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extreme-heat Best Non-Extract Sauces

I ordered a bunch of stuff from Justaguy, so waiting for them to arrive.

I also found Melinda's Naga Jolokia sauce at a local place, and that's been great, quite a bit hotter than the Red Savina sauce of theirs.
I also found Melinda's Naga Jolokia sauce at a local place, and that's been great, quite a bit hotter than the Red Savina sauce of theirs.

I have them both as well, and though they're both good, the Naga Jolokia definitely kicks that sauce up another level. :mouthonfire:

Another vote for both Melinda's and Marie Sharp's. Two of my favorites that are widely available.

There's a burger joint near my work that always has Melinda's on hand. They even sell me a bottle of the Naga Jolokia when I need one. They buy it by the case.

My package from Justaguy came yesterday. So today I got a 12 piece nuggets from Chic-fil-a for lunch (no fries). I used the Habitually Orange on 6 & Piney Hab Extreme on the other 6.

Habitually orange is really sweet & the orange compliments the citrus taste of the habs just perfectly. Wonderful taste & a nice mild heat. Normal people (not just chiliheads) could eat this.

Then the Piney Hab Extreme, wow! The label text "wicked lingering burn" is right, that stuff tastes great & left a nice kick for awhile (10 minutes or so). It didn't seem quite as sweet as the Habitually Orange, although I liked it better poured on chicken nuggets. Not as hot as Melinda's Naga, but still pretty hot. I'd say only for chiliheads.

I easily recommend either sauce, both have a great blend of sweet & hot. Even though vinegar is an ingredient, neither tasted "vinegary" to me. And, of course, they're way better than any dipping sauce Chic-fil-a offers for their nuggets. :lol:
Some of my favorite non extract sauces are many of CaJohn's.

Red Savina Select is great
Lottie's Original Red Barbados
Marie Sharp Comatose
Brain Damage
Acid Rain
Pure Arson
Holy Jolokia

are just a few of my all time no extract favorites.
I found Melinda's Naga Jolokia is a GREAT sauce. Plenty hot, plenty flavor. I really like Blair's Pure Death a lot. I like the fact he uses Hawaiian Red Salt in it. You can taste the difference. Blair's Pure Death is one of my top favorites. I'm a big fan of Melinda's Red Savina, too.

Someone mentioned Huy Fong Sriracha. Now that's a great sauce for just about any occasion. Another great one by Huy Fong is their Chile Garlic Sauce in the plastic jar and also their Sambal Olek. You can't go wrong with Huy Fong! They also grow their own Jalapenos, by the way, from what I have read.
Give Bluegrass Red XXX from Fire on The Ridge Farms www.fireontheridge.com a try. Suprisingly good from the part of the country.
Uncle Bruthas No.10 is my favorite.Its an all around great sauce!I also love Melindas Jolokia and red savina sauces as well.Oh yeah,I can't forget to mention Count Douglah :mouthonfire:
Hey Gurloes, if you're still checking this thread you should go to Peppers at the Beach! It's just over in Delaware, and there's a thread about it here. Lots of great hot sauces to try.
Nobody likes extracts lol, especially since the wonders of Trinidad were found!
I can recommend Skobiyan from Neil - best sauce I have tried so far and one of the hottest. I will be trying a natural sauce at over 750k SHU this week and I am so looking forward to it :)
I have a bottle of blairs zakk wyldes shot to hell beserker hot sauce (big name!). It lists one ingredient as pure pepper resin. Is this considered an extract that everyone talks about as having a chemical taste?

I haven't opened it yet. Anyone tried this sauce?
I have a bottle of blairs zakk wyldes shot to hell beserker hot sauce (big name!). It lists one ingredient as pure pepper resin. Is this considered an extract that everyone talks about as having a chemical taste?

I haven't opened it yet. Anyone tried this sauce?

Yes that is an extract sauce. I tried all of them, but can't remember which was which. Anytime it says resin, natural pepper flavoring, and many other creative ways on not saying extract, actually are.
A couple of Marie Sharp's hotter sauces Beware and Belizean Heat (think no wimps alowed too) both say Capsicum Oil... but it certainly has no extractish taste at all if in fact that is what it is...

To me is sounds more like a concentrate of pressed peppers or something... but who knows what it is.... all I know is the stuff is tasty as hell and doesn't make my stomach turn in knots... but once you have a bit of tolerance to peppers... they aren't overly hot anymore so if it is extract... they must use next to nothing.

Yes that is an extract sauce. I tried all of them, but can't remember which was which. Anytime it says resin, natural pepper flavoring, and many other creative ways on not saying extract, actually are.
A couple of Marie Sharp's hotter sauces Beware and Belizean Heat (think no wimps alowed too) both say Capsicum Oil... but it certainly has no extractish taste at all if in fact that is what it is...

Yeah Beware is a great sauce. (I buy it by the gallon) :onfire: Cheapest source http://www.drchilepepper.com/acatalog/Marie_Sharp_s_Headquarters.html
I love the Melinda's XXXXtra Reserve Hot Sauce and have just ordered my first bottle
of Marie Sharp's.

My other favorite very hot sauce is Ring of Fire XX-HOT Habanero Hot Sauce.


You can find it and their other great sauces here:

From their site:
"With 33% more Habanero Chiles than our "X-tra Hot" and more of everything else, this sauce makes even the blandest food an adventure.

Ingredients: Vinegar, Red Ripe Tomatoes, Onions, Habanero Chiles, Roasted Garlic, Roasted Serrano Chiles, Spices, Salt, Sugar"

I've only been seriously buying and trying different sauces for six months or
so and this is my favorite so far.
Melinda's is not bad... but when they ripped off Marie Sharp they missed a few things as it is not quite as tasty and the seeds are larger and harder.... with Marie sharp's I don't notice the seeds when I bite on one... with Melindas I am constantly spitting out seeds that don't easily chew through (not that I can't but the texture is unpleasant in that way)

I do like Melinda's too and they have some hotter varieties than Marie Sharp's but I guess I could see a few ways they need to improve the product.... Marie Sharp's also seems fresher somehow... not sure what it is.. but it does

I love the Melinda's XXXXtra Reserve Hot Sauce and have just ordered my first bottle
of Marie Sharp's.

My other favorite very hot sauce is Ring of Fire XX-HOT Habanero Hot Sauce.

You can find it and their other great sauces here:

From their site:
"With 33% more Habanero Chiles than our "X-tra Hot" and more of everything else, this sauce makes even the blandest food an adventure.

Ingredients: Vinegar, Red Ripe Tomatoes, Onions, Habanero Chiles, Roasted Garlic, Roasted Serrano Chiles, Spices, Salt, Sugar"

I've only been seriously buying and trying different sauces for six months or
so and this is my favorite so far.