beer Being Crafty

Tonight's pairing with some Italian Drip Beef sandwiches
tctenten said:




So I cellared this for a year and decided to try it tonight. Very carbonated almost champagne like and it did have a champagne aroma. Tasted medicinal and was a DP.
I can understand recommending to cellar a Brett beer, but an IPA fermented with Brett? Drink that ASAP! Hoppy aroma/flavor and funk from Brett doesn't have to be mutually exclusive!
tctenten said:
So I cellared this for a year and decided to try it tonight. Very carbonated almost champagne like and it did have a champagne aroma. Tasted medicinal and was a DP.
Well, that's what you get for not waiting till 4/21.
tctenten said:
Maybe it was better fresh...I will never know.
You were following the brewer's instructions, which usually leads to the targeted results. The cellaring date is the largest print on the whole bottle. IDK how cellaring an IPA for a year could be a good idea for a brewer to recommend to the consumer.