Come on then, 'fess up - what was your best flavoured pepper(s) for 2023?
You can pick one or many and you don't you have to qualify why it's your favourite - let's try and make this as easy and as painless as possible
I'll start off
Inek boynuzu - I don't know why but I just love the flavour of this one and it's pretty gorgeous looking as well
A small apricot coloured pepper - I have no idea what it is, bit of seed jumping beds going on - it tasted of apricot and had a damn good kick to it, the flavour and heat were in perfect harmony
Peppapeach - just delicious
There will be more as I taste and think of them
You can pick one or many and you don't you have to qualify why it's your favourite - let's try and make this as easy and as painless as possible

I'll start off
Inek boynuzu - I don't know why but I just love the flavour of this one and it's pretty gorgeous looking as well
A small apricot coloured pepper - I have no idea what it is, bit of seed jumping beds going on - it tasted of apricot and had a damn good kick to it, the flavour and heat were in perfect harmony
Peppapeach - just delicious
There will be more as I taste and think of them