it down.

Left the tap water bubbling overnight. Then got some ingredients.

This has "billions of bacteria" so should provide the colonies to grow.

The amounts I used are- a handful each of mushroom compost, organic compost and naked farmer soil activator. Plus about 1/4 cup of brown sugar. Made the bag out of a an old curtain that was in the house when I moved in, cut it down and tied it up with it string.


Added the liquid components, Gogo juice and fish & kelp. Had run out of fish emulsion but there was lots of sedement left in the bottle, so I put a bit of water in and shook it crazy. Poured that in too.

Tied it to the stick and left it bubbling away.
Hey Mega, did you get some good head on your tea? Because I made one last week and scored some great head. But then I made another the other day, the head was going great! I was frothing, I mean the tea was. But then I bought some of that there kelp/fish stuff you got and bam. My head shriveled up like my mum caught me reading a playboy.

Nice bubbler btw!
Hehehehe funny. You mean like a frightened turtle ;)

Yeah I read everyone's comments on the fish killing the foam but I had lots of it and thought I'd give it a try anyway. And I also plain forgot to add the green grass clippings.



Not what I'd call a head, more like a scum. That was on top after only one hour and after the 24hr pic I stirred it up and added some more sugar but got basically the same thing

Added my first harvest of worm juice from my new worm farm to it and sprayed it all over my plants- chilli seedlings, tomato and herb seedlings and also some broad beans and swiss chard and a few carrots. Also some pea seedlings which for some reason haven't grown barely at all, they might not be getting enough sun.

I'm going to give it another go in a few days but with grass and no fish stuff, except whats in the gogo juice because thats my only source of bacteria. Its too early to say how my plants are doing but it didn't kill them and they look healthy enough.

Have to make a new bubbler because it was so impressive I swapped it with my crappy bubble stone that was in my hydro seedling reservoir and must have been clogged because it was barely working. You can see a nice picture of the growth I get with it here http://thehotpepper.com/topic/31245-megamoos-20122013-glog/page__st__20#entry678933
Add fish emulsion, bat guano, seabird guano, etc. AFTER you brew the compost tea.
At least that is what the experts say from my research.



I can't tell from a still photo but I would say from these pictures that you are not getting enough air into the bucket.
The aeration needs to be fairly strong as you need to pry the organisms from the compost and that requires fairly strong aeration, not just a bunch of bubbles.
Photos don't do the bubbler justice, its quite energetic really.
I have looked in a few of the big hardware/nursery stores near me and no sign of guano. I will have to find and try a specialist nursery when I have the time. They are hard to find though because the big bulk chain stores have run them all out of business.