beer Being Crafty

OH Double Sunset w/Brazilian Mogiana Coffee
Waffles w/Johnson Berry Farm Blackberry Inferno
Edmick said:
Hey you'll be in my neck of the woods. Come get drunk with me lol
I definitely would have been down, but I've been stuck doing family activities the whole time I've been out here. We were going to be doing some breweries today, but we went to mass this morning, and saw wife's extended family, who decided to throw her and my sister in law a party today to celebrate their pregnancies.

No breweries for me now
My interal clock aways tells me the right time!

My wife and I were at the airport eating breakfast, watching this lady polish off her 3rd glass of wine at the bar, at 6 AM Pacific time this morning.

Now, her internal clock might not work like mine, but something tells me that 3 drinks in by 6 AM at the airport, indicates a neat person to party with.

If she drinks like that in public so early on a Monday morning, imagine her daily routine