beer Being Crafty

The craft beer industry is ripe for easy-pickin's right now, IMHO ...
I literally have a suite's worth of social-media/brand-engagement app ideas at this point ...
The game hasn't even begun yet ... Amazon's ankle-deep already, and about to shove it's fat Fred Flintstone foot up distributors asses ...
God help it with the advent of drone delivery, too ...
We're going to be drinkin' most any craft beer, air-dropped from floating warehouses off our coasts within two years ...
Maybe tctenten can run the numbers/books on that prognostication! :D ...
Lately I have been thinking though a fun  mobile app related to craft beer though ... it's inspired by the Blockchain from bitcoin ...
Kinda unlikely to get off my ass and bang on it, but crazier things have happened ...
There's still a lot of room for building craft-related verticals - and verticals are the only kind of software/site/product/app/service I like anymore ...
They're a little bit insulated from the rat race of adopting the latest greatest web tech, for the web-one's - which is YUGE if you plan to solo design, create,  advertise, and admin something yourself ...
Like chiliheads ... oh wait.

The Hot Pepper said:
So 2016. 

#kitchen and #coldshower will be retired in a few hours. :P
Hael no. I just assimilated and started to use #coldshower ...
I now wield it with great precision ...

Beer snobs look away.


Happy New Year. THP
D3monic said:
only a couple beers left. No time to go to binnys will have to hit the regular liquor store. Paycheck came early because holiday.  :cheers:
get u sum ...
i've loaded up another MZ, a Caffe Americano, a BA TF, and the last KBS around hurrr ...

neighbor lady's coming over ... she'll dig my pork.
The Hot Pepper said:
fish n chips batter
