For those of you who use Promix, why not just make your own? It looks like its just peat, perlite, and myco.?.?.
I think everyone should make their own soil mix for a few reasons,
- You know exactly what is in it.
- It is usually the cheaper route.
- You end up with a better soil.
- And you appreciate the gardening process more when you put a little bit of YOU in to it.
Its nice when your neighbor asks "what soil do you use?" and you say... Pfff Please, I make my own.
Some good soil amendments would be
Gypsum - Cal
Azomite a.k.a. Rock Dust - micro nutrients
Worm Castings - Beneficial microbes and plant food
Compost - Beneficial microbes and plant food
Humus - The soil under leaves in the forest. Beneficial microbes and plant food
Add the stuff above to peat and perlite and a dash of mycos, and you have super soil.