• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bei Pfeffer zuhause 2015

Hi all,
Here's a a glog where some people where asking for. I'm quite a busy man, so don't expect to many interesting updates. This year is mostly about (rare) wilds and some simple varieties. I put some plants inside for overwintering at the end of September. These are my trinidad moruga scorpion, my cheiro pfefferianus (cheiro roxa cross.. accidental, one of the best tasting varieties I have), my not fatalii jigsaw (seeds from Fatalii.. but turned out as something else.. this is my bonchi) and a bird's eye demon. And yes, that's a crappy variety but I have it for my vietnamese co-worker which would like to have it after the winter.
About myself, I'm a 26 year old guy currently living in the Netherlands. My hobbies are grilling/smoking (mostly pork), shooting and chilis offcourse. When I can spare the time I enjoy the outdoors, but my work kinda ruines this as I haven't had time to do anything large lately. I work as a materials coordinator for a US biotech company that specializes in NGS (research, diagnostics, whole genome sequencing etc) and as this company is growing rapidly, this has a direct opposite reaction on my spare time. 
I have some seasons of experience and it all started by eating some MRE chow (cheesespread with jalapeño to be exact). Back home I started growing the jalapeños as there was nothing else to buy in the stores here, except for som Rawits, cayennes and aji umba (sold as madame jeanette). That escalated quite quickly and I started all sorts of varieties, including superhots and some rarer baccatums. This year is the first year that I'm packing out with rare wilds, but the jalapeños still made it on my grow list every single year. I live in quite a wet, windy climate with few good days, so growing in my zone is a real challenge.
Some that I am growing (from the back of my head)
Fidalga Roxa
Cheiro Roxa
Fatalii Jigsaw
Carolina Reaper
Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade F4 (AjiJoe)
Pimenta Lisa F3 (Meatfreak)
Vezena Piperka x Hungarian Black F3
Takanotsume / Taka no Tsume
Bird's Eye Demon
Cabai Chili Baum
Joe's Long Cayenne
Devil's Tongue White
Aji Amarillo
Naga Morich
Sigaretta di Bergamo
Cap 220 (baccatum)
Cap 213 (pubescens)
c. buforum
c. microcarpum
c. cardenasii
c. tovarii
c. rhomboideum
c. eximium
c. cilliatum
c. galapagoense
c. chacoense
c. Sp
c. Annuum v. Glabriusculum
c. Baccatum v. Umbicilatum
c. cardenasii? x c. pubescens (Rocopica Large)
The most have names but I don't know the PI, CAP and CGN codes from the back of my head, I also have some different varieties of some of the species. They are on the pictures in my glog though. The containers are colour coded:
Yellow = Baccatum, pubescens or wild
Red = Chinense
Blue = Annuum
Pink = Giveaway
These colour codings don't start until the last pics, as I will start of with a lot of pics from the beginning of october until present.

Overwintering trinidad moruga scorpion. Pruned and refreshed soil to prevent aphid outbreaks.

My not fatalii jigsaw bonchi

Left to right: not fatalii jigsaw, cheiro pfefferianus, edelweiß, trinidad moruga scorpion

Some of the early starts (sow date 08-Oct-2014) in the heated propagator



Pic of my setup (2x 55W neon above a 50w heated prop with thermostat). The kevlar helmet is for when zombies spawn amongst the seedlings.

My overwintering plants 04-Nov-2014

I will post more pics, but somehow it won't let me post more pics (started and got a message that there were to many pics.. then I cut it up in bits.. now it just does nothing when I click post to try and upload my glog in shards)..

Some of the plants 25-Nov-2014

The propagator needs to share the light with some of the larger plants..

the little rhomboideum (the hairy little thingy)

Plants 20-Dec-2014 (bonchi on the right)


The other ones 23-Dec-2014

First pod of 2014? (from the not fatalii jigsaw bonchi)

