beer Being Crafty

Still really good? ^^ 
sipping on this one right now

tctenten said:
Lol. I can't remember what yesterdays dinner tasted like. I am not good with that stuff. Might be a little bit of hop fade as it seemed boozier to me.
Yeah you really need them side by side. If nothing is off tasting, then all is good.
tctenten said:
When does the season open?
it's open now - I can haul year round if I wanted or was able
but when the water is cold the lobster go out to deeper water
only the really big boats or crazy dudes go out in winter here - 
plus a lot of winters the harbors are iced up and most boats can't get out
once the water starts to warm up nice they will come into shallow water to feed and molt
I will toss my traps in the last week of may to june 1 here
probably go to mid oct for me