Grass Snake said:
I haven't gamed in awhile
Me either. I haven't picked up a video game controller since I was old enough to walk into a bar

I'm not knocking gamers! It's just not my thing anymore. The last console I ever bought (for myself) was PlayStation 1, haha.
Sitting around the barracks on a Saturday night, after I turned 21:
"Mike, wanna play? Grab a controller!"
Me: "f**k that, dude! I'm going to the bar and gonna try to get laid!"
Even our company commanders, during their safety briefs for the weekends, would say, "Have a safe weekend, go out and be safe. Make the most of it. Go out and see some stuff. Don't be sitting around the barracks all weekend, playing your 'No-friend-o' (Nintendo

), or whatever the hell its called"