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Bhut growlog.....

Whats up everyone.... Ive started an indoor bhut grow recently and am keeping a growlog that I figured I'ld share here as well. Ill keep this thread updated as they progress through harvest.


DR120 Tent 48"x48"x78"
easy cool 6 aircooled hood
6" 424 cfm no-name inline fan
Fan controller
400w HPS magnetic ballast/ generic bulb
600w HPS digital ballast/ agromax enhanced spectrum bulb
3 gallon containers

The seeds were placed in dixie cups on 9/7 and sprouted a few days later. 12 seeds total, with all 12 sprouting. The 9 best were selected for transplanting with the other three being trashed. They were sprouted under a normal wally world 4' shoplight. After they had a few leafsets I watered with a rabbit poo/compost/alfalfa tea, then on next watering alaska fish emulsion.

They were then transplanted into 5"x5"x6" pots and placed in the tent. I mounted the 400HPS into the aircooled hood to get the seedlings used to HID and to shave a smidgeon off the electric bill. About a week later I swapped out the 400 for the 600w digital with an agromax bulb.

I have two bins of soil. The first consists of 30 gallons of 50% recycled soil/ 50% fine pine bark ammended with 10 cups tomato tone, 25 tablespoons lime, 1 gallon of mushroom compost and 1 gallon of rabbit poo. This has been cooking for a few months now. The mix in the 5"x5" pots I transplanted the seedlings into consists of 25% recycled soil/pine bark/amendment mixture and 75% straight promix BX.

Once the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into the 3 gallon containers I will up the ratio to 50% recycled soil/pine bark mixture and 50% promix.

The hood is pretty far from the seedlings at this time, about 20" .. the seedlings are slowly growing into it though and keeping good space between the internodes. I realize pine bark soaks up some nitrogen, but I didnt want to scrap 30 gallons of soil so I added the gallon of rabbit poo and what I consider to be a good amount of tomato tone. The mixture is pretty hot I think and that is the main reason Im cutting it with the promix so heavily. Also to offset any acidic action the pine bark may have.

Heres the pics Ill update this thread as the grow goes on!

Oh .... and did I mention hot peppers ROCK and the bhuts are bomb baby!






They are doing pretty well, these were taken tonight.


Very nice set-up and we all agree Bhuts are a keeper, your pepper starts look extremely healthy and true leaf shape. Best luck to your indoor pepper grow tent and welcome.
hey man, that's a nice setup.
if you dont mind me asking, how do you like the dr120? i cant decide whether i want the dr120 or a sun hut silver edition 4x4.

i might be crazy but it seems like ive seen this exact setup over at forums.gardenweb
Thanks everyone ........ Im looking forward to this grow for sure.

hey man, that's a nice setup.
if you dont mind me asking, how do you like the dr120? i cant decide whether i want the dr120 or a sun hut silver edition 4x4.

i might be crazy but it seems like ive seen this exact setup over at forums.gardenweb

Correct, I have a thread posted over there as well.

I love the tent. In fact, my only complaint is I wish I would have bought the 4'x8' version and another 600 to go with it lol :P
Very cool set up you have there.

What types of Bhuts you got? (now that diff Bhuts are there)

Im not sure what kind they are to be honest. Here is a pic of a plant from the same stash of seeds though. For what its worth. The guy that gave me these seeds posted a thread calling the plants he was working with bih jolokia rather than bhut jolokia. However, he did not say these were Bih when he sent them, he said Bhut, but maybe the seeds he sent me are Bih sicne I know he was working with them. Of course, I cant be sure of that he sent me these seeds a year or two after he posted those threads so who knows.

Im all ears if any experts have any opinions though. Anyone??

That's a very nice set-up OZZZ.

Just curious, but once next summer rolls around, might you consider moving your Bhuts outside for some sun and fresh air?

Once autumn hits you could always bring them aback inside to enjoy the winter under your indoor sun.

Good luck with those hotties!;)

Thanks DVG....... I might certainly take them outside for the summer, however I definately will not bring them back inside afterwords. LOL ... everytime Ive tried that Ive had a huge pest problem after a month back under the lights. I have overwintered plants just fine pest free, but it requires me chopping them down to the main stem and few main branches, cutting the root ball and spraying them down vigorously with a hose, and repotting in fresh soil.

That has worked for me about everytime I want to bring some plants in. However, as soon as I put these plants outside for the summer Ill have seedlings of a different strain ready to go back into the tent. Maybe even after my first harvest Im not sure yet. Im thinking chocolate habs but I might go with the yellow trinidad scorpion seeds I have saved or maybe another strain. Im going to keep this tent going indefinately though with one strain or another, fresh from seed or fresh clone no outside pest contamination allowed lol.
Having some temp issues in the tent, but they are doing good regardless. That thermometer you can see in the pics will read as high as 94 deg some days... however, I have a laser temp gun that reads 81 -82 deg on the leaf surface. Im guessing the laser gun is more accurate but Im not sure which reading I should go by. Any suggestions?? My ambient temps in the room are 78-80 deg. Its cooling down outside as well so I think the ambient temps will drop in the next few weeks which will help.


The thermometer on the pots may be receiving radiant heat from the light itself. Surface temps under a light source, be it the sun or artificial, will always be higher depending on the amount of IR the light source is emitting. For a accurate reading of ambient air temp, place a thermometer in shadow next to the plants, as well as one under the light source. You can get all kinds of different readings, depending on placement of the sensing device, and many other factors........
try placing your thermometer in a shadow, mine reads like 8 degrees higher when the lamp is shining on it directly, then again mine is black.
Great tip guys ........ Put the thermometer under a leaf and guess what..... 80 deg - same as ambient temps lol
Wow they look like they're ejoying that light. I have seedlings that have just popped up under Fluorescents, but I don't know when to put them under stronger light? I'm assuming yours is a HID or HPS or something like that? My plants will have to go outside at that point.
Wow they look like they're ejoying that light. I have seedlings that have just popped up under Fluorescents, but I don't know when to put them under stronger light? I'm assuming yours is a HID or HPS or something like that? My plants will have to go outside at that point.

Thanks Mega.

You can just put them under an HID, just make sure they are a decent distance away for a week or so and then start moving the bulb closer. That is a 600HPS. They are currently about 18" away. I would move the light down a bit but I have the ventilation ducting stretched to the max to get it that close so the plants will just have to grow up into it. Ill probably try to keep it at 12" above the canopy since I have an aircooled hood ... depending on how they react to being that close. As mentioned in my early thread I took these seedlings from a flourecent, then put them under a 400w HID @ 20" distance for a week, then swapped out the 400 for this 600. They have now grown a bit so they are about 18" away from it and Illl let them grow another 6" or so before I start raising the hood up.

Thats the plan anyway. :cool:
I misread your post ... as far as WHEN to put them under stronger light, I have always waited until they have three sets of leaves or so... at that point I usually transplant from the dixie cups into a bit bigger containers (such as these 5"x5" pots) and put them under a little stronger light source - but Im growing these indoors for the entire harvest so Im not just trying to raise seedlings for transplant outside in the spring so Ild like them to get as big as possible, as quickly as possible where as you might want to control growth somewhat to keep their size down until spring.