beer Being Crafty

Semper FIPA

Easy to drink and loaded with chinook and equinox hops. There's citrus for days. A mighty fine IPA.


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The weather finally settled a bit, so I got to enjoy a glass of this sour while prepping my garden beds for peppers. Not too shabby of a sour. I'm not a fan of spiced pumpkin beers at all, but I think the Brett makes it palatable for me. I'm surprised it's 8.5% ABV, because it drinks like a standard 3-4% sour. I'll definitely enjoy the rest of this bottle tonight while cooking dinner.

Hell yeah, I'm drinking!

I'm also wondering why the last can of this I drank a few weeks ago was hazy as could be, but this one is almost clear when I hold it up to the light...WTF?! Manor hill, get your ish right! The beer still tastes pretty good though, but IDK how Hidden Hopyard Vol. 7 can be so different from can to can.

Also, roasting this fine boneless leg of lamb.
