seeds Best way to start seeds?

What is the best way for you guys to start seeds?
Lurking on the forum I found 3 ways so far..
1: Directly in the dirt and soak it
2: Soaking seed in water for 1 day and then in the dirt the next day
3: soaked paper towel and baggies (or Saran Wrap)
4: ?? suggest
I used number 3 last years, just wondering what is working the best. 
Personally, I soak my seeds for between 12 and 24 hours in plain well-water and then sow them into individual (small, 2 fluid oz volume) cells filled with pro-mix pre-moistened to field capacity.  When sowing, I make a hole using the tip of a mechanical pencil, drop the seed into the hole and then pinch/press lightly until the seed is buried.  I then cover a completely sown tray with a humidity dome and place them under the lights which will run continuously until all seeds are sprouted... at which point they go on a schedule of light and dark with at least 13 hours of light and 11 hours of darkness being sufficient, but I run mine for closer to 24 hours most of the time.  The heat generated from the light in combination with the humidity dome will provide adequate incubation temperatures.  As seeds germinate, as soon as I see a hook appear I remove that individual cell from the dome, label it, and place it in another tray that will be elevated closer to the light and exposed to the open air and a light breeze from an oscillating fan.  I find that the plants will (on an average across large scale plantings in ideal conditions) usually be ready to transplant to a new container approximately 35-45 days after being sown.
I put the seeds directly in moist soil in a heated propagator at 24°C. Never had a germination issue!
Paper towel sucks. Takes too long and in the end they just get planted in dirt anyway.

I always planted directly into dirt and keep moist, not wet.. worked good

This year I also tried one of the $10 jiffy domes with peat pucks.. I wont be going back to just dirt anytime soon. These had just as good germ rates, did it faster, with less involvement from me.. Bonus, uo potting little peat pods into their next pots is 100× easier thantransplanting from potting trays with loose soil
#2 method. I soak smaller seeds about half a day or slightly less and large seeds soak around 24hrs. I think it works best. When planting soil should be fairly loose/sandy for new roots. Room temp tea is great for watering occasionally for some reason. 
I have always used the paper towel method with good results....this year I changed and soaked in a mixture of neptunes harvest over night and then right into dirt.....I planted 72 seeds and I had all but 2 sprout and only two helmet heads....saved one ,lost one.
I just dunk coir pellets in hot water to expand them, let the plugs sit in the germination tray on the heat mat for a day to warm up, then drop two seeds into each plug; no soaking, no chemicals.
I use tupperware with a wet paper towel in it and elevate it about an inch off of my heat mat.  Then when they hook I transfer them into a 72cell tray with soil in it and keep the dome over it and finally transfer them into solo cups and into the tent.
I planted quite a few direct into soil in a 72 cell tray at first but it was frustrating not knowing what had germinated and what I needed to let sit more time.  Using the tupperware it was a lot easier.
As time is not an issue, I use and prefer method #1.

Some people do seed scarification before planting, they say it germinates faster doing that. May be useful for some.
alkhall said:
I just dunk coir pellets in hot water to expand them, let the plugs sit in the germination tray on the heat mat for a day to warm up, then drop two seeds into each plug; no soaking, no chemicals.
I use this method too. I used to do paper towel but I find transplanting seedlings that size too fiddly.
I primarily use #2  ;)  but move to peat pellets, or more recently Rapid Rooters, after a ~2-12 hour soak in 85F chamomile tea.  
I've had luck with #1 as well, but the voices in my head tell me that more steps = better results.  
I think that the conditions are more important than the medium.  Moist and ~83F.  My wife hates that word.   
Edit: typo :beer:
I use #2. I use 2 TBL peroxide to 1 qt of water and soak approx 24 hours. Then planted in soil in 606 inserts. Thee insert with soil are on heat mats set at 80 deg. No cover or dome. This is just what works well for me and gives consistent results. I deal with a couple hundred seeds so less touching or steps I like. Do what works for you.