making-powder Best peppers for powder???

Edmick said:
I can see it not being for everyones palate. What turned me on to it was the uses in Mediterranean cuisine but then I started adding it to my competition chili recipe because of the raisin undertones that it adds. I always heard of guys adding actual raisins to their recipes and when I found a dried flake that actually had raisin like qualities to it, I started using it and it works great. I love it in white sauce for pasta too. I think the reason you might find it leathery is because a lot of the commercial stuff from syria and turkey is only partially dehydrated leaving it somewhat "oily" in texture. I dehydrate mine all the way.
It suits my palate fine for pizza but that's it. I can see it working as you mentioned though. Yes, like ancho, it has a leathery rasiny quality that works for what you are doing. But for everyday use, no workie. I didn't mean to hate on it, on pizza it's actually great.
Touching on what D3monic said yesterday, I can vouch for the el scorpenero making for a pretty wicked powder/flake. I was lucky enough to come up on some cherry smoked flake and it's definitely in the VIP section of my flake and powder collection. Not commercially available but maybe if you sweet talk a certain someone, you might be able to work out a trade or something for some seed.. It's definitely worth it.
Didnt read other replies but some of my favorites are

Chocolate Moruga for soups and broths.

Allepo or Goatsweed for just about anything as a topping like salads tacos Italian dishes.
I recently made a small batch batch of Trinidad Moruga Scorpion salt, as an experiment. Mixed the salt with fresh pepper in the food processor, stuck it in the oven on the convect bread proofing setting for a few hours to dry it out. Worked perfectly. Deadly hot. Tinted the salt nicely to a pinkish tone with ruby red little bits.
D3monic said:
Best pepper i've had for powder is El Scorponero but good luck finding any. Smoked Bonnets and other habanero types make the most versatile powders. Though i'd consider those to be in the medium category.
Try moruga scorpion for your super hot category.  
I still have a little cherry smoked el scorponero. Stuff is awesome
Haven't grown it yet. But I will start seeds if you want to see it. I was thinking of starting them around December for next year, but could always do it sooner.
Benniehanas said:
Haven't grown it yet. But I will start seeds if you want to see it. I was thinking of starting them around December for next year, but could always do it sooner.
Thankfully with AZ weather you can probably start seeds in late Aug - Sept and get lots of pods over the winter before may-june heat really does a number on them. I grew up in Tempe but never tried growing chilis there but there's a few members in the area. I think they rely on shade cloth quite a bit. 
My favorite pepper is 7 pot Jonah. I havent made it into powder but I cant imagine it would be anything less than fantastic.