Color coding

Plants 27-Dec-2014, bonchi on the right

Overwinterers 27-Dec-2014
und ein hallo zurück !
its good to see such large overwinterers when the snowstorm is hitting hard outside, 
its a pitty though that i cannot play this game aswell because of a very poorly suited window configuration in my flat but hey, well move again soon and lets see what is to come !
i wish you a successfull 2015 season !
I live in the Netherlands at the moment and have quite poor window lighting as well, as long as they get 3-4 hours of direct sunlight per day they are fine. Does not matter if it's morning or afternoon light. If you have the space inside and if the SWAMBO allows, invest in a TNEON armatur. You have them in 2x36w, 2x55w and 2x75w. I paid 50 euro for my 2x 55W fixtures (including the 6500k bulbs) from desjop.nl.. with only 110w of energy they are quite cheap in the long term use and provide your seedlings with a great boost.
They are not suited for growing pods, but are great in the vegetative stage. Offcourse 600w HDS or MH bulbs are better.. but hey, I can't run those for a few euro per year. Same goes for LED stuff.. it works well, but the prices are extremely high. TNEON is basically a boosted CFL bulb.
Haha no, the previous owners were. They took the baby with them. We had a lot of issues when moving in, there happened to be a huge pest problem (mice and bugs) in the house. So we had a 6 week delay while moving in in March. So we terminated the contract on our rental appartment 8 weeks after receiving the key (as 2 months would be pleeeeenty of time to move to a home about a mile away.. right?). So we ended up having to lay the floors, put in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.. fix the attic stairs (heavy water damage in the past -> all wood was twisted), paint everything (last owners were avid smokers -> everything was deep yellow). All of that in 9 days.
So I had to prioritize my workhours.. So all stuff was stored in my hobby room (my girlfriend has the other room as a walk in closet) and I never actually got to repainting it. When all my furniture was in, gunsafe bolted to the walls and floor, chilis under lights.. I wouldn't want to move everything out just to paint it white.
Now it's fishies for ever..
Pfeffer said:
Haha no, the previous owners were. They took the baby with them. We had a lot of issues when moving in, there happened to be a huge pest problem (mice and bugs) in the house. So we had a 6 week delay while moving in in March. So we terminated the contract on our rental appartment 8 weeks after receiving the key (as 2 months would be pleeeeenty of time to move to a home about a mile away.. right?). So we ended up having to lay the floors, put in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.. fix the attic stairs (heavy water damage in the past -> all wood was twisted), paint everything (last owners were avid smokers -> everything was deep yellow). All of that in 9 days.
So I had to prioritize my workhours.. So all stuff was stored in my hobby room (my girlfriend has the other room as a walk in closet) and I never actually got to repainting it. When all my furniture was in, gunsafe bolted to the walls and floor, chilis under lights.. I wouldn't want to move everything out just to paint it white.
Now it's fishies for ever..
That sounds like hard work, I hope it was all worth it in the end.
Fish are fun! It could be a lot worse!
It was worth it alright, but it would've been much better if we had 8 weeks. Fixing stuff in 9 days also costs a lot more money as you can't just order cheap stuff when you run out of something (i.e. paint, screws, paintbrushes and stuff like that). You just go to the closest store and purchase whatever they have on the shelf. Luckily the land lord paid for the new kitchen, bathroom and toilet as a way to make it up to us (and it's not cheap crap as we expected, it's actually all A-brand stuff.. but they probably have contracts that make it far cheaper for them).
Worst thing was to keep the overwintered plants alive. Couldn't put them outside while it was still freezing.. And the only light was in the rooms where was being worked, so that was crappy. The plants were covered in paint specks, saw dust, chalk dust from drilling etc.
On the other hand.. my girlfriend got the room with white wallpaper with green and red cubes.. yep.. it can be far worse than fishies.
As requested, a small update with better pics of the labels..
Blue = annuum
Red = chinense
Yellow = Wilds, baccatums, pubescens
Pink = free hand outs for anyone interested (can be picked up in Helmond/Eindhoven, the Netherlands or Siegen (Hessen) or Kempten (Bayern) in Germany).






Close ups from the rhomboideum

The tiny lanceolatum

Even tinier c.cilliatum versus a normal baccatum seedling..

My overwintered plants + aji amarillo planted on 26 october (stretches like crazy)

The young ones

My precious little babies recovering from the alkaline tap water issue. Now watering with ph 5.8 and the wilds do much better, they stopped growing around NYE and are now sloooowly recovering.

See the algae growth, even with watering little

Look at the colours on those cheiro roxa's in the middle.. beautiful.

The overwintered plants and some new puppies (the long one is an Aji Amarillo)




More puppies



My soilmix (Plagron Batmix, Plagron Lightmix, Plagron Sow- and Cuttingsoil mixed in a 5-3-1 ratio... the cutting soil is to lighten the mix and improve rooting).
It contains bat guano, worm castings, perlite, different kinds of peat and dirt.
Haha no clue how it's called in the US.. I figure the Rainbow fish if it's even published there..
Der Regenbogenfisch will soon take over the world!
Stuff starts flowering now,  already have morugas on my OW plants.. This  cheiro roxa is taking off as well



Also some digging nostalgia in the garden.. "Klappspaten raus!"

And no.. the dog doesn't understand why she can't dig a 1' hole where I'm allowed to dig away all of my raised beds (the raised beds were a no-go for her)
good to see that things are going along well !
i wish i had some windows worth a damn, tell you the flat i am renting atm is really not the brightest sadly oh well what can you do .. next one !
btw you were right, the plants recovered well :)
Spent the morning repotting some seedlings;



(sorry for overlighting)
The plants are popping out pods, and I decided not the cut the blossoms as I usually do (pinch them out). Simply due to the lack of time. I already have pods of the;
- Trinidad Moruga Scorpion OW
- Cheiro Pfefferianus OW (cheiro roxa mutant/pheno/strange cross pollination)
- Vezena Piperka x Hungarian Black F3 (tossed them because they were the wrong pheno)
- Fidalga Roxa
- Cheiro Roxa
- Naga Morich
- Not fatalii jigsaw OW (didn't grew true from Original fatalii seeds.. think it might not be stable yet, gave it away to a friend - it was a nice tasting pepper, but not interesting enough)