beer Being Crafty

Ashen said:
Reviews  I have been seeing are mixed.  Most that love 3 aren't too keen on 4 or vice versa .   I still haven't tried either yet. 
Both are really good. After having a second No. 4 last night, if I had to pick one over the other, I'd probably pick 3. Not that I didn't enjoy 4, but it's hard to compare them because they have two distinct tastes. I've gotta pick up another batch of Ransack soon too. I haven't had it since the Summer

Ashen said:
Too bad you are so far away we could have hit this  event and drank beer while the wives bought weird hippy artsy stuff.
TC, why OH's growlers are so good and last so long (like a bottled beer)... they use this counter-pressure system
  • Purge the oxygen out of the container with Co2
  • Fill the container while under pressure (counter-pressure filling)
  • Cap on foam to limit the amount of oxygen left in the headspace of the container
Explains why the caps are so hard to remove sometimes, always wondered how they pressurized AND capped it by hand. The foam explains it.
The Hot Pepper said:
TC, why OH's growlers are so good and last so long (like a bottled beer)... they use this counter-pressure system
  • Purge the oxygen out of the container with Co2
  • Fill the container while under pressure (counter-pressure filling)
  • Cap on foam to limit the amount of oxygen left in the headspace of the container
Explains why the caps are so hard to remove sometimes, always wondered how they pressurized AND capped it by hand. The foam explains it.
This mskes sense. It is the same concept when you fill bottles from a keg. Look forward to having some beers soon.
Thanks for the package t0mato! I'm looking forward to cracking open one of these cans tomorrow when I get off of work.


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MikeUSMC said:
Both are really good. After having a second No. 4 last night, if I had to pick one over the other, I'd probably pick 3. Not that I didn't enjoy 4, but it's hard to compare them because they have two distinct tastes. I've gotta pick up another batch of Ransack soon too. I haven't had it since the Summer

Since the weather turned colder , I am mostly drinking hhhwhiskey and rum with an occasional Stella.   
I enjoy a good IPA but it isn't my favourite style of beer, looking forward to some good stouts, brown ales , porters as the seasonal releases start up for winter. 