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hot-sauce Bentalphanerds Downunda' Fromunda' Hot Sauce

Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch in Las Vegas. My good friend and yours here at the THP, Bentalphanerd, sent me a care package from down under a few weeks ago. In this little yum yum box was a bottle of his homebrew hot sauce. I must admit to my sloth of posting a review of this wonderful sauce. Bent hasn't really named it so I will just call it Downunda' Fromunda' Hot Sauce. When I first tasted it, my tastebuds were a bit shocked and confused. I had the sound of a fast forward audio tape in my head. Blibber-blibber-rib, blibber blibber rib. But then I took a second taste, and such a good taste it was. This is a habanero pepper sauce. Now I won't reveal the ingredients or the recipe, I'll leave that to Bent, but this is along the lines of a mango/hab but with a nice overtone of ginger and black pepper. The latter two are what confused me on first taste. The flavors initially seemed odd but having tried it on pizza, quesodilla's, scrammied eggs with cheddar cheese, sauteed salmon, filet mignon, steamed broccolli, and even teriyaki chicken, I can say for certain that this sauce can do no wrong. The flavors are complex. Though on a one to ten for heat, I would rate it a 3, what this sauce is all about is the flavor!! The amount of heat, while not enough for those whom wish to punish themselves, is a perfect balance for the cornucopia of flavors. You get the hab of course, a slight onion and black pepper, but also a ginger overtone that is both in the pallet and in the aroma. The more I put it on food, the more I like it. The consistency of the sauce is also a big thumbs up. I personally disdain sauces that are runny ala Tabasco. This sauce has a very nice body without being overblown like catsup. It merely stays where you put it. Bent really got it right and has a sure winner. My camera battery is charging and I will be posting pics of this wonderful sauce just so ya'll can suffer and drool. Great job Bent, and don't change a thang' to that recipe bro. Cheers ya'll. TB
Thanks TB, Glad you liked it. Is there anything you haven't tried it on lol.
I'll have another sauce ready in a few weeks if I can pick up some Jols or Nagas at the Byron Bay Chilli Festival ...once again though it will be about flavor but should rate about an 8 on your heat scale.
Cheers mate:cheers:
My next one has aged well. The ingredients lean towards Japanese {no, not wasabi}. Its crammed full of Habs but still only tingles the tongue & lips, brings on a good curry style sweat though. I think it'll be perfect for a Naga or two per bottle.

Looking forward to getting a few people to sample it on some bbq burgers at BBay. Its a real red meat flavor, would love to try it on game.
I'm sure my local No.1 gastronomer {looks at chilliman64} will be up to it.
chilliman64 did you test run the 'Pain' sauce yet, and how did the bird-hab survive the journey?
The SBSR you passed me has been copping a hiding, only bottle I haven't hooked into from the trip is "10".
I must admit it feels uncomfortable. But I got it because otherwise it would not be eaten. I know what must be done, but a jar like that deserves a special occasion.

Or a drunken BBQ, whatever comes first.

Thanks mate...I drool just reading the label.