"bents Black Dog" feedback

Good luck - I'm itchin to watch it.

Just a warning - erm....try not to get it on your skin. I dont normally suffer hunan hand even with fresh nagas, I think the chocolate makes it absorb into the skin easier or something.

Anyway, - good luck :D
It's a cracker...

My Black Dog arrived today and I didn't waste much time opening the jar. The chocolate is definitely noticeable when you take a sniff, and there's a really familiar smell I can't quite put my finger on yet. Even a dab on your finger heats your tongue up quite well (I guess I did put my finger on it after all). I figured a nice way to try it out was with some soft cheese, so cue the cracked pepper water crackers and some King Island Double Brie:


While it certainly doesn't overpower, you do get a hint of chocolate and vanilla but it doesn't make it too sweet. The heat gets me mainly on the tongue and roof of the mouth, a little on the throat and a bit later, a tingle on the lips and gums. This sauce/paste is pretty hot which is not surprising considering the ingredients.
I'm almost finished the cheese and the more I eat, the smaller the piece of cheese and the bigger the dollop of sauce. I've used a quarter of the jar and can't stop eating it.
Well done Bent, thanks for a great taste experience. :cheers: