Bhut Jolakia/Naga pollination question

chilehunter said:
& how do you find out which version you have (Chinense, Annuum, Frutescen) theres no place that shows you the difference in them.

Um...I posted a link up there to a site that describes the different species.
pam - yea I looked at that site & it was loaded with a wealth of information about the naga jolokia
quote from that site::::
Naga Jolokia A new variety from the hilly regions of Assam (India). It is said to have recorded 855000SHU in recent tests, making it the hottest ever chile pepper. (Capsicum frutescens but maybe C. annuum).

::end quote (with the same pic thats in site) yep that answers all my questions :( unless you know exactly where its tells you the difference, link that up, otherwise from clicking on the "N" button thats the info I got = not much!
Ok, it's getting dark out but I caught one flower open on my Bhut Jolokia. Does this help narrow down whether it is chinense, anuum, etc?

RedThumb said:
Herne / Pam,

Does yours have long thin leaves or rounder ones?


I just looked at your photo on the other naga thread. It's hard to tell from the angle but the leaves look like they may be the long thin ones like mine. Yours are from NMSU too, huh?

But Lennyk's photo (other thread) looks like the wide leaf variety (like my Dorset Naga & Naga Morich) and his are from NMSU.

I'm wondering if they are growing both & mixed up the seeds. I guess we'll know more when the pods finish growing. So far mine is about 1.5" and is shaped somewhere between a cayenne and a jalapeno (long but not very skinny).
RedThumb said:
Herne / Pam,

Does yours have long thin leaves or rounder ones?

A baby pod. Note the red shading at the internodes.


The plant. Please don't mind the lemon basil crowding around the back, it's been raining the last ten days or so and I haven't been able to get the whole garden weeded.

I got 8 BJ plants grown from NMSU seed. They all look the same and they all look like this. No internode shading but perhaps that comes when flower buds form. I am getting all muddled up with two similar threads on the go.



another plant

chilehunter said:
how do you find out which version you have (Chinense, Annuum, Frutescen) theres no place that shows you the difference in them.

Well the 2nd link is just a grower's forum from Garden Web just like this one. I honestly don't know any more because i've never grown the PC-1. Sorry.
Herne, Those plants look like chinenses to me just very bushy. What are you feeding them and how much light?

Just very bright Natural sunlight with a fairly light shade cloth. Day time Temps have been anywhere between 80-114 degrees where I keep them and humidity as low as 15%. After the suncloth the max temp has been 95. My back yard is a bit of a sun trap. When I originally transplanted them they had larger leaves but they got terrible sun scald and most of the leaves dropped off (this is why I put in the shade cloth) and I nearly lost all of them. This is how they have grown back, very bushy and smaller leaves. The picture doesnt really reflect how green they are (sun tends to wash out the pictures a bit).
I think they have adapted to their environment.
I just feed them with an organic Kelp based fertilizer.

Here is an example of what one looked like a couple of weeks after ALL the leaves fell off (sun nearly destroyed it.)This one is just starting to recover (This was the worst of the bunch as at the others kept at least one leaf)


This is what the same plant looks like a couple of weeks later.

Ok, just to add more Bhut#2 has a pod forming that is completely different from Bhut#1. The pod on Bhut#1 was always green from the very beginning and started out bullet shaped (it's now kinda jalepeno shaped & still green).

Bhut#2 which looks identical to Bhut#1 foliage-wise has a globe shaped, cream colored pepper forming. :lol: Is this what a baby naga pod looks like or did Bhut#2 morph into a marble pepper?

Maybe Bhut#3 will grow trinidad scorpions and Bhut#4 will grow triangular pods with paisley spots.

Oh well, at least they keep me entertained...and I can (hopefully) fall back on the other 2 naga varietys. In any event, looks like you can count me out as being able to help with the Bhut/Morich/Dorset comparison.

"Marble" Naga (it's hard to see due to the flash but the pepper is really cream colored not light green):
@ RedThumb - your "Marble Naga" looks very interesting to me, don't be sad, I am sure all your pods are edible and likely to be very hot... I'd love to have seeds from this plant, maybe we could do a seed trade later in the season?:P
Donnie said:
@ RedThumb - your "Marble Naga" looks very interesting to me, don't be sad, I am sure all your pods are edible and likely to be very hot... I'd love to have seeds from this plant, maybe we could do a seed trade later in the season?:violin:

Sure. I'll let you know further in the season how the peppers on this one turn out (final color, shape, taste, etc). Actually if anyone wants seeds from any of the peppers I'm growing just let me know. My list is in the 2007 Grow Log thread.
Sighhh. Well, I figured out what happened with my Bhut Jolokias. I didn't mix up my seedlings. I went to NMSU's website and checked their catalog and see the plant I'm growing. No question about it now. It is the Numex Memorial Day ornamental. Marble shaped peppers that change from ivory to yellow. The green one I have that started out bullet shaped is either one of their jalapenos or the serrano.

Of all the peppers, the Memorial Day would be the last one I would ever be interested in. Ornamentals generally don't taste as good as non-ornamentals and this one is very bland looking for an ornamental plant.

I'll contact them and see what they can do to correct the mix up. Too late for this year though.
Yikes! I've always considered them to be a dependable source! Please let us know what they say.

That's awful for you, it's so disappointing when your season gets messed up like that. Maybe some of us will have enough to send you some pods.

Or, I wonder...where are you in New York? Maybe you can contact Cross Country and see if they're still taking any walk in sales. Maybe they have a couple of plants you can get. You can alway email, the worst they can say is no.