tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

miguelovic said:
Lookin' good, I was just thinking I haven't seen much photography of what you get up to.
Though truth be told, I thought you were a little bit older :rofl:
I like my own jokes the best :D
No I don't have an acre of land to grow crops, but I get my grow on for sure ;) especially for only having a 200sqf patio. Cost of living in San Diego is now ranked at 2cnd worst in the US!
I think this has inspired me to start a 2014 Glog...
I've just finished my third batch of tea and have a couple questions..

A: can the water be too agitated? I'm using a pond pump in 55 gallons and it's like a jacuzzi. Almost wondering if I'm not getting a good head cause the bubbles just get smashed into the stew and pop.

B: at 24 hours I had a small head that was producing some large bubbles that would grow and pop (last night). I decided to go to bed and use it this morning.. Now thats not happening. I over slept and it's at 38 hours and have a few less bubbles. Can it be cooked too long?
I'm not a pro at this but I do have extensive experience brewing beer. I don't think 38 hours is too long. I also don't think that looking at the bubbles and the "head" will tell you anything. The only way to truly see if all the sugars have been eaten would be to take the specific gravity of the solution at the start and then take it 24 hours after you add the compost. the SG should drop. Again...I'm no pro at this and that I think about it more the sugar/water (meaning SG with start very low) ratio will be really small compared to brewing so that may be harder than it sounds.
Anyone else have a way to tell that the critters are multiplying?
Cayennemist said:
No I don't have an acre of land to grow crops, but I get my grow on for sure ;) especially for only having a 200sqf patio. Cost of living in San Diego is now ranked at 2cnd worst in the US!
I think this has inspired me to start a 2014 Glog...
Hell yeah! It's not the size that counts, but what you do with it :D It's looking great from here.
Proud Marine Dad said:
I have been contemplating getting a microscope but I can't really justify spending $125-200 on something I will rarely use. Wish I could get one cheap.
 get a paper one.
ColdSmoke said:
Are the air stones really necessary? Seems like just blowing air out the tube would suffice....
The stones defuse the air to small bubbles getting optimal oxygenation of the water. Have you ever had fish? Same thing.
OK Guru you got me in to it... Im getting a microscope!!!
I found them on Craigslist for 35$ all day... Here I was thinking like 200$ :rolleyes:
  1. What zoom do I need to have to see the good stuff?         750x?
  2. How do I take pictures?
  3. Do I want a one with 2 eye thinginys (I obviously don't know about microscopes :think: )
  4. What should I be looking for in a microscope?
  5. will a 50$ used Craigslist one be enough?
Thanks guys!
What if I told you I know of a product that contained hundreds of times more bacteria than a AACT final product? I saw it for myself. Local grow shop has made various teas and have had people bring in their teas for comparisons. For teas...under the microscope you can see them scooting by every now and again...sometimes a few. With this product, you have to dilute so much just be able to see what's going on because there are so many.
 poly-cultured cofermentaion extract with humic acids, biosurfactants, and various organic food sources to support diverse soil biology and nutrient uptake.
Anyway, the guys at the shop swear by it and some local farmers have been using it with tremendous success. 